exact syllable matches

1 Kings
a bit
a brick
a bris
a dit
a hint
a in
a kick
A list
a pinch
A ring
A rings
a sim
a stick
a thing
a whim
a winne
birch beer
birch beers
bird cliff
bird cliffs
bird shit
blood bin
blood bins
blood chit
blood chits
blood film
blood films
blood smear
blood wings
Brun sieve
Brun sieves
bulk bill
bum steer
bum steers
bunch pink
bunch pinks
bunk in
burn in
burnt ears
burst in
bus bridge
but if
but in
butt chin
butt chins
butt hinge
butt in
butt wink
butt winks
butts in
buzz in
chuck in
chuck rib
chuck ribs
chucked in
chucks in
churn drill
churn drills
club kid
club kids
come in
come it
come with
comes in
cuff link
cuff links
cult film
cult films
cult hit
cult hits
cunt lips
curb bit
curb bits
curb strip
curb strips
curse it
cut in
cut it
cut sig
cut sigs
cut stick
cuts in
cuts it
does ill
does in
does it
done in
done it
done thing
done things
druk in
drum kit
drum kits
drum stick
drum sticks
duck itch
Duck King
dug in
dull fish
dumb shit
dumb shits
dump bin
dump bins
dust bin
dust bins
Dutch gin
Dutch pink
Dutch tilt
Dutch tilts
earth pig
earth pigs
earth pitch
er kim
fer nit
first dibs
first gear
first gears
first milk
first milks
first slip
first slips
first string
first thing
first things
flood fill
flood fills
flox silk
From switch
front ring
front rings
Fuck film
fuck it
fuck this
fuck with
fucked with
fucks with
germ fear
germ fears
germ kir
gum lift
gum lifts
gum stick
gum sticks
gun it
gun pit
gun pits
her nibs
hern gwynn
Herne Hill
hump it
hung with
hush kit
hush kits
jug ears
jump in
jump list
jump lists
jump ship
junk rig
junk rigs
junk sick
kurt kir
Le Cid
Le Guin
love lives
luck in
lucked in
lucks in
lump it
lung linh
lung sick
monk fish
muck in
mucked in
mucks in
mud sill
musk deer
Mylor Bridge
of shit
of tin
one fifth
one sixth
per inch
per mil
per mill
per mille
plug in
plugged in
plugs in
plunge in
pub quiz
pug mill
pug mills
pulp mill
pulp mills
punch fist
punch fists
punch in
punch it
punch list
punch lists
punched in
purse string
rough fish
rough it
rub in
run in
run ins
run with
run year
run years
runde Tisch
rush in
rush ring
rush rings
scrub in
scrubbed in
scrubs in
shut in
shut it
shuts in
skunk pig
skunk pigs
slum it
snuff film
snuff films
snuff it
snuffed it
snuffs it
sta stil
stir shit
stirred shit
stirs shit
stub twist
stuff it
stump it
sub in
subbed in
subs in
suck in
suck it
suck tits
sucked in
sucks in
sump pit
sump pits
sun disc
sun discs
sun gear
sun gears
sun kicks
Sun King
sun kink
sun kinks
sunk in
the bigs
the blink
The Bridge
The Dig
The Dish
The Ditch
The Filth
The Fish
the fritz
the grid
The Grinch
The Hills
The Kinks
the mic
the pill
the piss
the pits
The Prince
The Ring
The Ritz
the shit
the shits
the skids
the sticks
The Sting
The Strip
The Thing
The Tick
The Ville
the wing
The Wiz
the writ
third gear
third gears
third slip
third slips
third string
third strings
thumb ring
thumb rings
tongue kiss
tongue ring
tongue rings
tough shit
truck in
truss bridge
tuck in
tucked in
tucks in
turn in
turn tricks
turned in
turns in
up stick
up sticks
up till
up with
upped stick
upped sticks
ups stick
ups sticks
vant til
were gild
were gilds
what cheer
what gives
what if
what with
word is
word it
word list
word lists
work in
work shift
work shifts
worm pick
worm picks
worm shit
worth it
Yun Ling

with 1 extra syllable

almond milk
ana til
Arthur Beer
auction bridge
auction pitch
auger in
augur in
August 6
autumn years
bada bing
barber itch
bargain bin
bargain bins
barges in
Barton Fink
bawer kir
bogen neer
bottle sling
bottle slings
bottom bitch
bottom gear
bottom gears
bottom kill
bottom kills
boxes in
caller ID
carbon print
carbon prints
carbon sink
carbon sinks
carta SIM
caudal fin
caudal fins
chocolate chip
chocolate chips
chocolate milk
chocolate milks
column inch
common ling
common lings
Common Lisp
common swift
common swifts
common year
common years
concert pitch
Constant Spring
copper finch
cotter pin
cotter pins
cotton gin
cotton gins
Doctor Phil
dollar bill
dolphin fish
Donald Hill
Doppler shift
Doppler shifts
fallen ill
fallen in
Gardiner Spring
garter stitch
Gaza Strip
gossip mill
gossip mills
gotten it
haltest hin
haltest inne
Hoxton fin
Hoxton fins
Java Script
larva sig
lobster shift
lobster shifts
malted milk
malted milks
market risk
mata in
Monsters Inc
parcel gilt
partial pin
partial pins
Pollard script
Pratap Singh
promise ring
promise rings
quantum bit
quantum bits
rama in
Robert Fisk
Robert Gibbs
Robert Higgs
Robert Lynd
rocket ship
Ronald Giere
spotted dick
spotted dicks
starter kit
starter strip
starter strips
taka til
Thomas Kyd
toggle switch
vala kir
Walter Wick
Walter Wink
water deer
water mill
water mint
water nymph
water nymphs
water pick
water picks
water pig
water pigs
water pill
water pills
water tick
water ticks
water wing
water wings
water witch
water year