exact syllable matches

1 John
1 Juan
1 March
a la
a las
a lot
a par
a part
A plot
A plots
a qual
a salve
A sharp
A sharps
a volte
birch tar
bird ball
bird balls
bird dog
bird dogged
bird dogs
bird song
birth chart
birth charts
blood clot
blood clots
blood knot
blood knots
blood loss
bluff charge
brush off
brush offs
bud moth
bud moths
bug bomb
bug bombs
bug off
bump ball
bump balls
bump off
bump stock
bump stocks
bumped off
bumps off
bun drop
bun drops
bun stock
bun stocks
bunk off
bur block
bur blocks
burn off
bus bar
bus bars
bus stop
bus stops
bust chops
bust on
busts chops
butt call
butt calls
butt floss
buzz bomb
buzz bombs
buzz off
buzz saw
buzz saws
chuck off
chucked off
chucks off
chump block
chump blocked
chump blocks
chump chop
chump chops
club haul
club law
club moss
clump block
clump blocks
come off
come on
come ons
come va
comes off
comes on
crush on
cult stock
cult stocks
cum laude
cum shot
cum shots
cunt fart
cunt farts
cup gall
cup galls
cup moss
cur non
curb stomp
curb stomped
curb stomps
curled dock
curve ball
cut card
cut cards
cut logs
cut off
cut offs
cut swathes
cuts off
dirt yard
dirt yards
Doug Hall
drug dog
drug dogs
duck arsed
duck call
duck calls
duck fart
duck farts
duck hawk
duck hawks
duck sauce
duck walk
duck walked
duck walks
dumb barge
dumb blonde
dumb blondes
dumb bomb
dumb bombs
dump cart
dump carts
dump job
dump jobs
dump on
dunk shot
dunk shots
dust cart
dust carts
dust cloth
dust cloths
dust off
dusts off
Dutch barn
Dutch barns
Dutch doll
Dutch dolls
Dutch drops
Earl Long
Earth art
earth dog
earth dogs
earth pond
egun on
Ernst Bloch
Ernst Mach
fern bar
fern bars
Fern Hobbs
first cause
first off
first watch
fleur op
fluff off
from off
front crawl
front crawls
front wall
front walls
front yard
front yards
fub off
fuck all
fuck off
fucked off
fucks off
fun park
fun parks
funk art
funk rock
fur farm
fur farms
fuzz box
girl parts
girl talk
glove box
gun dog
gun dogs
gun sock
gun socks
gun stock
gut bomb
gut bombs
gut rot
gut shot
gut shots
hug box
hulk off
hump yard
hump yards
hung on
Imran Khan
ingen alls
Jerk off
jerk offs
Jerked off
Jerks off
Judge not
jump ball
jump balls
jump off
jump on
jump shot
jump shots
jump spark
jump sparks
jump start
junk bond
junk bonds
junk job
junk jobs
junk shot
junk shots
junk yard
just on
jut op
kerb crawl
kun taas
Kurt Hahn
Le God
Le Mars
love bomb
love bombs
love box
love darg
love dart
love doll
love dolls
love heart
love hearts
love knot
love knots
love lost
Love song
love songs
lunch box
merk op
merkt op
mud bog
mud bogs
mud shark
mud sharks
mug off
mug shot
mug shots
mugged off
mugs off
musk ox
must auk
must not
nerf ball
nerf balls
nerf bar
nerf bars
nun moth
nun moths
nurse log
nurse logs
nurse shark
nurse sharks
nut ball
nut balls
nut bar
nut job
nut jobs
nut quad
nut quads
of all
of coz
one drop
one pot
one pots
one shot
one shots
pearl moss
pearl spar
pearl spars
per os
perp walk
perp walks
PERT chart
PERT charts
plug rod
plug rods
plum tom
plum toms
plumb bob
plumb bobs
plunge bra
pub crawl
pub crawls
pub golf
pub rock
pug dog
pulse ox
pump car
pump cars
punch block
punch blocks
punch card
punch cards
punch clock
punch clocks
punched cards
Punk rock
pus tard
rough draw
rough drawn
rough draws
rough trot
rough trots
rub off
rubbed off
rubs off
rum ball
rum balls
run hot
run off
run on
rung off
runs hot
rush job
rush jobs
rush off
rust off
scuff mark
scuff marks
search box
search wand
search wands
shove off
shoves off
shrug off
shrugged off
shrugs off
shut off
shuts off
Sir John
Sir Johns
skunk pox
slough shark
sluff off
smudge pot
smudge pots
snuff box
son lawe
sponge cloth
spun off
spur on
sta op
stir bar
stir bars
struck off
stuck on
stud farm
stud farms
stunt cock
stunt cocks
suck arse
suck balls
suck cock
suck off
suck rocks
sucked arse
sucked cock
sucked off
sucks arse
sucks cock
sucks off
sun block
sun cross
sun dog
sun dogs
Sun Ra
sun shot
sun shots
sun spot
sun spots
sun star
sun stars
sunk cost
sunk costs
surf rock
sus law
sus laws
suss law
ter parte
The All
The Blob
the bogs
the bomb
the bombs
The Broch
The Bronx
The Cars
the claws
The Dawn
The Dot
The Fog
The Gods
The Mall
the pock
the pond
The Pot
The Rock
the talk
The Wall
The Watch
Third Watch
thrust fault
thrust faults
thumb knot
thumb knots
thus far
touch cloth
touch off
touch on
tough call
tough calls
tough tarts
truck bomb
truck crop
truck crops
truck farm
truck farms
truck stop
truck stops
trump card
trump cards
trunk call
trunk calls
truss rod
trust fall
trust falls
tuck box
tuck shop
tuck shops
turn off
turn on
turned off
turned on
turns off
turns on
un cop
und ob
up on
up quark
up quarks
up top
urge on
verge on
vert pomme
what all
what not
word golf
work dog
work dogs
work off
work on
work song
work songs
worked on
works on
world car
world cars
world clock
world clocks
worse off
worst off
yum cha

with 1 extra syllable

Aga Khan
August Comte
Auguste Comte
Doctor Claw
Gosford Park
Marcia Cross
Marshall Faulk
Monster Farm
Robert Fox
Robert Frost
Robert Hall
Thomas Lodge
Thomas Moss
Walter Scott