exact syllable matches

been translated to
12 languages
air ambulance
air mattresses
be one
bent and doubled
best and the worst
engineers make the
best managers
Beth Anderson
Him in the
Blessed Sacrament
to his
was cutting
bread and butter
poor seeking,
bread and justice
care packages
listen, you ten-
cent glamour girl
in the
chair than others
fact is
checked and confirmed
Victor in the
chest afterwards
will ever
dare challenge us
and taking apart
don't coddle my
meat came from
pets were reanimated
dead animals
corpse of my
name of her
dead grandmother
dead languages
is the
Dead Man's Circle
death can touch us
the horrible
deaths that occurred
del Canada
by adding
depth and color
dressed as a nun
It's Big
Ed and Verna
turning into a Digi-
Egg afterwards
had the
eggs and onions
else as a cunt
else had fucked up
Whitey Deluca our
Fred Gallagher
equivalents in
French and German
French annuller
about to enter
Welcome to
French Canada
Acadian lovers deported from
truly smelled like
fresh lavender
of my
Friend and Lover
yourself and your
friend Angela
friends and loved ones
friends, have some fun
then we
get an alert
get at someone
get that work done
which is, I
guess, glamorous
him in the
head afterwards
in the
head and suffer
way over your
head, Natural
full of
health and wonder
want to be
held afterwards
held back a punch
Shoot with a hand-
held camera
hell as the world
I need your
help, Catherine
From its
jet-black colour
my mustard-strained
jets blanket, huh
Written by
Ken Anderson
Tai-Kadai and some Mon-
Khmer languages
left hand of Burns
left lateral
I should've never
left Paterson
got into a
left-handed slump
have dark
legs and muzzle
Les Patterson
something a little
less blasphemous
violence, much
less mass murder
more dynamic and
less tangible
Less than a month
they have
less than others
less than the Sun
less than the worst
less than young ones
let's have some fun
Let's have some fun
of it's
meant as judgment
men and the earth
these white
men as brothers
many great
men have suffered
met at the club
Rosalie, have you
met Cameron
when we
met that summer
three developers
met, and color
N and the one
juxtaposed as the
next hamburger
pen and the gun
pest and a worm
place in
prayer and worship
to do
prayers and worship
me to
press that button
Press that button
big money for
rare animal
rare animals
you gonna
read that number
red admirals
motion or
rest, and number
Said Ramadan
said that one first
separation between
self and other
on the
self and others
self and the world
a reasonable strategy of
other words, self-sufficiency and
Yugoslav system of workers'
or the Art of
when they
sell and purchase
In the
sense tackle from
the negative
sense, as above
get to have
sex afterwards
payoffs, extortion,
sex, and murder
fail to
share that concern
the fossils of hard-
shelled animals
sees, hears,
smells and touches
square annulus
square capitals
square massacre
till he'd
squared that hundred
stare at the sun
stem as the verb
You're my
a wondrous
strength and firmness
one of
strength and purpose
critical incident
stress management
accomplished by
sweat and struggle
more for
tears than wonder
Tech massacre
in both
text and sculpture
bent on
penalties against
theft and murder
do kindle
their anger much
the date in
with God on
their calendars
creeping extremism on
their campuses
freighters and controlled
their catapult
two sisters and
their grandmother
and searching for
their handkerchiefs
come and bring
their languages
usefulness of
their Latin, but
property, and in
their management
shocking news of
their manager
nearly up to
their maximum
trunks that showcased
their packages
judgments right, getting
them accurate
I get
them after lunch
into one of
much out of
strong man has
they do with
things and bury
unless you add
use it against
them afterwards
them and the world
first treats
remaining with
them as adults
explicitly recognizes
them as functions
thoughts by calling
them blasphemous
Beware on
them cameras
them damn words, son
them has turned up
them than others
Code first,
THEN accident
there and shut up
stay in
there and suffer
shared everything, wasn't
there Angelus
can die
there as adults
They're accidents
not just possible,
they're actual
They're after us
and oil if
they're animals
They're animals
They're cattle trucks
they're hackable
I think
or dreams, but
they're natural
for seven days,
they're ravenous
They're savages
threat and a pun
yourself before you
trespass further
of the original
twelve animals
themselves, as
you as
well as others
own, as
well as others'
up as
well as Russia
well as the earth
well as the Kurds
Well that's blood, but
Well, that's a first
Welsh rarebit
when I
went after her
film directed by
Owen Wilson and
Written by
Wes Anderson
some disappointments,
when sadness comes
where that comes from
Where'd that come from
Where's Hamilton
Where's Madison
to go
yell at someone
Christian Bale
yells at someone

with 1 extra syllable

Written by
Achmed Abdullah
Advent calendar
Advent calendars
you met her
again afterwards
against the animals,
prevention of cruelty
against animals
against badge number
the weirdest bias
against cannabis
and marked aggression
against management
an injunction
against mass murder
ahead and fucked her
ahead, snatch a purse
their form,
aspects, and functions
asset management
Hussein, Hugo
Chavez, and others
Compare adamant
Compare bachelor
Compare balister
Compare baluster
Compare chavender
Compare frankfurter
Compare Mandarin
Compare sacrilege,
Compare savable
both telecommunications
contexts and others
his presence
his presence,
depressed and nervous
control, assistance or
direct management
multitude of
events and judgments
other historic
events that occurred
It is
expelled after birth
turns to the
handheld cameras
alienation from
avoids exhausting
created by
danger to
disrespect towards
duty to
faith in
power to
to transform
himself and others
hard on
himself as others
himself fallible
which Jefferson
himself had purchased
HIMSELF has the mumps
a degree in
Hotel Management
a very nice
hotel manager
vulgar and
intense than fucker
Did you
invent Canada
behavior is not
itself rational
lament and a dirge
Written by
Maxwell Anderson
in mirth,
mayhem and murder
crew wreak
mayhem that summer
Michelle Trachtenberg
have saved
myself an ulcer
comparisons between
myself and others
myself and the world
the brother of
Noel Gallagher
object languages
the composed
objects and colors
a moral
offense as murder
attitude towards
both for
transform both
oneself and others
that is one-hundred
percent accurate
in the most
perfect animals
invasion to
prevent mass murder
peace and
progress and justice
statistics, engineering, and
project management
Project management
accomplishment to one
as opposed to
project manager
project managers
of Montreal, in
Quebec, Canada
reflex camera
reflex cameras
tale of
revenge and murder
software packages
southwest bank of the
subject languages
both to
danger to
govern both
themselves and others
themselves and the world
perceived as
You are
unfair and unjust
Vincent's Catherine
you threw
yourself after her
distinction between
inflict on
suffering for
to both
yourself and others
yourself as a nun
violence against
will benefit
yourselves and others

with 2 extra syllables

Moscow first, and
Camberwell afterwards
month my
clientele had doubled
Commonwealth and of the
document camera
document cameras
aristocracy of
intellect and service
of public
interest and concern
Isabel Paterson
waterskiing in
Marblehead last summer
stop hurting
that liberate
ourselves and others
I am
overwhelmed and humbled
for its pioneering
personnel management
Personnel management
invent, to
reinvent than others
crakes, flufftails,
waterhens and others