exact syllable matches
and you reap
herself and been
theatrical projection of
a character
that rope over
a precipice
Bush's record as
He's not remotely
jabbering dupe of
right now as
than I was
They are choosing
work required of
a president
affinity towards authority,
the whim of
a President
home, you're not
a Replicant
if you were
a resident
she asks you
again, listen
effective weapons, even
against Hitler
even heterodox writers
against Milton
as vicarious cruelty
is wide-spread violence
against women
But let him work
but when, Mr
I'm not against
collecting stuff
replaced by a
collective one
that would alone
compel Mr
clubs made from
compressed kittens
outside his own
direct interests
making the least
direct Return
of having a
dull character
Elvis and his
girlfriend Ginger
must contribute is
her existence
security guards at
her residence
just where it hurt
and that Elvis
loved Mexicans
must read it, sir
Apparently he's
obsessed with her
but the illustration
by the training
hadn't the strength
libel, slander, defamation
springs from force
to step out
what seemed austerity
which argues want
of character
in the number
of enlistments
a clear order
a necessary part
about that aspect
accuracy, the whole
against the absurdity
and pure enjoyment
and the disgrace
as a condition
authority the problem
been rationalized out
behind the purpose
concerning the value
covers the secret
enlarges the sphere
hideous lonely emptiness
in the necessities
lessening the agony
loses its medium
not his idea
of the meaning
other rubbed out
really mere commonplaces
systematize the whole
the dull routine
the gladiatorial theory
the greatest happiness
the incomprehensible horror
the same level
these businesses out
underlies all forms
of existence
as The Soul
of Melicent
than a scheme
of merriment
some type
of sex symbol
the use
of telling her
me inside
of ten minutes
the souls
of their children
him out
of their prison
mathematical account
of their results
the prophecy
of their return
the range
of their vision
the superiority
of their women
shelf life
of twelve minutes
of Wellington
offense, Simmons
perfect toss,
one dead ringer
ten to fifteen
percent return
called to a
perfect mission
and disposed by
perfect wisdom
they must be
protected first
the best in us
give you
the whole,
the best results
not always
the best thinkers
Who cares about
the character
touched by
the devilish one
better know
the ending first
more stitches,
the less riches
this was
the net result
the next six months
nation that set
the precedent
crawled out of
the precipice
are unfortunately misleading
first meeting with
imperious will of
of bringing down
the women around
They all support
We are
words to hammer
would vote against
the president
are you
be made by
flash cards for
frankly so is
frankly, neither does
it on to
let me protect
of resignation to
the life of
to go with
the President
a bullet for
the register
ride into
the setting sun
thanks to all
the well-wishers
to read it,
unless Mr
true, pure, and
unselfish love
Look inside
yourself, Simba
with 1 extra syllable
her in the
interest in the
academic world
going to
adjourn when Mr
Alva Edison
Anna Sheridan
their impoverished and
barren existence
when he would
with love, and
become president
year for you,
Captain Sheridan
much his
confidence is worth
crossing of the
Delaware River
ever mess with us
were the two
greatest Englishmen
Harlan Ellison
Peru, then
Harlem, then Britain
fools who
haven't said enough
of the average
rank dividends below
human character
are necessary to
end-all, be-all of
every problem of
most enduring in
that we call
the earth to
the reality of
very foundation of
human existence
terminated my
interest in her
solely for narrowly
interested ones
they were jolly
interested, sir
did a very
is a rather
interesting one
at all or
interesting ones
Interesting work
Rather is this
latter ethical
change in our
moral existence
life of the
nation's president
never get enough
never get rid of
Negroes from a
normal existence
We did
our best, Simmons
still strands in
the flaws in
our character
nothing but
our death begun
energies necessary for
inevitable condition of
key words of
the safety of
very womb of
our existence
Garfield must be
our president
and Charlotte's steady,
prudent character
demonstrations of a
prudent selfishness
the safety of
psychedelic drugs
its principled and
selfless character
social, existence
he had a
stronger character
write the
system, then Mr
systems, get things done
feel the
thankfulness fill us
Thomas Edison
with hard, caked,
thwarted merriment
a low or
vicious character
part of his
wider existence
day be a
woman President
friends has damaged
yonder heritor
with 2 extra syllables
else behind the
beautiful character
to an imagined
celestial existence
that sets a
dangerous precedent
of the same
deceitful character
not allowed to
develop character
- they'd be
man can't get
elected president
to deny the
wipe out his
entire existence
it passes into
external existence
that elects a
fictitious president
a cosmopolitan and
financial character
Garrison, president
of the same
general character
was the last
liberal president
are of a
mystical character
alteration in the
States is our
national character
wiped out of
national existence
Nevertheless, Mr
disgusted and
overcome their disgust
wealth and for
personal enrichment
those of a
practical character
end of your
trivial existence
what shall beOur
ultimate existence
again to the
unsympathetic sun
with 3 extra syllables
vicious in the
American character
made by an
American president
investigations of a
fundamental character
moment of their
historical existence
has been an
incompetent president
to have separate
independent existence
is not a
legitimate president
are of a
mechanical character
course, the
notorious pelvic thrusts
blot from our
Republican character
have no picturesque
sentimental wretchedness
mode of a
Shakespearean character
radiations of my
spiritual existence
our beclouded and
tempestuous existence
a firm and
unchangeable character
with 4 extra syllables
formation of a
biographical character
his own separate
individual existence
with 5 extra syllables
an insulted and
unendurable existence