exact syllable matches

interception by hostile
air action
air bladder
air bladders
air hammer
air hammers
air jacket
air masses
air mattress
air tanah
air tanker
air tankers
to land and
air travel
fight Japs -
bare handed
bear banger
bear bangers
bunch of koala
bears scatter
bell captain
bell captains
belt has one
Ben Klassen
Ben Salmon
Dominic Paris and
Ben Stassen
Ben Travers
bent grasses
bread basket
bread baskets
between abortion and
I definitely have
I have
many women as
more woman than
breast cancer
breast cancers
care factor
care factors
care package
did not
care that much
chef salad
chef salads
chess master
chess masters
and the
chest and the
chest passes
cleft palate
cleft palates
nature are
dead and dull
I wasn't
dead and stuff
dead angle
dead angles
parking lot,
dead as dust
that was
dead at birth
Dead Dads Club
Latin was a
dead language
Dead Man's Curve
between living and
dead matter
by the long
dead strangler
blind and
deaf and dumb
have a wrongful
death action
death adder
death adders
flies and
death and stuff
death camas
death factor
death factors
was not a life-and-
death matter
death panel
Death panels
death rattle
death rattles
death taxes
Cause of
death, bad luck
deck passage
other Cause than
dense Matter
des masses
or other similar sharp-
edged hazards
egg matzot
egg salad
egg salads
el Mandeb
being first, all
else after
and much
else and worse
else happens
else matters
em massa
en annan
en aval
en passant
en tablas
en travers
and peace that
enchants one
end has come
end matter
goes down and
ends battle
est factum
nothing more than
fair masters
revival was a
fair sample
faire appel
faire chanter
fare ladder
fare ladders
fed cattle
fetch candle
fetch candles
physicians are
fetched at once
her as
I am
I are
law of
man of
This was
You're not
zeroes, not
flesh and blood
Flesh and blood
Fred Allen
Fred Hampton
Freda Adler
Remodelled in Modern
French after
French album
French canon
documentary on the
French language
dew on a
fresh apple
reddish colour on
fresh fracture
get action
get after
I'm gonna
get answers
you can
get back up
door, she's gonna
get blasted
organs, and can't
People are gonna
sweat inside, and
get cancer
I wanna
get that gun
gets action
consciousness and
gets back up
Greg Abbott
Greg Chappell
guerre sante
I would have
guessed Prancer
guest rancher
guest ranchers
guest ranches
hair brackets
hare scramble
hare scrambles
on the
head at birth
head scratcher
head scratchers
head taxes
as a
health hazard
health hazards
please, on the
health pamphlets
Heck cattle
hedge apple
Jeff Gannon
kelp salmon
lead glasses
led captain
led captains
left brackets
she plays golf
left handed
he realised he was
He was
Some people are
less random
life is not
less rapid
family as
less than dumb
now, and
less than dust
over and
let's have fun
Men at Work
mess jacket
Ned at work
He grabs
Ned Flanders
next phantom
Peg Bracken
peg ladder
peg ladders
peg tankard
peg tankards
pesce palla
press gaggle
press gaggles
for art, and
rare talent
I gotta
read that one
red alders
red alga
Red Baron
Red Barons
red cabbage
back was the
Red Dragon
Red Hatter
Red Hatters
Red Jacket
red packet
red panda
red pandas
Red Planet
red rattle
red rattles
red sanders
red snapper
red snappers
more common as caught
red-shanked douc
red-shanked doucs
rest masses
when all
when all's
said and done
Court have
have often
positivists had
said as much
thought, and
would've thought,
said, and done
room all
scared and stuff
we're not
scared, that's love
than the
self as such
sense capsule
sense capsules
set after
can't have
sex at work
shell jacket
Compare shelled-toad, shell-toad, shellpad,
one, and
slept as one
Derived from rats
spelled backwards
Spelled Backwards
spelled backwards,
square brackets
square dancer
partners more than
square dancers
square dances
stare daggers
work and
stared at us
gathers and
stares at us
stealth camper
stealth campers
stealth taxes
stem mammal
stem mammals
step dances
step ladder
step ladders
steppe mammoth
steppe mammoths
stress fracture
all chickens have
stress fractures
tear catcher
tear catchers
tear gases
tech talman
Ted Haggard
Ted Malloch
Ted Pappas
we will not
tell Sandra
tell Thatcher
him which hath
ten talents
Test matches
test pattern
test patterns
control over all
detestable are
for them and
heart of all
not to scan
perfect in all
their decisions and
who comment on
their actions
I have all
their albums
Democratic politicians fanned
their anger
bracelet slapped on
their ankle
that we understand
their answer
my gem on
their anvil
comfy to park
their asses
polls and cast
their ballots
their root and
their branches
three Magi and
their camels
We are
their cattle
as dull as
their classes
workers wear at
their dances
look back at
their handlers
it is not
their prejudices upon
their language
was often
their last one
Shema as
their last words
way to stop
their madness
their velocities and
their masses
but I am
their master
fu schools and
like themselves than
more humane than
the hearts of
the people, not
their guns on
worshipping robots as
their masters
their manner as
their matter
words and calms
their passion
a laugh at
Deep are
their opinions, and
their passions
they've just trashed
throw you off
their planet
at what
their plans were
feel all of
their sadness
disadvantages attendant on
their status
their Germanness, not
to sacrifice was
their talent
inner spirits and
their talents
to regard
them as such
all of
always drop
and demand
forced on
march on
them at once
for are
them black ones
They called
them dragons
you aren't,
then back up
going forward and
then backward
And what
then happens
balls up
there and uh
It was
there last month
touch on
there that one
See ya
there, Candace
power and
they'll have none
they're bastards
frustrated old man,
they're cattle
are but
they're grand words
They're mammals
They're phantoms
They're platinum
They're rabbits
They're stranded
as one,
twelve as one
vent travers
Lance Hunt
wears glasses
some of that
web action
wedge salad
wedge salads
blind, as
well as Love
mathematics, as
well as the
down as
well as up
do that
well at first
They're lightweight and
well balanced
might as
well have fun
well mannered
well wagon
well wagons
Well, that sucks
Welsh flannel
Welsh flannels
Welsh rabbit
Welsh rabbits
West Banker
West Bankers
school's over on
west campus
West Clandon
West Flanders
West Hadden
West Saxon
wet blanket
wet blankets
wet masses
take off
when that's done
When's that from
Where's Jackson
beep and
whir and hurt
wreck havoc
wrench hammer
wrench hammers
looks, but that
X factor
X factors
must somewhere cross the
mother and
yell at her
yes, that's one
a call not
yet answered
we do not
yet fathom
for nothing has
yet happened
they had not
yet mastered
yet that word
for his blog
Zen Habits

with 1 extra syllable

shall be Gamal
Abdel Nasser
the keynote
address at the
against Athens
Against sadness
Ansel Adams
in several key
asset classes
Birbeck granule
Birbeck granules
Burnett salmon
of crisis,
cartels and trusts
Compare adverb
Compare and from
Compare blanket
Compare cabbage
Compare cammock
Compare chamfron
Compare draggle
Compare laccine
Compare landfyrd
Compare mandrel
Compare passion
Compare plantar
Compare scabble
Compare scallop
Compare scalper
Compare scrabble
Compare skanker
Compare slang term
Compare splat, spurt
Compare stammer
Compare Standard
complex fraction
complex fractions
a lot of
complex language
that linearises a
thought to this
complex matter
be goal-seeking in
complex patterns
concept album
concept albums
condensed matter
about the
contest and the
Darnell, stand up
Direct action
drumhead cabbage
Forget that stuff
jackleg crook, a
jackleg bastard
Stop this
nonsense at once
name of any
object backwards
object glasses
object language
Object pattern
brother, he's got
perfect balance
a natural
of this
process at work
in charge of
Project Cadmus
project glamour
project manage
Protect and serve
rosette sampler
software package
American corporations file
software patents
Software patents
General Responsibility Assignment
Software Patterns
subject matter
subject matters
Sidney was
upset at first
vertex angle
vertex angles

with 2 extra syllables

alphabet latin
sympathy, and
confidence, and trust
name is Abdullah
Mohamed Akbar
Mohamed Atta
any other
Parliament has done
there could be
to do any
permanent damage
permanent magnet
permanent magnets
a sleepy and
permanent planet