exact syllable matches
little feeble
aids in vain
'Cause they
ain't insane
a zombie
ate his brain
mean someone
ate his brains
the superposition of
basic waves
grain in some
basic way
should be on
brain detail
this poor
brain's in pain
yours to
break his chains
the Hun
came this way
of the
case is changed
of you
chained in place
he can
who could
change his face
out to
change his fate
he'll never
made him
change his ways
unless this
change is made
We cannot
change its fate
Party to
change its name
and to
change this place
Do they
change with grace
the guy
changed his name
If he
changed his ways
point in a
changing age
and had a
sorrows of your
changing face
Changing Lanes
other as floating,
changing shapes
Little League and
chasing tail
the serious
claims it makes
on a shore
craving brains
on a
date with Chase
you get your
date, Elaine
create an intra-demon
you had a
dating base
someone in the
to play a
dating game
David Blaine
The Life of
David Gale
James Garner, and
Marc Meeks, and
never work with
David Spade
Michael Showalter and
David Wain
do a
day in jail
to this
day in Spain
time, his
day, his age
Days in May
courage to
face his pain
envy it that
fadeless state
of love and
fainting faith
faith in faith
born on an ill-
there be a
fated day
in his own ill-
fated reign
how the
way the
wherever the
game is played
of the video
gaming craze
by Heaven's peculiar
grace, escape
He makes a
this is a
grave mistake
and beyond in
he described in
to emerge in
great detail
Great Escape
America is
great in space
certainly made a
glory In a
not commit that
that is a
This is a
would be a
great mistake
cats, I
hate this day
hate this game
I fucking
hate this place
James Lynn Strait
lay in wait
vision that
made him great
him and
made him pay
you really
made his day
was ever
made in vain
nation and
made it great
Because I
That I've
The Athenians
wondering if I
Yes, we have
made mistakes
made this game
were not
made this way
could not
make him change
a twist,
It might
make him gay
chance to
going to
I will
make him pay
try and
make him stay
together, and
make his case
powers, to
make his way
that didn't
make his weight
district and
while, maybe
make it rain
fight to
make it safe
are but
make it straight
industry can
make its way
they're bound to
make mistake
a cop can
And to
and we all
and we're gonna
around you will
care, and I
catch people who
collective body to
Did Stalin
Doom does not
Even great doctors
God doesn't
Great men
He doesn't
He will
humans will inevitably
I do not
is necessary to
Jigsaw doesn't
journalists can sometimes
life when you
no experience and
of us, we
Sometimes we
sufficient courage to
suggestion they can
these kids to
They don't
us have to
We all
We don't
We know we
we never, ever
we're going to
we've developed doesn't
who knows people
yes, they even
You all
you know, people
make mistakes
is what
makes it great
shapes it
makes it makes
how she
makes it plain
A real man
All mankind
don't think God
He fumbles and
He seldom
is that everybody
makes mistakes
and we're about
makin' games
They are
making chains
any thought of
making change
like they were
making space
And Lady Morgan
making tay
center of the clock-
making trade
circumstances and wisdom
it as these
may dictate
good, that it
of a household
that, somehow, you
may prevail
take thy
taking your
the Lord's
name in vain
taking lords
name in vein
name is Blade
And his
name is Blaine
name is Craig
name is Jake
But your
name is James
My real
name is Jane
name is Kate
name is Trey
named it Sage
naming names
arms against his
native state
invaders of his
native State
if the
pain is great
I want that
phrase explained
get this
place in shape
and takes
call your
place in space
place is great
place is lame
long as this
place remains
here to
play his game
him to
play his way
Do you
he can't
Shall we
than to
play it safe
argue or
how to
refuse to
two can
want to
way to
when I
play this game
He has
played his game
have you
played it safe
that ever
played this game
late to start
playin' games
and I'm about
I'm done
People were
time to stop
video games or role-
playing games
Jim from IT,
playing gay
has him at less-than-
playing weight
Everyone that
plays it straight
glory and
praise His name
that no pure
race remains
it's an extreme
racing game
world of horse
racing, Cale
and have a
racist day
game with a
rain delay
join in any
you play their
reindeer games
and make
safe this day
the eminent
sage, is great
most of the
same details
are making the
avoid making the
Don't make the
gonna make the
to be the
to make the
won't make the
you make the
same mistake
gonna make the
I made those
make all the
on making the
still make the
They repeat the
to make his
to make the
won't make those
you make the
same mistakes
Bolton has
same refrain
in the
same sick play
mercies and his
to save my
saving grace
don't you
you don't
You never
say his name
Alright, let's
say it's gray
face and
say it's safe
let us
shake this cave
others what
shape it takes
what if
space is space
I gotta
stay in shape
you had
stayed in Spain
Yeah, it's
strange, it's strange
and horse
down and
I must
is to
let me
may well
one could
ready to
there to
trying to
volunteered to
who can
Who's gonna
take his place
could not
else will
more shall
Nothing can
something else
something to
substitute to
thing to
take its place
we'll just
take this place
bent and
take this tray
Nigger Doodle
takes his place
Cartesian continuity
takes its place
when you were
taking aim
kicking ass and
like I was
taking names
a generational battle
a performance is
all values' was
changes that were
events described were
genuine communication was
if repentance is
is all this
our day are
psychic changes are
sorts of scams
that aggression was
that may be
to witness history
what is actually
what is everywhere
where violence is
world history is
taking place
Management System started
will go on
taking shape
have different
tastes in games
to do -
they became
character and how
from the way
It's how
this is how
way in which
they behave
about the way
they behaved
grow, nor can
they decay
how many isotopies
the willing spirit
they display
consequences he thought
deprivation and torture
they entailed
How did
should suffer what
them all before
they escape
tell you how
they escaped
to which
they give names
what we exhale
they inhale
They Insane
of the terms
You know, how
they relate
But illusions
they remain
They sing great
can and
they will change
to rules,
who suspect
they will fail
they think
they will gain
more changes
they will make
them once
they've been changed
but not a
trace remained
so that no
trace remains
name, International
Trade his game
Training Day
So I
waited eight
was merely a
we play the
waiting game
to meet its
waking day
functioning in the
over into the
the ordinary or
them in the
waking state
so we're just
wasting tape
waves in space
funny the
way things change
out that
way, did they
thinking one
way, his way
way, this way
a voltammeter, a
weighing scale
with 1 extra syllable
and it's
lawmakers have
they have
always been great
American conservatives have
which he has
always disdained
liberty is
always in vain
of good will
always prevail
idea, the latter
always prevails
of democracy will
the State will
where they will
always remain
always remains, matter
theologies, the holy
always remains
it wasn't
we weren't
always this way
dawning of an
amazing age
I'm the
amazing Cain
from disgrace to
He was my
amazing grace
introduced me to
the historical hymn,
Amazing Grace
It is an
It was an
amazing place
Amazing Race
could use in
amazing ways
origins, show countless
archaic traits
will not
attain his aims
has turned
away his face
being led
away in chains
and eat
away its grace
we immediately
became His slaves
behave this way
You fucking
betrayed him, mate
awesome power and
breathtaking scale
gleaming marble floors,
brocaded drapes
enough to
convey his age
we will
create his mate
a mechanism for
creating change
and imperfectly, a
creative aim
product of his
creative brain
a thing as
creative hate
is an infinitely
creative space
in a more
creative way
in unusual and
creative ways
that the privacy
debate entails
sweet aroma of
decay remained
to be a
decaying State
numbered among the
decaying States
to some less
degrading trade
detail is great
memory, memory, detail,
detail, detail
details, details
Details, details
and they
disgraced its name
Niner, niner,
engage, engage
in a very
engaging way
threatens to
erase this place
do to
escape his fate
are, you
you can
escape this place
argue or
explain in paint
mistake is made
Okay, it's late
did not
outweigh this pain
of its more
pervasive traits
women being
portrayed this way
believe in the
corner of the
prevailing faith
must pay the
prevailing wage
to decide the
prevailing weight
quotations, see the
related page
everyone to
remain in space
payment of these
remaining claims
tyrants, or
stagnate in chains
Today it rained
went with her
unfailing faith
with 2 extra syllables
met to
celebrate this day
for ever that
celebrated age
memory and a
celebrated name
try to
compensate this way
are a full-blown
Corporative state
crumbling hall To
decorate decay
its deadly and
desolating way
analysis, to
dislocate his Faith
accident, not an
educated ape
angels rather than
elevated apes
back in an
elevated state
doesn't have an
sounds of an
elevated train
it is a
fascinating place
fascinating tale
or rather
indicates, his fate
viewing facial expressions
indicating pain
contacts to
infiltrate this place
classical elements in
innovative ways
Connection in an
isolating age
show you the
Mesaraic veins
do not
operate this way
aspect of this
difference becomes a
seem a fundamental
qualitative change
continues at an
unabated pace
undertaking failed
follow lines like
undulating waves
appropriately called the
vegetative phase
in a permanent
in a persistent
vegetative state
with 3 extra syllables
adjudication commission
adjudicates its claims
He's your new
administrative aide
dwelt in that
annihilated place
moves in the non-
reduced to a non-
cooperative game
dehydrated and in
excruciating pain
at a more
exhilarating pace
really they're just
humiliated grapes
humiliating shame
providing this very
illuminating tape
with 4 extra syllables
unappreciative way