exact syllable matches

background dancers
13 and up
Bluebeard, down
30 fathoms
trash compactor than
a dreamcatcher
a free sample
a key fragment
up in
a neat package
a violinist and
a pianist
a Queenslander
action, there is
be understood as
would help get
a reaction
going on inside
a reactor
I'm not
a real captain
might've posed
to get
a real challenge
a real dragon
a real hammer
really is
she has
a real talent
middle of
a sheep paddock
multiplication table
a week after
Wouldn't you
agree, Francis
the insurgency by
Bernie Sanders
and break your
bloody ankle
pick up
bloody bath tubs
bloody raffle
and fluffy pink
of stars and
bunny rabbits
burnt leaves and dirt
but he and, um
a doctor,
but we manage
Covenants Not to
Compete, Aspen
is not a
complete answer
when you're a
complete bastard
was just the
complete package
to the
country and er
leave the
country at once
Unfold our
country's banner
interested in
critique as such
is one very
curtsy dragon
been fluent in
the late Ol'
Dirty Bastard
dirty bastards
calls me a
dirty savage
measure things by
earthly standards
from me and Gus
grunge music group
from Seattle
a refugee
the Portuguese
from Sri Lanka
are exempt
from these sanctions
a bit
funny at first
I've got this
funny habit
was that
fuzzy, that blurred
girl, he asks her
Gurney Cannon
was just a
gut reaction
has done,She has done
hungry and uh
hungry bastards
not try to
hurry matters
just clean that up
you pretty much
just reacted
it contact or
just reaction
'til you
love me, faggot
kill thee,And
love thee after
It requires a
lovely balance
Strange people,
lovely manners
all in one
lovely package
undercover as the
lovely Shannon
to do, the
lucky bastards
lot about
machines and stuff
monkeys with
money and guns
take the
money and run
is faced with
money matters
try is fractal or
be some kinda miracle
must be answered
IT resources
must be managed
must flee at once
of beans and spunk
of beans, and spunk
of beasts and birds
the most difficult
of detachments
of dreams and love
of here at once
get out
of here, Adam
the principle
of least action
of peace and love
influenced a generation
to three generations
of pianists
again the forces
along dark night
clash with those
in the direction
make it empty
paths and limits
this predictable pattern
of reaction
so, you boys
of Seattle
of speech and words
the power
of Steam Castle
policy consequences
the consequences
of these actions
of these bastards
lose some
of these battles
of these black ones
the validity
of these chapters
reminded me
of these Kabyles
a lot
of these matches
one we can trust
Percy jackson
met by repressive
more than traditional
police action
gun down a
You murdered the
police captain
seem to be
roughly balanced
been a little
roughly handled
that mainly employs
rugby tackles
run be dragged up
this big, sharp,
rusty dagger
with a twenty-foot
rusty halberd
which operate her
rusty scalpel
little human
rut we traveled
which everything
scurries and whirls
Shirley Abbott
Shirley Jackson
Shirley Manson
can get
some free passes
out for
some free samples
to get
some real answers
shown in the
studied action
of my
study and love
horse, pulling a
sturdy wagon
United Kingdom supporting
such reaction
sinewy, and
sultry at once
degrees and
sunny, and, uh
make you all
Supreme Daleks
the fantasy classic
The Beastmaster
firing of
the Cheese Cannon
sway of
the Greek language
the green azures
light of
the Green Lantern
I am
the Green Phantom
In comes
the meat wagon
have thought of
success, the greater
the reaction
us to separate
the reactions
It was not
the reactor
the real challenge
the real sad ones
the real Santa
absorbed in
the screen action
to undo
the seal, Master
the seeds and pulp
the street and searched
game by
the team captain
not separate
the three factors
shit with
the weed whacker
and I've got
the weed-whacker
Thomas Jefferson
the week after
turkey salad
uh these carrots
have a,
uh, green salad
it cleared
up me dandruff
what he can earn
what he had done
what He has done
don't know
what he's after
what she had done
what we had done
what we have done
what's she after
that the
world needs answered
world, we have come
its deference to
worldly masters
and loss in
worldly matters
midnight is
worth three after
worthy match-up
breakfast was
yummy as vell

with 1 extra syllable

Love your enemies -
give me an
absentee ballot
Action, reaction
It tastes like
This is
battery acid
of the
battlefield have won
because we're an us
the blankety-blank the totally
of the most
bloodthirsty bandits
of psychical and
bodily matter
bother me that much
more than a
century after
That's just once-in-a-
century talent
but it
certainly had some
certainly have guts
is where the
comedy happens
crash left many
companies bankrupt
and the
company as one
lost in your
company, Captain
not just a
to be a
concert pianist
and more
consciously, than drugs
if it's
constantly at flux
couldn't, she had none
Custardy battle
through a difficult
custody battle
of my
destiny had come
They drink
differently than us
assert our
his eternal
legacy of
dignity and worth
doesn't mean that much
this system of
double redaction
of a Tang
dynasty dragon
are flimsy and
easily damaged
would have been
easily granted
'Cause that could
easily happen
too often will
easily shatter
Edgar Lee Masters
good news is
third time it's
enemy action
much bigger
enemy at work
would be
equally as dull
and success in grunge-
era Seattle
of justice are
evenly balanced
subscribed to the
Evergreen Standard
inaction in one's
them impiousness in
every action
at it from
of it from
was perfect from
every angle
extent inherent in
every atom
a struggle with
every batter
is visible in
every facet
serve every facet,
every faction
every faggot
and will understand
every language
of them,
to catch
every last one
drip joyfully from
every rafter
All Retarded Inbred
Evil Sheepshaggers
family album
you balance
family and work
of our
family can't come
family matter
other of our
family matters
their social and
family status
perform for a
famous pianist
preferred by certain old-
fashioned sea-captains
Father Neil Hannon
father, he had one
A paradoxical and
fearsome pianist
thereafter in a
fiery chasm
the spleen of
fiery dragons
and this will
critter Christmas can
finally happen
finally happened
Emerson or spouting
flowery language
just padded, it's
fractally padded
and into the
built my cold
fusion reactor
future we have none
shine like
galaxies, and some
goin' be at us
gonna need back-up
gotta be black first
conquest of
gravity as such
Harmony Hammond
joy, and
harmony, and love
haven't seen that one
But it is
heavily damaged
their own
history and blood
revolutions that make
history happen
heroes of
regimes throughout
history have done
the gaze of
history, pantless
Jeffery Amherst
Kennedy Scanlon
by light,
liberty and love
Man Who Shot
Liberty Valance
their own
little sealed package
friendship and
friendship, and
loyalty and trust
movies and
magazines and stuff
Malcolm de Chazal
are achieved in
masterly fashion
This is a
Ministry matter
Missiles meet Ratchet
are intellectually and
the evil and
morally bankrupt
on this
morally blank world
Might even
murder me, Madam
questions can
that must
never be answered
never be famine
troops will
never see battle
get a
normal sleep pattern
This doesn't
normally happen
a natural and
here in an
hospital in an
orderly fashion
a legal and
orderly manner
and principles from
other pianists
responses to
our Peace Banner
the extent of
our reaction
Parson please stand up
no accounting for
people's reactions
perfectly balanced
blood and
piety and blood
focus on lofty
Ideas matter,
liberal on social
policy matters
homeland is the
portuguese language
than you can
possibly fathom
you might
possibly have come
could not
They couldn't
possibly have won
What can it
possibly matter
in a more
praiseworthy manner
sort of compromised
privacy, rather
own I could
probably manage
be useful if
properly managed
catastrophically irreversible the
it usually causes
property damage
get on the
property ladder
You're paying
property taxes
proverb he had heard
some kind of
quality standard
with your
Quarantine flags up
lured and then
quietly strangled
for something to
randomly happen
carpeted meadow the
river meandered
that Wonderland
salary man done
some nice
scenery and stuff
sermon he had heard
obtained entirely through Pro-
Slavery channels
is a normal
social reaction
very big
solid steel ladder
Sophocles, Fragments
Southern Sri Lanka
to newly commissioned
submarine captains
I am the
submarine caption
be settled in
summary fashion
Cyanide is a
surface reaction
our people's
sympathy and trust
Timothy Ballard
I would
totally cast her
the winner is
times it feels
totally random
Tragedies happen
good qualities
underneath that, uh
been tested for
undersea battle
make eternal the
unearthly sadness
expressions of
unity and love
neither division nor
unity Matters
a complete and
utter retraction
Mrs Thatcher looked
utterly baffled
wanna see that girl

with 2 extra syllables

abandoned me at birth
like it may
of the imagination,
often does that
actually happen
All that stuff
except what
mystery of what
not something that
person that never
rather than what
that imaginary triumph
the day it
the way evolution
you sure nothing
actually happened
the f-word, nothing
when the moment
actually happens
Almond Joys
actually have nuts
actually have one
that you're not
actually mammals
Where things
actually matter
as if it
first thing that
actually matters
chocolate and
another sleeve blanket
nothin' that
anybody can touch
to love
anybody that much
objective assigned to
artillery masses
flat-earth theory in
astronomy classes
You're going by
audience reaction
to some interesting
audience reactions
to acknowledge
authority, as such
beautiful, she's fragile
brutality rampant
Lima Bean
catastrophe last month
crap out of
charisma-free actors
of fairly ordinary
chemical reactions
flautist and a
she is a
classical pianist
for the
community as such
unhappy person is
consequently absent
most men can
conveniently manage
modern instinct of
critical reaction
ball should
definitely have won
locomotive hauling a
delivery wagon
Democracy matters
form of
democracy that works
in exploration,
discovery and fun
be on The
it on the
Discovery Channel
need to
disfigure me, Albus
opinions in a
disorderly manner
emotionally shattered
behavior is now
Criticism is not
entirely absent
in its
entirety at once
I will be
eternally thankful
ahead in such
exemplary fashion
the military and
government reaction
I do look
incredibly handsome
Or is all
insanity anger
books of
integrity and worth
Lieutenant Jean Havoc
- the doorframe
literally rattles
I-I-I'm acing my
midwifery classes
accept realistically their
this century for
us to permanent
minority status
atheism as a
it's a perfectly
It's a very
That's a
natural reaction
the indispensable
necessity had come
through a psychal
necessity, transient
and poetical
nobility and stuff
next to a
plant, not a
nuclear reactor
talking about never
officially happened
and economic
philosophies have done
practically gallops
A room,
preferably, Malcolm
principles we have learned
hence against
reality as such
blanket, a massive
need for a
The gun's her
security blanket
national and global
security matters
alone for
serenity and mirth
mean, you're
seriously racked up
He was
similarly staggered
knowledge and
sincerity and love
aggressive people only
technology mattered
love it
usually lasts us
visual information and
visual reaction
it, triumphantly,
wherever he travels
Latin countries
wherever we traveled

with 3 extra syllables

and wake
continually at once
from Reed Richards'
dimensional reactor
was a purely
emotional reaction
danger of precipitating
fanatical reactions
It finally explodes
immediately after
whose life he
inadvertently shattered
can remember
incredible street battles
is in this
introductory chapter
Introductory Chapter
Introductory Stanza
ossified in almost
mechanical reactions
destruction of
nationality as such
That may not
necessarily happen
conjuring orbs are
notoriously fragile
opportunity has come
have when
opportunity shall come
politically challenged
by no
possibility have done
fought a
professional team mascot
It's a
rudimentary phallus
decoration with no
spiritual reaction
40, as a
supplementary stanza
well as the
University campus

with 4 extra syllables

needed for the
anticipated reaction
perils of
aromatherapy and uh
had so
hypocritically cast her
leads to the
inevitable reaction
be regarded as
intellectually backward
the audience, its
unfavourable reaction
into four distinct
universality classes