exact syllable matches

Aeon Flux
be a one
might not
be a word
be above
but one cannot
be certain
be mother
It cannot
patriotism can not
be purchased
equilibrium that cannot
be sundered
not the heart
be troubled
Things that cannot
be undone
It cannot
be vulgar
beam compass
beat the dust
beaten up
bee purple
beef curtains
breach of trust
breathe a word
C of A
cedar bird
cedar birds
ceil function
ceil functions
Cheadle Hulme
cheese busses
cheese button
cheese buttons
cheese cutter
cheese cutters
Chief Justice
clique number
clique numbers
de color
de comer
de conserve
de Guzman
de justice
de Sagun
blowing the arms
dealer up
threw up on
Dean Wormer
deep color
deep cover
di nulla
E number
E numbers
a chance on
all interact on
and capital upon
and dote upon
and react on
and react upon
are acting upon
are dependent on
by individuals upon
can turn on
do not cross
draw guns on
Earth rely on
for survival was
gives up on
horrible diseases off
immediate dependence on
it out on
low rest upon
men ever saw
miracles, and on
not intrude upon
permanent injury upon
piled around on
ruthlessly prey upon
sharp edges off
swords and shot
talk and double-cross
they act on
to turn on
us turn on
utterly dependent on
We build upon
we turned on
each other
ear hustle
ear hustled
ear hustles
ear trumpet
ear trumpets
ear tunnel
ear tunnels
earshell work
East German
East Germans
East London
East Prussia
East Prussian
East Suffolk
Easter term
Easter terms
Eastern Arrernte
But you cannot
eat turtles
eaten cunt
eaten up
Enoch Burr
equal girls
powerless meet upon
to all on
equal terms
pro-life people are
evil fucks
Evil One
Evil tongue
evil turn
evil turns
feeder fund
feeder funds
feel the Bern
pun on
feel the burn
officers absent on
field service
flea circus
free lover
free lovers
free runner
free runners
Freedom's first
freezer burn
freezer burns
Gene Youngblood
Greek number
Greek numbers
green mustard
green mustards
green onion
green onions
green plover
green plovers
green turtle
green turtles
are now called
Green's functions
he does wrong
he suffers
heated up
call the shots
here, Bubbles
We are all
here, Colonel
He's done worse
He's just drunk
He's just young
He's scrumptious
Hic-cup Pup
Isla Sur
Jesus fuck
Jesus junk
Jesus nut
Jesus nuts
keep under
Keith number
Keith numbers
key server
key servers
key worker
key workers
Kievan Rus
Krieg der Sterne
leaf cutter
leaf cutters
leaf mustard
leaf turtle
leaf turtles
Lee Chih-kung
lief Amok
liefest durch
liefest her
liefest um
me a punk
ever called
me a slut
You have brought
me comfort
can call
me the Earl
me the earth
mea culpa
mean the world
meat curtains
meat puppet
meat puppets
Mia Love
needle girl
needle girls
needle gun
needle guns
niece fucker
niece fuckers
pea butter
pea butters
peanut worm
peanut worms
Pekin duck
Pekin ducks
Peter Chung
Peter Funk
Peter Funks
Peter Sunde
piece of junk
piece of one
a small
piece of work
pizza crunch
pizza girl
pizza girls
pizza puff
pizza puffs
pizza sub
pizza subs
Please, Brother
Please, Colonel
Please, come, come
preacher bird
preacher birds
Queen Mother
queen mothers
queen of clubs
queens of clubs
real function
real functions
real numbers
reed thrushes
reel oven
reel ovens
Riga fir
Riga firs
Rita Dove
screech thrushes
sea blubber
sea blubbers
sea girdles
sea gudgeon
sea gudgeons
sea hulver
sea onion
sea onions
sea pumpkins
sea pupper
sea rushes
sea serpent
sea serpents
sea trumpet
sea trumpets
sea turtle
sea turtles
sea urchin
sea urchins
seal hunter
seal hunters
See dern, dearn
see double
see service
shall not
see the Sun
seed funder
seed funders
seems pukka
seen double
sees double
She loves drugs
She's from Urmston
She's the third
ski jumper
ski jumpers
sleeper berth
sleeper berths
sneak current
sneak currents
speech bubble
speech bubbles
speed merchant
speed merchants
Squeeze her buns
Squeeze her butt
squeeze under
St Germans
steam shovel
steam shovels
steam tunnel
steam tunnels
steamer duck
steamer ducks
steamer trunk
steamer trunks
steel drummer
steel drummers
steel worker
steel workers
Steve Gerber
Steve Huffman
Steve Irwin
Steve Turner
Steven Brust
stream function
stream functions
Forsyth, The Wall
In The Wall
of the Wall
reading The Wall
The Wall
Trachtenberg, The Wall
with the Wall
Street Journal
street urchin
street urchins
street worker
street workers
Martyr in Lombard
Street, London
sweet butter
sweet butters
sweet rushes
sweeten up
sweetened up
sweetens up
tea service
must not
teach the young
and wander along
these tunnels
three hundred
fuck all
three of us
One God,
three persons
tree hugger
tree huggers
tree jumper
tree jumpers
tree justice
tree onion
tree onions
tree surgeon
tree surgeons
Vee Dubber
visa run
visa runs
the fuck are
we brothers
I thought
we were done
weasel word
weasel words
weep buckets
We'll just punt
We're adjourned
We're just done
We're the nerds
We've struggled
operate the cog
wheel button
wheel cutter
wheel cutters
wheel urchin
wheel urchins
wieder gut
yielded up
zebra dove

with 1 extra syllable

in Son of
Ali Baba
known as the
Ali brothers
indirectly supported the
Ali Brothers
It wasn't quite
Ali vs
aria From
not an appropriate
army color
army cutworm
army cutworms
commanding an
army of one
saw my
bodies of work
body butter
body butters
body double
body doubles
of exercise, another
body function
changes in other
body functions
admire her
and treasured,
of a
body of work
body servant
body servants
through the entire
body structure
general level of
body surface
Bosnian Serb
Bosnian Serbs
lived in a
Cartesian world
me a damn
chalky lover
Charlie Huston
Charlie Munger
Charlie the jerk
barely functional, stupid,
cloddy dumb-dumb
cochlear nerve
cochlear nerves
coffee culture
coffee plunger
coffee plungers
fled ices uneaten,
coffee undrunk
copy number
copy numbers
a carbon
copy of the
daily struggle, a
costly struggle
Dari Persian
dati sumus
Monkey Huggles and
Donkey Huggles
Mikey loves the
Donnie puppet
Dottie curled up
often guilty of
faulty judgment
in the Mahatma
Gandhi murder
Hammer of
godly thunder
gracias a
That's what a
Guardian does
Will, we can't
Guardian up
We are the
guardians of
kind of
hobby of hers
Johnny Mercer
Johnny onions
Juanita Does
kaki among
From larder and
lardier, from
a proud and
lofty structure
A little
Marian bird
Dan O'Connor and
Marty Worrall
Molly Worthen
Ghastly, horrible,
obscene murder
Go for the
his house an
obvious one
face of an
obvious skull
It's that
obvious, huh
all the various
parties concerned
party puffer
party puffers
servants but by
party servants
proxy server
proxy servers
Sahih Muslim
solea From
sorry London
to such a
sorry purpose
Oh, man, I'm
sorry, brother
sorry, Douglas
No, I'm
sorry, Irma
starry sturgeon
starry sturgeons
Tommy Douglas
I can ask
Tommy's brother
trochlear nerve
trochlear nerves
trolley busses
Wallcreeper From
Zante currants
zombie fungus

with 2 extra syllables

being written by
biographical works about
Clockwork Orange by
Anthony Burgess
Dorothy McGuire and
Anthony Perkins
because of the
Khashoggi murder
Malfatti circle
Malfatti circles
panomphaeus, from
safari supper
safari suppers
somebody a curve
somebody the bird
brother is always
somebody's brother
be somebody's daughter,
somebody's wife and
somebody's mother

with 3 extra syllables

Fibonacci number
Fibonacci numbers
on a
hierarchy of birth
the profound
melancholy of Donne

with 4 extra syllables

apocrisarius, from

with 5 extra syllables

vestibulocochlear nerve