exact syllable matches

Anybody can
I'm gonna
was gonna
be a doctor
could never
he's gonna
You're gonna
be a father
be a garden
You wanna
be a martyr
do, it'll
I'm gonna
be a monster
that's gonna
they can
think it'll
Will that
would not
be a problem
never gonna
be a Spartan
it's gonna
be a whopper
it should not
that policy shall
be adopted
and die and
and me cannot
and will never
Aristotle could not
be explained must
charity will not
course, should not
day die and
far will never
flow, must not
geometry should not
he will never
I don't wanna
it will forever
It will not
Jackson will never
life must never
lived should never
my right hand
now, she can't
one hopes, never
or with must
peninsula could never
position will not
said, will never
seen will not
shall never, ever
that must never
that should not
they can never
They will not
thing shall not
things maybe can't
Things that cannot
This must not
this will never
us will not
which can never
which must not
words must never
you will never
You will not
be forgotten
You'd better
be her doctor
only Madonna can
be Madonna
We wanna
be massagers
go back,
be the doctor
be the pollen
you'll never
be the stronger
and you're gonna
be unconscious
is a
beast, a monster
besom pocket
besom pockets
breach of promise
You have
breached the darkness
Angela Lansbury and
Cecil Parker
cedar closet
cedar closets
import better and
cheaper products
is the
chief of mobbists
in and
clean the carpet
Clean, but nauseous
cream of tartar
most despicable
creature on Earth
every other
creature On earth
froze every other
creature solid
d macdonald
de batalla
de batata
makes him a
decent offer
Supreme Court has
deemed unlawful
which is the
deeper knowledge
a longer-term and
deeper problem
us into ever
deeper problems
You banished the
deepest darkness
to the world's
deepest problems
dream of Barban
challenged by the
Eagle Bomber
eat the blossoms
gonna be an
should've been an
equal partner
them are of
evil conduct
torment of an
evil conscience
maddened by an
evil doctrine
running an
evil law firm
a horrible and
chased by and
has become an
evil monster
defending yourself from
evil monsters
field of honor
field of honour
fields of honor
chair of the
Freedom Caucus
had a
geas on her
off my innocent
genius daughter
Gila monster
The Giant
Gila Monster
lichen, woodpeckers, slugs,
gila monsters
Gila monsters
haemal arches
the scientific method
he adopted
he just call us
Why isn't
he unconscious
he's a doctor
year later
he's a father
at all,
at work,
he's a monster
He's homeless because
he's adopted
He's from Charleston
art --
he's the artist
He's the Doctor
He's the prophet
He's the smart one
the option because
he's unconscious
Oliver James as
Ian Wallace
Ila proverbs
inga problem
the love
Jesus taught us
Keep the bottle
Kyla Pratt, and
Kenan Thompson
is the
Key of Darkness
works alongside our
leader, Marcus
Now to our
leader, Watson
is at
least a solid
Least of all Trump
on First Amendment
legal doctrine
you have a
legal problem
Yeah, there are
legal problems
they call
me a conman
alien, call
they called
to call
me a monster
me a tonga
you shoulda had
me adopted
You call
me the Doctor
beefy and knocked
me unconscious
Meaghan Martin
you never
meet the Doctor
Meet the Spartans
meta model
meta models
meter baza
curse lifted from
Mina Harker
Skin doesn't
need a doctor
who's gonna
you're gonna
need a lawyer
colored brethren
need the gospel
add some much
needed drama
, named after
Needham Market
needle was stuck
with a
niece from Boston
peanuts, WALNUTS
Pekin robin
Pekin robins
know that
people are cussed
and the
people are one
had a
most vulnerable
people on earth
every seven
people on Earth
treacherously attacked, our
people slaughtered
and gifted
peoples on earth
back in the
people's pockets
This is the
People's Water
Peter Fonda
that weakling brat,
the character of
you can trust,
Peter Parker
space and the
pia mater
a little
piece of carpet
hidden a
piece of chocolate
resembles a
than a
piece of cotton
a fundamental
piece of knowledge
through that
piece of marble
on a
piece of parchment
pizza boxes
pizza parlor
operating out of
pizza parlors
pizza parlour
top of the
Pizza Parlour
pizza parlours
pizza pocket
pizza pockets
pizza sauces
Preach the Gospel
prima donnas
queen does not run
is the
queen of balls-ups
shall never
reach her garden
they can
reach the target
sent never
reached the Father
I have
real world problems
reap the harvest
Rian Johnson
my first
season was up
seat of honor
study of The
Secret Doctrine
Secret Garden
This is not
secret knowledge
Marxism and the
secret lodges
secret sauces
secret shopper
secret shoppers
not gonna
see a doctor
your investors
see some profit
See the modern
you didn't
see the monster
they can't
see the problem
face and
seen a monster
I have
seen the Martians
turns and
sees the Doctor
semen contra
performance in the
senior commons
thing in a
senior copper
she a large girl
She does not yearn
She just nodded
she unconscious
my sister,
she's a lawyer
She's a monster
She's a smart girl
she's the wrong one
she's unconscious
like a
shield of armor
Shiga toxin
Shiga toxins
and the
Siege of Boston
Skeeter Bronson
Stephen Foster
current Prime Minister
of then-Prime Minister
Stephen Harper
Stephen Hawker
Stephen Potter
Brooker and Mark
Screenplay by Mark
Written by Mark
Steven Johnson
Steven Moffat
walking the
streets much longer
between, that's the
teacher's problem
If the
team of doctors
other end of the
three of ya, huh
treacle water
treacle waters
is the
of the
on the
tree of knowledge
and the
Tree of Knowledge
aorta and the
vena cava
mean, c'mon,
we hunt monsters
we punch monsters
we were all drunk
whose nature
we were conscious
We were partners
of what
we were promised
weasel clauses
This is what
we'd forgotten
we'll come on up
We're forgotten
We're her problem
We're massagers
We're the monsters
We've forgotten

with 1 extra syllable

fantasy that children
achieve catharsis
Andean condor
Andean condors
developed by these
Andean farmers
fuel his
army of darkness
Army of Darkness
artesian water
artesian waters
audience watches
After the
Austrian doctor
like the
baldie from office
Barry the Chopper
name is
Barry The Chopper
described particular
for large
Tear off
bodies of water
central primary
one single
body of doctrine
a scientific
a solid
embraces the
one accepted
or assertive
the existing
body of knowledge
rid the
body of toxins
any navigable
for a
from a
in a
into a
into the
body of water
Bosnian proverbs
branchial arches
the last
canteen of water
fellow who
carries the wallop
with all the
Cartesian doctrine
in the corresponding
Cartesian product
Cartesian products
from the whole
Charlie debacle
was rounded, symmetrical,
complete, colossal
Canon create the small-
copier market
try to
copy her model
after the
country of Scotland
made your
daddy a promise
daddy's a dolphin
of algebra of
earlier authors
version of an
earlier model
gave to an
earlier robber
the Muhajirun, Islam's
earliest converts
early adopter
early adopters
of the
early church fathers
The other was
Elisa Maza
do happen to
fancy Madonna
farsi le ossa
fascia lata
the divine
folly of honor
Gracias, Doctor
Guardian column
and find
happiness on earth
least of
happiness on her
Philip Dixon
Hardy the father
kaji bahasa
was also a
Kantian scholar
Christians themselves have
largely forgotten
Latvian proverbs
Maria Juana
not a
Marine First Sergeant
muddy the waters
Nancy Bird Walton
properties are the
obvious targets
that it is
obvious twaddle
are the
Party of Allah
if bilateral
procedures are done
Ramsay MacDonald
sender and
receiver, are one
the barbarous
regime of Stalin
In your fancy-
schmancy apartment
Serbian proverbs
Sharia law does
sharia lawyer
sharia lawyers
Toric, US Marshal
turkey, but not much
Unleash the Kraken
in the
valley of darkness
Venetian Proverbs
what is
worthy of honor
Tarrant is
worthy of honour

with 2 extra syllables

adverbial clauses
- Arthur
Anthony Macdonell
Anthony McAuliffe
Written by
Anthony McCarten
as the
boundaries of knowledge
of a standard 75-
centiliter bottle
certainly the bronze one
inflict their
certainties upon us
in the
company of Radha
Listen to
Delany, a prophet
the divine
devotee of Rama
while an
elderly nun watches
enemy of knowledge
solution to
solutions to
every world problem
than eleven
families of Brahmans
family pajamas
family, the John Does
character created by
Gregory Mcdonald
the novels of
Gregory McDonald
victory lies
heavily upon us
our mystic
hierarchies of stardom
your stupid
history of Carthage
with Robertson's
History of Scotland
operates in the
industrial market
evil and
injury upon us
liberty of conscience
friend Todd
McNulty the hardest
lead my
Ministry of Darkness
re-discover the
Mysteries of Knowledge
is the
parody of water
coach of the
Pasadena Chargers
Possibly from bottom
Possibly from Conn, from
a year,
possibly much longer
possibly the models
Probably from caudle
Probably from randa
He is
probably the model
probably the wrong word
is a bed,
properly regarded
more essential
property of water
qualities but on trust
a larger
an undiminished
quantity of water
somebody just got burned
Tavastia Proper
represented a three-dimensional
tetrahedral solid
pulled me
underneath the water
kind feelings, are
name has been
utterly forgotten
by the
verities of knowledge

with 3 extra syllables

ride to
Albuquerque, some water
Apparently from Chaucer
sprawled out and
apparently unconscious
celibacy does not work
nature is
compulsory upon her
the creative
discovery of knowledge
efficiency apartment
efficiency apartments
Elizabethan collar
Elizabethan collars
origin of the
Elizabethan drama
it is almost
Railway that's been
entirely forgotten
love chocolate,
everybody loves chocolate
Whatever it takes --
fertility, adoption
the system was
generally adopted
as it is
generally regarded
the physical
geography of Scotland
defeat the
hierarchy of darkness
aren't stilled through
hostility, regardless
affect the
integrity of Brahman
Literally, a convent
Literally, the bottom
is the
morality of knowledge
they are
physically the strongest
Sacagawea dollar
Sacagawea dollars
or the
solidity of knowledge
Ultimately from Paulus

with 4 extra syllables

entrepreneur, his profit
entrepreneurial profit
compare the
etymology of author
it was not
eventually adopted
Originally a strong verb
and the
possibilities of commerce
Sociology of knowledge
whose name I've
unfortunately forgotten
great trouble if
It has been
universally adopted
after the
and the
at the
Ethics at
from the
Geometry, the
in the
of the
University of Oxford
the mother
university of Scotland
but he's
unquestionably a monster

with 5 extra syllables

and the
availability of water
in a
phenomenology of knowledge
as the
responsibilities of office