exact syllable matches

the guy
blows his brains
go to my
boarding place
and the
bolt will break
mercy in their
bone-filled graves
can't stand this
interesting and quintessentially un-
boring place
ultimately predictable in
boring ways
Florey and Ernst
Boris Chain
is being
born in pain
Hillary Clinton,
born this day
baby,I was
I was
us were
was just
We're just
born this way
we perpetrate
both, in spades
is how
close it came
and the
coach is ace
makes the great
coaches great
coaling stage
the borders of
Cochin State
People like
Colin Clay
how the flexible
cords behaved
and superstition co-exist and
corn exchange
Well, of
course things change
left the
court in shame
the children that
don't behave
don't escape
and explanations that
apologise and I
don't explain
Oh, I
don't give breaks
open the
door this way
these bars,
doors, this cage
floating rate
on the
floor in pain
nutrients vital
for big brains
for chrissakes
Have another pretzel,
the Last Scion,
for Chrissakes
a fine eye
and a stickler
for detail
and conspicuous attention
local government office
never pressed her
notes for rack
section of camel
See Cronus
See individual articles
See mash
See polymath
See there
See Wikipedia
See Woodrow Wilson
shortened form Matjes
the Wikipedia article
for details
extroverts often mistake
for disdain
to the market
for display
wise find apertures
for escape
and strong
good shape
is small
knowledge, remarkable
for his age
makes up
for his face
be alarmed
double warrant
for his faith
and station
I asked
your mind
for his name
luckless hunter
the lion
for his prey
be, existed
is not
name, and
our lives
she loves,
their neighbours,
for his sake
for jihad
for His sake
his life
for his state
too highly differentiated
for mistake
And no time
don't get penalized
I'm not paying
for mistakes
trying to pass
for restraint
did this
for six days
to play
for sixth place
to Zebulon
for spring break
be cited
no evidence
for this claim
already suggested
for this date
been preparing
been training
humility, waiting
I've waited
long time
our nation
stated relevance
thank God
waited years
weeks preparing
for this day
have time
of hate
the game,
for this game
no passion
for this hate
accurate name
and frail
for this place
better location
good place
for this waste
the web of
force became
in whatever
of the
form it takes
up life
forms in space
with the
forms, is changed
two times
four is eight
last of the
four remains
few from the
glowing flames
was met with
glowing praise
peacefully beside the
glowing range
they all
go his way
Can I
go in space
did not
go in vain
and women will
do these people
hole until they
make a person
my spoons, I'd
we would all
go insane
are gonna
can overcome
Heads I
go this way
you can
go with Blake
guess I'll
go with lame
the whole town
goes insane
The same
goes with pain
can see her
going gay
you guys are
going gray
everything has been
say everything is
thought tonight was
going great
I know the
going rate
going rates
going snake
you - I'm
going straight
grade with the
gold inlay
on the Oliver
Goldsmith page
forehead and
groans in pain
in fear,
grow in hate
I had some
we are without
growing pains
cannot be on
the mother from
Growing Pains
From barrenness
grows exchange
the mythos
grows this way
gain not
growth its aim
Birth, excitement,
growth, decay
Lurdens, and
hold this gate
holding sway
running then some
hope remained
because I'm
Joe Milkshake
doesn't even
don't even
Now I
that doesn't
know his name
know his pain
uh, I
know it's late
did not
do not
not event
know its name
know this case
know this game
like I
minute, I
know this place
I had
known this place
loading bay
loading gauge
loading space
just before the
loathing phase
Lorentz gauge
village now named
Low Dinsdale
and the
low is raised
can see much
find more depth,
more detail
films also are
more detailed
facilities without knowing
Wiktionary for far
more details
a hundred times
more insane
I just make
time to commit
more mistakes
drawn out the
more remains
a little
more this days
a little
more this way
was with the
morning mail
flight,And spare his
morning prey
scheduled on the
morning train
killed in this
morning's blaze
the test period,
most remained
It's like
moulding clay
Mourning Day
obscured by a
mourning veil
down express
mowed its way
No blood,
no decay
I will give
No dates,
usual, he provides
no details
Death is
no disgrace
And there's
breathe, trapped and
detective, there is
drops, there is
friend, there is
hug, there is
it, there is
know there is
Maybe there's
no Ink Demon,
over, there is
reality there was
that death is
There is
there, but there's
we run, there's
which there is
You have
no escape
There are
no escapes
were in
no fit state
brewing at and
But make
But, make
charmed life and
getting harder, make
No mistake,
Now, make
Strictly business and
that there is
There was
no mistake
and there are
God don't make
He made
it, I made
of genius makes
screw-ups, no errors,
seeming contradictions, but
to do, and
no mistakes
shooting for a
no-hit game
be forgotten,
nor in vain
Aryan-speaking Gauls of
destiny of the
Nordic race
with the letter
o retained
of having his
oath prevail
in pain
Oh, it's great
oh, this case
looks like an eleven-year-
old milkmaid
of my
old mix tapes
woman should act
or behave
hurt by worms
or decay
evade female traps
or delays
confused with darrain
or deraign
or particular features
or details
degree of indifference
Expresses dismissal
honours, fortunes, attacks
that I appreciate
or disdain
is no madness
or disgrace
drink, or wear,
or display
without parade
or displays,
praise and blame
or dispraise
and never age
or economic freedom
or escape
mechanism of trade
they can trade
or exchange
be adequately described
can't be quantified
phenomenon be rationalized
presently be disavowed
or explained
up dead
or in jail
be alive
or in shape
in time
or in space
were either dead
or insane
its pleasures
or its pains
machine's master
or its slave
pre-Christian personal name
or nickname
left without tutelage
or restraint
at fifth
or sixth grade
see straight
or think straight
this time
or this space
this way,
or this way
Mercy and
Otis Graves
us witness our
own decay
years of their
own disdain
overuse and its
own escape
beat by my
own mistake
away in my
by making her
consequence of their
fools from their
for all my
haunted by their
him make his
to make their
own mistakes
we pick our
OWN nicknames
Now I
own this place
My dad
owns this pace
for whoever
owns this place
polling day
polling days
polling place
Newsome Kirk
posted bail
corner in the
me in the
when it was
pouring rain
most well-known and oft-
quoted plays
flame, a big,
roaring flame
together in the
roaring flames
roaring game
hotels doing a
roaring trade
are rib
roasts with nails
aqueducts of
Rome will fail
otherwise the
rope will break
roving plate
roving plates
girls to Death
Row inmates
and screams, and
scolding fail
Scoville scale
shoaling wave
shoaling waves
loveliness that
shone in Spain
will be a
short delay
it was a
shortish name
even know their
short-lived names
on this
show is fake
you just
showed his face
burst And
showed His face
can, their
show's been taped
sun, then
shows its rays
snoring rail
snoring rails
She's fine,
so behave
the attacks are
so delayed
world changed,
so did they
when they are
so engaged
make your ex-boyfriends
were it not
so insane
haven't noticed,
so is Ray
better, and
so will they
and justice of
sorts prevails
blind his
soul with clay
although the exact
source remains
she ever
spoke in vain
with my
sport will pay
sporting clays
to fuel
those big brains
place to discuss
those details
all of
those in spades
to learn from
those mistakes
ye to take
those remains
to make
those things change
throated rail
throated rails
throwing shade
throwing shapes
first people
I got
leaders is
on, and
your ass
thrown in jail
without being
told his name
fangs have
torn His face
Hell is a
tow-in gate
the country of
voting age
technically at
war with Spain
on a
warm spring day
Warring States
hazard to the
whole escape
run but they
won't escape
this is
your fifth day
your milkshake
death because of
it and that's
learned anything from
no- that was
to cover up
your life regretting
your mistake
can learn from
deal with all
excuse for all
in all of
my family from
the pieces from
to learn from
twice, learn from
You can't fix
your mistakes
How was
your spring break

with 1 extra syllable

and we cannot
afford delay
alone escaped
assimilated, the letter
now, your Focus
alone remains
alone, escaped
also exchange
and silver were
also exchanged
become is
also his grave
And you are
It is
also insane
this hatred has
also remained
kindly wisdom of
approaching age
before dicks, babe
other experiments never
before explained
shall go
before His face
grab it
before it breaks
be had
before this age
bow down
before this grave
a day
Behold this maid
Are your
blindfolds in place
borrowing days
composing frame
composing frames
Who can
control his fate
something provincial, an
enclosing space
because of this
enforced restraint
Farrowing crate
you as a
fellow inmate
race against his
fellow inmates
disaster will
follow its wake
his problems,
followed his fate
probably be
followed with pain
another jail the
Cameron delivered the
face you the
form of the
I commenced the
Lincoln died the
Markets recovered the
that anticipates the
to newspapers the
following day
survived in the
following game
completely until the
following May
imagination in the
following way
of the Carthaginian
Hanno entails
could of let
Harrow escape
Athens during the
peoples of the
Heroic Age
to hear a
heroic tale
out of the
historic chain
metro is late
and given
Montrose his way
that was a
narrow escape
narrow escapes
in corresponding but
opposing ways
and in top
performing shape
everybody makes
records this way
been a very
rewarding day
rhizome remains
senator from a
slaveholding state
a Confederacy of
Slaveholding States
Labour without
sorrow is base
all my
sorrow is drained
crutches to
support his faith
predictor of
support is age
and to
support its aims
evidence to
record to
support this claim
Therefore behave
pulls him
towards his face
bullets coming
towards his way
you would
unload this place
astonishing art of
window display

with 2 extra syllables

Francesco is great
interquartile range
and structuration on
isomorphic change
isotope exchange
and still King
Piccolo prevailed
prehistoric age
high On the
Psychozoic plain
telephone exchange
transpyloric plane
transpyloric planes
did not
undergo this change

with 3 extra syllables

a racist
ideologue his say
as a
toreador in Spain