exact syllable matches

is divided into
20 books
am not in
As with
any book
did not write
didn't even bring
any books
also of Afrikaans,
can do us
can do you
circles, not doing
countries cannot do
decide whether their
didn't do me
gonna do you
he'll never be
he's not doin'
himself or anybody
if I was
if it does
is to do
it didn't do
it would do
It wouldn't do
just didn't do
just doesn't do
made that was
my work doing
nor your cause
not do him
not doing anybody
Not to serve
nothin' else is
of 'em who's
one of these
other ever did
out if they're
say this was
That wouldn't do
They wasn't
Those herds aren't
to do you
whether they were
won't do you
your sound is
any good
a bonfire without
Does anyone have
any wood
have you
any wool
barely looked
he had a
belly full
doing the
himself as
life as
masterpiece as
world as
best he could
Cathy Konrad and
Cary Woods
cherry wood
Demi Moore
Emil Wolf
book with an
empty book
en retour
fairly butch
intervention, I am
fairly sure
felt real good
hard, it hurts
Freddy's foot
frenched me good
That's the
All food is
freshly cooked
a new
friend, he would
find a
friendly bush
for a little,
friendly, wolf
quarter turn and
gently pull
Geoffrey Moore
uh, I
guess we should
security officer reprimanded
Harry Hook
a full
head, he stood
Henry Moore
were being
kept, real books
away and
let me cook
them will
let me look
I have so
it contains so
to take that
two of his
who have misread
many books
many cooks
medfly lure
digs that
meth we cooked
prairie wolves
eating the coyote or
have to
most people
read these books
like he
the rabbit
said he would
she always
said she would
says he could
will call me
Scary Bush
into the dark
scary woods
stumbles into a
sexy look
Shelby Foote
with every
step he took
you, like,
tell me yours
Terry Brooks
Tom Drake and
Terry Moore
paid for
them feel good
something and
then he could
games thinking
they'll be good
substance of perhaps
twenty books
a good detective,
a snake is
and dogs are
and it's not
and the execution
and will remain
behold, it was
Billie, you're lookin'
but he was
But Ted is
But that was
But yes,
Candy, Casey,
Chancellor, he is
dawah guys are
dust doesn't taste
easy, but I'm
good, boner is
had to be
handling, which is
he was very
His chances are
hood, and it's
I hear she's
I think it's
I was very,
I'm good, I'm
in a hospital,
is, doesn't smell
it all smells
it becomes very,
it feels very
it is ordinarily
it still isn't
It was
It was very,
it's not
lecturers were also
Meccano is
my grades weren't
nothing that seems
Oh that's
Oh, that's
Priyanka is
remark is very,
say, Walter, you're
she is so
that he wasn't
That is
that it was
That was very,
that would be
the film was
the people is
These concerns are
they didn't look
they don't taste
think that was
think you're very,
This conversation isn't
This is very,
This isn't
this one's
This really isn't
though that's
uh, it was
Uh, it's
uncomfortable and not
without its being
You're certainly not
You're not
very good
a world as
alive, wandering these
very woods
well he should
Well, she would
Well, we should
save Papa
when he could
you stand
where he stood
for happiness
where she could
found shelter
where we could
to fight
where we stood

with 1 extra syllable

cup which is
My schedule is
already full
person who is
already good
back what was
giving you what's
part of what's
which is not
already yours
bone in my
body,especially yours
except three books
up under a
gooseberry bush
the breath
itself be pure
to return a
library book
stink about old
to return our
library books
sleeps in a
mulberry bush
primary goods
strawberry bush

with 2 extra syllables

complementary good
complementary goods
publication of improved
elementary books
see network
everywhere we look
page from the
military's book
evil but a
necessary good
inflamed for any
ordinary cure

with 3 extra syllables

write notes on
write notes upon
imaginary books
keys of the
Melchizedek Priesthood