exact syllable matches

Martial law has
of war has
been declared
human thought had
been expressed
it had
been his head
not have
been ill spent
really have
been in them
you might have
been misled
You have
been stripped bare
wouldn't have
been with them
India has long
been withheld
take dope and
beer instead
Thinking perhaps
begins there
Big Macek
all, and
big with death
bill is dead
which he cannot
bring himself
that you are
bringing them
you pick on
Chris instead
Aye, cricket was
cricket then
Do not
ever detect and
dismiss them
it can
drill its head
dripping wet
95 of an
English ell
More at
English head
the same as
English pet
More at
English pledge
English wort
fiches S
eye was
filled with tears
dream is not
It's not
know it was
series is not
We're not
You're not
finished yet
fishing net
fishing nets
toys can
fit in there
shoe size and
fitting them
images are
fixed with lead
Flynn effect
give him hell
but does not
give himself
bones and
gives his guess
giving head
more pleasurable than
giving them
office and have
him expelled
him his head
they block
him in there
him shithead
and pointed at
him, instead
his passions and
his despairs
his life at
his request
Somebody got
hit in them
I was
hit with belts
rat's ass
if it helps
be mad
if it says
in beer tents
in defense
and homeless and
down powerless and
go, but not
Save those lost
in despair
of a Man
in Despair
help his comrade
while they are
in distress
the biggest Dumbass
in Distress
years it was
in effect
for others falls
proof of that
that everything began
in himself
for Himself and
that are not
in Himself
in back,
in his bed
sustained Oswald
in his cell
be involved
in his death
a bomb
a gash
put that
strategic thought
that dance
the rocks
was all
in his head
the monster
in his lair
poison dart
in his neck
in it, Egg
it apart
in its nest
a political act
almost a phenomenon
almost an art
and runs on
guilt in that
work of art
in itself
the convent back
in Kildare
It stopped
in mid-air
keep that wall
in repair
in respect
and sat
in this chair
in this dress
poor as
in this flesh
all are
in this mess
that chance
in this sense
are not
in this set
and walked
their lot
in with them
grown an
inch since then
the whole clause
which a thought
is expressed
to a man
is himself
pain that
is in hell
faith that
is in them
is it then
is it, then
is repaired
to thank
is Ric Flair
Bear Rock
our flag
the jar
The problem
is still there
Is this fresh
is this mess
is this, then
Peter Pan
is with them
Well, nothing, that
is, except
whatever that
is, in there
it depends
foot, and
it fits well
He autographed
this history saw
it himself
we had
it in bed
splattered across
it in red
few have
it in them
like, jam
it in there
is gone
or that
it is dead
Want of
It is Hell
exactly as
it is spelt
in, and
it is there
tears, as
it is wept
it still there
can't patch
it with air
have brought
it with them
working unwittingly at
its behest
must have had
its effect
Every cause has
it's effect
his work and
its effects
nature in all
its extent
yourself, and
it's in there
It's still fresh
It's still there
should call him Ass-
Kick, instead
He's not
kidding there
would have
killed him heh
a bridge and
a dagger and
his head and
ought to have
somehow to have
killed himself
Elves are
killing elves
killing helps
government who was
was worse than
killing them
their hope that
kills despair
a sword and
the window and
kills himself
king is dead
living dead
living death
living deaths
old boy, and
living end
return to that
living hell
living hells
where I was
living then
am not done
living yet
stand tall on
missing legs
missing stair
missing stairs
I'll never stop
much he was
missing them
missus est
more luminous than
mixed pigments
Phillips head
Phillips heads
picket fence
picnic egg
picnic eggs
pinch effect
pinch effects
pitching wedge
above them and
be brave and
resist them
Ringing Bell
I can't
risk his health
shearing shed
shearing sheds
I was
sick in bed
scary bloke was
singing there
doctor's heart
sink in dread
are all just
gun was just
sitting there
skin effect
skin effects
spirituality of all
spirits ends
splitting hairs
as good as
spring itself
steering head
steering heads
stick insect
stick insects
like and
same and
stick with them
Stig is dead
body and
still fear death
Still His death
I was
still in bed
it was
still in press
their song
still in them
people are
still in there
string quintet
string quintets
Suess effect
fish, not
swim with them
swimming bell
swimming bells
thick-billed murre
say the bad
thing himself
and not the
thing itself
upon one small
thing withheld
representations are not the
all the
How are
things in there
ending, all
things will end
fills all
things with death
and God
think is fair
cows, sheep and
thinking men
in, will have
this effect
the start of
this event
this is, yes
set on
this thing, then
this will help
This year's Rent
tail was
tinged with red
Which is cause,
which effect
of that
which is best
gratification upon
premises on
which it rests
whistling hare
whistling hares
wing defence
and show that
winning glare
wishing well
wishing wells
witch is dead
of water
with fixed Air
caught up
not done
with him yet
acquaint a man
and each man
Collector boss along
living alone and
with himself
play baseball
playing basketball
with his friends
confidence along
with his hair
beer cans
bowling ball
off, off
something's wrong
with his head
go on
with his help
what's wrong
with it yet
get on
with it, then
divided, at odds
Water hydrogen bonds
with itself
but professionally, and
romance always starts
with respect
going on
with this hair
in that jar,
within 10
always live on
best I can
happy have God
its borders than
within them
wringing wet

with 1 extra syllable

signed up for
acting instead
From the
adjective gelb
Nominalization of the
adjective hell
a verb or
adjective stem
the native from
arming himself
my instincts and
artistic bent
of her own
artistic quest
the political and
artistic realms
counter to my
race in an
artistic sense
social, political, and
artistic trends
matter what the
averages tell
with ten blunt
axes instead
ballistic vest
ballistic vests
bird, lightly,
bobbing his head
commit suicide by
bombing himself
a dangerous
bonding in there
the bombs
bursting in air
the hell he's
calling himself
exit or stop
calling itself
void has a
calming effect
I am the
carriage itself
had forgotten about
catching insects
on him,
causing his death
reject what
clashes with them
say Phil
Collins lives there
an exercise in
comic despair
being facetious for
doing this for
comic effect
Hou or the
comic itself
foundations of the
conflict itself
has no
position of
conflict with them
crawling insect
will be
crawling with Els
earnest in a
damaging sense
often meant
she's dancing,
dancing with death
in those of
Darwin himself
He is
drawing His breath
the form starting with
The Sky is
Falling itself
frequently misattributed to
Franklin himself
Fucking bin them
Fucking dickhead
gnathic index
there's a
goblin in there
hangin' in there
chat him into
into the gate
seen dead after
hanging himself
you guys
hanging in there
hanging indent
hanging indents
don't remember
having been them
for you
having been there
I'm definitely
having his chair
you stand
having it there
see two
hobbits with them
Hodges dissent,
know, that
hostage is dead
yet is
lacking in health
it is
lacking in sense
a surprise
landing with flares
such is its
TARDIS have no
will have a
lasting effect
thought to any
lasting extent
is in the
laughing itself
more logical than
logic itself
So the
magic is there
Marvin, Vincent
mephitic air
Mullins effect
the bleakness of
nagging despair
and producing
offspring with them
activist on the
pacifist Left
panic defense
she felt a
panic despair
seem to rule,
passing events
he should first
practice himself
those who
practise in them
of her many
racketeer friends
Irish, Italian and
Russian Jewish and
Scottish descent
probably still
scratching his head
she had gone
shopping instead
Slavic descent
a window,
Cage by
character by
him by
snapping his neck
Something is dead
of the
spanish film REC
commits suicide by
dies instantly after
stabbing himself
was no
stopping its spread
Thanksgiving, Jess
beauty but in
tragic despair
barring some
on a real
tragic event
aftermath of the
trying and often
tragic events
Compare verb
transitive sense
transitive set
transitive sets
the SA
until his death
is completely
valid in their
kinds of
varmints since then
I only
you I
wanted him dead
was Summer,
wanting him there
washing himself
ascertain causes by
watching effects
what is it
watching instead

with 2 extra syllables

way to
accomplish this end
style has its
advantages, then
self by that
appalling event
must sometimes have
astonished himself
You're a no-good,
backstabbing shithead
felt or
ceramic tip pens
he's simply the
climactic event
given for them
inspired confidence and
commanded respect
Their proud postures
demanding respect
for comic or
it out for
our sense of
dramatic effect
It's a
dramatic event
its scientific and
dynamic effect
Divine Love expands,
enlarges itself
perpetual motion, would
establish itself
life were
established fits best
Let a man
sit down and
examine himself
offended anyone by
examining them
aimlessly until it
exhausted itself
she was
fantastic in bed
bed into a
gigantic insect
a decorative and
honorific end
had these
implanted in them
viable when Christianity
implanted itself
attested in the
intransitive sense
for humorous or
ironic effect
to do a
kidnapping instead
Mohammed is dead
size have an
opposite effect
despite its continually
rebranding itself
refractive index
with an extra
romantic effect
sarcastic fringehead
this book he
surpasses himself
joke during the
soon after a
traumatic event

with 3 extra syllables

That would have
catastrophic effects
sets free a
writers has a
corresponding effect
psychological, social and
surely have beneficial
economic effects
an understanding of
economic events
a PhD in
economics instead
then on to
economics itself
has a vitally
prophylactic effect
natural depth will
reestablish itself
death have a
retroactive effect
stole the
ultrasonic drill, yes
now my
understanding is there
You put aside
understanding itself
of being
unresponsive in bed

with 4 extra syllables

because of the
stereoscopic effect