exact syllable matches

meet the famous
Agent Carter
put an
agent on her
Agent Thomas
were hurt protecting
Agent Walker
managers, owners, trainers,
agents, lawyers
aid does not come
Amos Carson
ancient art of
worthy of an
ancient honor
and defence of
ancient knowledge
dress of the
ancient model
Brahmans from their
ancient office
of an
angel are love
back to my
angel goddess
angel water
the first
angels on Earth
and his
anus are one
ultimate derivation of
apricot from
face and
ate the chocolate
your dog
ate the condom
Ava Gardner
Balaam boxes
pick a
bale of cotton
so many
bales of cotton
beta blocker
beta blockers
Breakups are tough
cable boxes
cables, Doctor
who tried
came a cropper
new enemy
of consciousness
came upon us
and a
case of heartburn
case of swamp butt
and in some
cases hostile
and in many
cases, harmful
from its
cave of darkness
chamber opera
changed the target
changer la donne
cradle robber
cradle robbers
a promotional
crate of Carlsberg
Dana Arnold
data model
data models
since the
day of promise
in the
on the
day of slaughter
day, but darker
as the
days burned longer
Diagram of an
etalon From
we presently
face from Saddam
I am mankind's
faithful farmer
you know, the
famous author
he have a
one with the
famous father
ingredients for my world-
famous omelettes
victory made him
famous Thomas
some of her
famous waffles
a worse
fate upon her
grasp of
fate upon us
game of gotcha
from the
of the
game of marbles
game of soccer
games of gotcha
when Sylvia
gave up chocolate
gave up on her
gave up on us
great work was done
that the
greater part of
I'm just the
greatest boxer
and with the
greatest caution
to be the
greatest Goddess
England is the
greatest partner
being the world's
greatest shopper
Haider Rahman
Haitian proverbs
profane uses, and
hated sponsors
Jon Hurwitz and
Hayden Schlossberg
Hazen Parker
the letter
J from Java
of that man-
Jake Peralta
James Earl Carter
James MacDonald
and afterwards married
Jason Robards
the show is
Jason Thompson
got one,
Kramer got one
labeled water
pin pejorative
labels on us
college or the
commodities in the
competition in the
inequality, and the
is a competitive
on the unhampered
labor market
labor markets
at the British
course of the
labour market
labour markets
The International
labour Office
a hand
laid upon her
has been
laid upon us
lake of Wada
lakes of Wada
early, not the
late, Qabbalah
fragments found in
later authors
of the
later bronze works
in light of
later knowledge
apparent in his
later novels
cubic in his
later problems
get her the
latest model
pair of these
latest models
if Fred's her
latest possum
and therein
lay the problem
and I
We have
made a bargain
made a dollar
made a monster
Because he
missing, I
night, I
made a promise
made from copper
is typically
Tampons are
made from cotton
made her promise
Made of awesome
Hot dogs
made of dolphin
Made of Honor
it is
made of marble
We are
made of starstuff
We are
made of star-stuff
because I
made the crossword
But nobody
made the darkness
may be
made the strongest
made the wrong one
made us godless
Economics has
made us partners
Be my
wedding, collapsed
You're the
maid of honor
maid of honour
maids of honor
maids of honour
I were a
major artist
Make room for Sergeant-
Major Harper
rhetorically, as a
scripts became a
to have a
to solve this
We've got a
major problem
one of its
major problems
major prophet
the much longer
major prophets
of the 7
major traumas
just like the
major's father
both times by
Major's office
make a conscience
you might
make a dollar
or I
survive, I'll
You can
make a promise
not gonna
make the concert
The details
make the product
make the wrong one
hope it'll
Maybe it'll
Only challenges
our differences
such documentaries
weaker, they
make us stronger
He then
The grocer
makes a profit
makes a sharp turn
The syndicate
makes the profit
makes the sauces
makes us partners
doubt, it
kills us
makes us stronger
go to her
makeup artist
make-up artist
that he killed
Mayor Arbor
adjourn to the
call from the
mayor's office
through a
maze of bottles
naked bottoms
boy see the
naked model
left him a
naked target
satisfaction the
name of prophet
a brand-
name, from dodge 'em
of several naturalists
named McConnell
names from Bogdan
nasal concha
nasal conchae
nasal fossa
the end of
Nathan Mahler
most diverse
most prosperous
no other
the greatest
nation on earth
most powerful
nearly every
the wealthiest
nation on Earth
will make our
nation stronger
the state, the
nation, offers
to the United
Nations Charter
to jail the
nation's conscience
most isolated
nations on earth
the richest
nations on Earth
in its very
nature harmful
immense advantages which
nature offers
Penicillin is
nature's condom
start coveting my
neighbour's oxen
hideously before a
pagan alter
fetch a
pail of water
painted water
paper profit
paper wallet
had commitment
papers drawn up
patience, Doctor
pavement artist
whatever be the
payment offered
in love with
Peyton Sawyer
the gas
phase of water
the take
place of arjun
take the
place of conscience
is the
place of darkness
up this
place of honor
place of knowledge
God has
placed a comma
the coldest
places on Earth
rather a
plague of conscience
on the
plains of Boston
and I will
play one-on-one
play upon words
plays upon words
Rachel Marsden
to deal with
value for its
racial problems
religious, not a
racial, product
the complexity that
raises problems
a wide
range of genres
gentlemen, I
raped a dolphin
Raymond Carver
the federal constitution was
sable goddess
fortunes, and our
sacred honor
Fortunes and our
sacred Honor
extensive mass of
sacred knowledge
of the guardian of
to be
safe much longer
salesman problem
lived in the
same apartment
receive it, the
same catharsis
creating the
same world problems
butchered my sweet
savior walrus
of someone like,
say, Madonna
scalar product
scalar products
with the
scale of opera
body and
shake the conscience
Shaken, not stirred
mover and a
shaker, Wanda
am the
slave of Allah
and the
slaves of profit
You've got
Slayer problems
sorts of practical
spatial problems
not a
state of pocket
Straight up, holler
feels like a
straight-up drama
table soccer
table water
find the
now, the
tables are turned
by Serpent's
Tail, 1 aug
take the waters
opera The
Tales of Hoffmann
it a
taste from Father
of clean, nearly
tasteless water
Taylor Barnum
They turn on us
they were all from
They were awesome
Jesuit missionaries,
they were awestruck
guys because
I suspected,
they were awful
they were brought up
they were called the
do if
they were conscious
They were harmless
They were locked up
I wished
they were longer
They were monsters
They were on drugs
they were part of
They were partners
fought back,
they were slaughtered
they were slothful
they were, mampus
people of what
they've forgotten
they've turned on us
possessed some
trace of honor
a spider
tracer on her
supporting this
trade of slaughter
on the
trail of Carmen
Veda Vyasa
the ultimate
veil of darkness
beyond the
veil of knowledge
wage-fund doctrine
if we
wait much longer
we gonna
wake up, Rhonda
Wake up, Ronald
waste of knowledge
wind lays
waste the garden
pity is
wasted on her
is completely
wasted on us
Tides and
Waves of water
much as
Waves of Water
in the
way of Allah
a careless
way the knowledge
go down this
way, Peralta
Wayland Parker
beneath this
weight of knowledge

with 1 extra syllable

still is
afraid of knowledge
are so
to be
afraid of monsters
you being
afraid of water
a lawman,
always a lawman
always a marvel
you were
always a monster
is almost
always a problem
Always a target
always unforeseen, and
always forgotten
Always the dollars
boy was
First bomb's
step is
always the hardest
is almost
always the problem
You were
always the strongest
Blood has
always trumped water
Australian dollar
Australian dollars
Away from all suns
we go
away from problems
keep him
away from water
We blew
away the condor
simply wipes
away the problem
why I
became a doctor
and eventually
became a lawyer
the scripts
became a problem
Catholic Church
I soon
became a target
And they
became the watchers
hardness in resistance to abrasion-
Cognate of modern
contains the star Alphard
did not
create the model
after it
creates a problem
as Macpherson's other
creation, Oscar
republic, under the
dictator Francia
enable knowledge
orchard thieves
entailed upon us
you'll never
escape from darkness
foundation garment
foundation garments
mom was a
frustrated artist
out into the
hallway, unconscious
Remember, don't be
impatient, Thomas
Jamaican proverbs
of those frightening
misshapen monsters
almost impossible public
relations problem
would continue to
remain unaltered
for the place
where the past
remained unaltered
Oddly, France had
remained ungobbled
limited resources
of course,
of falling
remains a constant
there still
remains a problem
status, generally
remains a province
of the curvature
remains unaltered
does not
replace the market
author of a
salacious novel
Swastika brings
salvation on earth
sensation novel
sensation novels
seve, from sapa
is subsidized by
taxpayer dollars
producer, and conceptual
theater artist
ways to
translate the knowledge
got a
vacation, not one

with 2 extra syllables

how the false
accusations started
when Thanos
activates the Gauntlet
solve those resource
allocation problems
over these counterfeit
Amadeus Dollars
in the very
antiquated proverb
work the transporter
calculation problems
spared to
celebrate the harvest
and strokes and
circulation problems
combination product
combination products
out some very
to a very
complicated problem
daughter has a
concentration problem
condensation product
condensation products
conversation lozenge
not how the
conversation started
It's a real
conversation stopper
announcement was certainly a
a Sydney
corporation lawyer
most powerful
corporation on Earth
not made to
decorate apartments
Demarcation problem
leg of the
elevation quadrant
me the
elevator was bust
consciousness that
emanates from Brahma
for your mere
entertainment dollar
talk to my
entertainment lawyer
escalator clauses
over the mechanical
excavator market
the early rational
expectations models
to ever-evolving man
generated problems
is an amazing first-
generation product
mean, Steinbeck,
Hemingway, some Faulkner
Himalayan marmot
Himalayan marmots
known as the
Himalayan monal
The Sports
Illustrated model
other side was
imitation marble
sugar substitute substitute,
imitation water
their pro-Islam, pro-mass
immigration dogma
Installation artist
ditches, take out
irrigation water
crusade to
liberate world markets
maturation model
coordinated solutions to
operations problems
to have a
pigmentation problem
hell of a
population problem
presentation boxes
sporting goods and
recreation products
Wall Street
regulates the Congress
multi-unit dwelling of
separate apartments
in two completely
not get into
separate compartments
Shakti as
separate from Brahman
separation constant
and dissolving the
Venezuelan Congress

with 3 extra syllables

acceleration clauses
former weapons development
administrator Scarlet
need to
alleviate the problem
only human
civilization on Earth
problems and carry
civilization onward
the first
civilizations on earth
modules is the
classification problem
guys have a
communication problem
AV, data and
communication sockets
it with the
Communications Office
congratulations, Thomas
appearances of other
dissociated alters
dissociation constant
dissociation constants
can further
exacerbate the problem
Exterminate the Doctor
illumination problem
spurs the scientific
imagination onward
initiation codons
proclaims His
manifestation on earth
how to
manipulate the market
optimization problem
optimization problems
Organization scholar
more of a
reincarnation model

with 4 extra syllables

mean, there's an
overpopulation problem
At least
renegotiate the target