exact syllable matches

Well you're not so-
More at for-
, wound
blow down
Blow Out
blow town
blown down
his anger was
blown out
blows down
blows out
board out
boards out
dame caught a
boat south
bore down
bore out
We're all
bored now
borne down
borne out
has agreed on
both counts
bowl out
bowled out
bowls out
, My car
My car
The car
broke down
broke out
choke down
choke out
choked down
chokes down
clone town
clone towns
close down
print out and
close out
closed down
closed out
closed town
closed towns
code brown
code browns
It's all
cold now
It was
cold out
spanked out, and
washed out, and
combed out
corn house
corpse hounds
Court House
is in the law-
court now
cro coull
dole out
don't bounce
So drunk contracts
don't count
don't drown
it then and
don't now
bang the
banged the
bangs the
door down
dope house
dope out
doped out
dopes out
More at
doze, mouse
everyone on the
floor now
It all
flows down
it another drop
flows out
fold down
folk house
At least, not
Bang bang
be the co-star
brain parasite plan
come and gone,
fully human, not
have to withdraw
I buy that,
is not called
it at that
just a man
lets it drop
ta ta
That's all
to thank God
what H stands
what he wants
for now
force out
force outs
my Doggett got
Sacred Jewel was
forced out
fork out
forked out
forks out
is wrong on
four counts
fourth down
fourth downs
froze out
George Stout
George Town
is a goddamn
ghost town
ghost towns
go ahead and
gloat now
and we all
and you're gonna
course, did not
here's whats gonna
how's it gonna
how's this gonna
Prices all
They do not
we're both gonna
you are gonna
go down
You can
go loud
do, you can
here, you can
We gotta
Well, gotta
You can all
You can't
go now
and I'm gonna
and you can
grow cold and
I just wanna
me are gonna
the contention shall
we were gonna
go out
makes her ass
go pow
go round
go south
We gotta
go, now
after the water
and the ball
of everything that
where it all
goes down
goes out
gross out
gross outs
grossed out
gags, scares, laughs and
grow house
grow out
grown out
grows out
hoe down
hold down
hold on and
hold on, and
longer I can
think he can
hold out
hold outs
holds down
holds out
hole aus
hole out
holed out
holes out
holst aus
holt aus
holte aus
home ground
home grounds
all feel at
far more at
Go back
just go back
should be at
home now
Get on back
home NOW
home town
home towns
are our last
hope now
horned owl
horned owls
horned pout
horned pouts
horse town
horse towns
hose down
hosed down
skiff, and dragged
Joe out
he did not
know how
for experience, skills, and
It does not
the guy that
knows how
Lone Scout
Lone Scouts
lote aus
mole plough
mole ploughs
mole plow
mole plows
know a lot
more now
seen your father
which I am
more proud
which I am
most proud
mow down
love that has
that greatness has
no bounds
if Venus had
no clouds
But I am
no clown
And it was,
Devoured your flocks,
I have
mania, I have
No self-torture and
this I have
world, I have
no doubt
No harm,
show, no harm,
that, no harm,
no foul
90 eyes and
She has
no mouth
No harm,
no shout
nope out
know not what,
nor how
North Downs
nose out
note down
notes down
now represents an
Representation of a long-
o sound
oast house
sprightly old man--
Oh, ow
I'm an
old grouch
I want an
old house
old town
old towns
not that small,
or brown
or clowns
considerations as conscience
or doubt
a new car
or house
of the past
or now
It was up
or out
separate small bag
or pouch
prospects for bass
or trout
can mean darn
or wow
owe out
owed out
owes out
get on the
phone now
poke out
pork out
post count
post counts
post house
post town
post towns
a people can
pour out
poured down
pours down
prone out
said it at
Road House
out on the
road now
roar out
roll auf
roll cloud
roll clouds
the Rock and
Roll Clown
rev up and
the door, and
transform and
roll out
rolle auf
rolled out
way the condom
rolls out
row house
scope out
scoped out
scopes out
score out
Unhappy folks on
shore now
Unhappy folks on
shore, now
short out
shorts out
show out
show round
showed out
shown out
shows out
and above all,
Come on
find your thoughts
I gotta
I'm not gonna
initial drive and
motherfucker and not
slow down
slow out
the experimentation has
slowed down
and my heart
slows down
smoke out
smoked out
smokes out
snow down
snow out
snow plough
snow ploughed
snow ploughs
snow plow
snow plowed
snow plows
so down
No, don't talk
talk or laugh
so loud
It is not
so now
and I are
And I was
And they are
He was
his bearing was
me, I was
We're all
so proud
my face not
so round
I'm all
means he's all
Should we have
they were all
sold out
Sold out
Surely you can
sort out
sorts out
Everyone's got a
soul now
sports ground
sports grounds
stone bow
storm cloud
storm clouds
storm out
turned hostile and
stormed out
stroke house
stroke out
their uniforms and
stroll out
wields a giant man-
sword 'round
swore out
sworn out
more turbulence than
those clouds
just gonna chop
those down
those hounds
throw down
throw out
throw outs
thrown down
he, too, was
wanted the match
were broken and
thrown out
throws down
throws out
toe out
tone down
oppressive governments are
torn down
vote down
floor, start the
vote now
vote out
war hound
war hounds
you liking that
war now
ward round
warf aus
warm down
be nice and
warm now
whore out
whored out
whores out
things be all
wore out
be threadbare and
body was just
still paint are
worn out
wrote down
wrote out
York round
York rounds
the lands beyond
your bounds
deathly sweat at
Weariness not on
your brow
and living on
my stuff on
sit here on
were lying on
your couch
Dishonor on
your cow
your feet, stand
your ground
a blessing on
and it's not
But not from
crashing down on
go right past
I'm bunking at
mean you are
of booze at
played cards at
them out at
to you and
your momma parks
your house
-- Shut
a finger on
God, please, watch
It's called
mom's boobs on
right there across
the top of
you'd better watch
your mouth
your Mouth
your mouths
Is that
your owl
both you and
your spouse
zog auf
zog aus
zone out
zoned out
zones out

with 1 extra syllable

a bubble and
a child, I
almost drowned
dad's there all
alone now
Manchuria tiger-gods are
oblique inflections are
the latter is
also found
But you are
also Rau
You're the Green
Arrow now
three or four
assholes now
people in the
Balfour house
do just black
bathrobes now
can back off
Bosco now
I've got
control now
same law is
followed out
can't come onto
Winnie off onto
hallowed ground
Hallowed Ground
attack on such
hallowed grounds
hollow out
hollowed out
hollows out
Mano Brown
Wes eating those
nachos now
managing to pin
Shadow down
to keep the
Shadow out
to rent some
transport, now

with 2 extra syllables

down, Frisco, Atlanta,
Chicago town
near the El
Dorado Lounge
Marlborough Sounds
next year, not
tomorrow, now