exact syllable matches

13 August
30 August
he was
a beet farmer
suburban novel,
a cheap novel
I am
a cheap trollop
A clean conscience
them at
a flea market
you like
a free condom
to have
a free conscience
miracle of
remote from
requirement of
that's not
a free market
opposite of
a Greek drama
A Greek proverb
and, and
a meatball sub
image of
a Peacock From
gonna hit like
I mean like
you look like
a pinata
can strike
cut us
a plea bargain
being evacuated as
it's really just
a precaution
I am
word of
a real artist
A real charmer
feel like
that guy's
a real doctor
think I'm
a real monster
marry, but
a real partner
he's got
that as
a real problem
floor and find
a recharger
go around like
of living like
a sleepwalker
like those of
a sleep-walker
Rhinestones on
a tiara
impulses and
a weak conscience
a Wheel Watcher
who attains wisdom
achieves knowledge
could never
agree on one
gives the final
amine product
specific to particular
anime genres
I made the
bereaved vomit
standing on the
bloody alter
Give him the
bloody bottle
there's loads of
bloody doctors
Not the
bloody walrus
Buddy Carter
own sitcom, My
Buddy Stalin
Buddy's awesome
That was my
buddy's daughter
your black jungle
bunny momma
But he's not young
But she's harmless
But we're not done
the girls,
but we're smarter
'cause he got burned
Come here often
Come here, Dala
I have
come here, Mana
singer, but a
complete artist
supreme moment of
complete knowledge
to form a
complete model
end up a
complete monster
I'm not a
complete tosser
his depth and
concealed bottom
country boxes
in the outlaw
country genre
Marcus Mumford and
Country Marshall
any other
the greatest
country on earth
country on Earth
will make our
country stronger
ruined the
country, not us
them for our
country's problems
a puddle of
emptying pails of
four inches of
It's full of
shark in the
dirty water
donne di casa
Dutch Guiana
a number of
name borne by
early martyrs
Compare and
probably borrowed from
early modern
this 'cause of
early trauma
was quite the
early walker
earth, earthworms, and
earthly darkness
one perpetuated one's
earthly karma
'em, we got 'em
up the
first three launches
more cooperation
from these partners
one question,
from three onwards
picture of the
furry lobster
furry lobsters
gully washer
gully washers
herpes zoster
honey possum
honey possums
to see a
hungry farmer
River into the
Jersey marshes
think it'll
just be awkward
just be Walker
and I
just feel awful
love these long runs
Mary have a
lovely bottom
They all have
lovely bottoms
Lovely daughter
must be the
lovely Donna
Frank Langella and Anne-
Marie Johnson
Michael Crichton and Anne-
Marie Martin
God, have
mercy on us
money boxes
money goggles
money market
controls the world's
on in the
money markets
you've taken
money off of
about my stupid
money problems
in terms of
money, auctions
above the river's
muddy waters
multi boxes
munchie boxes
munchy boxes
Murray Rothbard
Murray Walker
false and
must be altered
of God
must be slaughtered
must be started
a father's
must be stronger
been fond of
oblique arches
of deeds, not words
the solution
of each problem
the slums
of Flea Bottom
the wonders
of free markets
hell out
of here Marcus
us out
of here momma
of least knowledge
most noble
of meat sauces
of mi alma
of Miazga
the colour
of peach blossom
for extraordinary measures
of precaution
made out
of real cotton
a Basket
of Sea Mosses
-influenced variant
of seawan, from
in a backwash
sense, soft vessels
of seawater
the cause
of Shri Rama
become a nation
of sleepwalkers
philosophic nescience
of St Austin
concrete solutions
the investigation
the solution
of these problems
on all
of these products
police blotter
police blotters
police boxes
of Quinn Martin
police dramas
police office
Short for European
Police Office
puppy water
I've got a
runny bottom
should I
serve thee, Robert
massage from some
slutty doctor
succeeds prophet
so I'm a
sucky artist
also called the
Supreme Brahma
one with the
Supreme Brahman
You are the
Supreme Goddess
meaning of the
supreme knowledge
the beast was done
the deed was done
the dream brought us
the dreams are one
back at
farts at
there at
the flea market
advocate of
advocates of
beauties of
dangers of
defense of
It's called
to discredit
the free market
The Green Martyrs
welling up from
the preconscious
all over
the priest's bottom
along that's
and exacerbated
the real problem
The real problem
who have
the real problems
to remember
the real Roger
you find
the real Sovereign
the sea are one
Kit from
the sea monster
the Sea Monster
kill all
the sea monsters
in a child,Than
the sea-monster
save yourself from
the sea-monsters
I want
the streak conquered
the Law,
the wheel Dharma
Thirteenth Doctor
to write over
thirty novels
I'm a
trapeze artist
You must
trust me, Father
Tully monster
Tully monsters
Turkey carpet
Turkey carpets
into a thousand
ugly monsters
Up here, sharp stuff
doesn't set
us free, Robin
What he offered
What precautions
can stop
what she started
what we call her
work here on earth
work here on Earth

with 1 extra syllable

17 August
De Bye
after P Potter
agony boxes
agony column
agony columns
amas de casa
question of an
amputee father
your mind,
aren't we, Arthur
Just ask District
Attorney Botsford
than the State's
Attorney office
Attorney's office
is known as
auction pinochle
Doctors and nurses,
awfully harmless
bala de prata
of the
bastard he fathered
Bellamy Foster
a much
better Greek scholar
Beverly Johnson
investing in the
bottomry market
bumblebee model
bumblebee models
pictures of
bumblebees on 'em
cama de agua
camas de agua
Cantonese opera
Cantonese operas
line of the
Cantonese proverb
But he
captured me, Robin
at this scan
carefully, Doctor
Casa Bianca
casa de praia
casas de praia
Pompous, trite, high-sounding,
cautiously guarded
of a third
century martyr
cera bianca
well, this is
certainly awkward
to all this
Colony's problems
the low
comedy was done
sense of
comfort, ease, calmness
be more
commonly called a
company doctor
in the coal
company office
most influential
company on earth
only makes the
company stronger
Little Brown and
Company, Boston
out to our
company, Prophet
cotton fleahopper
cotton fleahoppers
dama de honor
damas de honor
doctor, he was just
isn't, he
doesn't need water
donna di casa
most powerful
energy on Earth
to solve our
energy problem
Planck discovered the
equal demand on
every market
government can't solve
job to solve
used to solve
every problem
the Title of
every Prophet
the downfall of
every toddler
one at the
factories, harbours
security around the
family altar
I'm their
family doctor
family doctors
uphold the
family honor
led to many
with severe emotional
family problems
that my
family was just
part of the
Family, Robert
than defend his
to restore his
family's honor
reality and
fantasy are one
American author of
of seven planned
fantasy novels
with soda
finally caught up
when they
finally caught us
right arm
finally gone numb
finally got 'em
genetic condition
finally got her
but we
finally got one
used as a
fire retardant
fire retardants
I'm the
foster-freak bong girl
gallery problem
gallery problems
garden fleahopper
garden fleahoppers
be how Nazi
Germany started
This game's
This is
gonna be awesome
This is
gonna be awful
gonna be Roger
grandchildren are
gonna need lawyers
shit, I
sorry, I
gotta be honest
gunnery sergeant
grade to Master
Gunnery Sergeant
gunnery sergeants
peace and
harmony on earth
presence of the
heavenly Father
to serve the
Heavenly Father
keys, which are
heavily guarded
Holland ist offen
honesty boxes
Hungary water
Hungary waters
Asura in
Japanese art From
Japanese garden
error in the
primarily for the
Japanese market
Japanese marten
Japanese martens
ultimately vanquishing their
Japanese monster
Japanese proverbs
Jeremy Clarkson
Jeremy Collier
Jeremy Waldron
justice, here on earth
it crash-
landed here on Earth
that boarded that
Lebanese trawler
life gets
longer,Awful feels softer
created to obtain
luxury products
manatees, dolphins
memory boxes
memory cartridge
Memory Gospel
Mercury on Earth
earth can
never be conquered
noncompete clauses
materials and innovative
novelty products
Written by
Nunnally Johnson
, for
obsolete quadrat
oughta be locked up
case on
our real target
movers for
our three daughters
parakeet auklets
us, as
partners, real partners
pedigree clauses
penalty boxes
penalty parka
perfectly awful
what is also
perfectly common
It is
perfectly monstrous
pipas de agua
plaza de armas
plazas de armas
to investigate other
policy options
earth can't
possibly stop her
understanding reason is
probably harder
probably longer
He was
probably shot up
Promise me, Papa
prophecy, Robin
purpose here on earth
number of industrial
quality problems
to sell a
quality product
Consumer skepticism makes
environmentally friendly and
quality products
Raggedy Doctor, my
Raggedy Doctor
Romany proverbs
sala de aula
or the
Saturn V rocket
sensory garden
sensory gardens
southern viscachas
Sterna striata
the world remains
stubbornly solid
As if you've
suddenly blossomed
when the skies
suddenly darken
steady climb was
suddenly halted
his face, he
suddenly pauses
but sayability they
sumptuously offer
harnessed to
tackle these problems
What she
tackles, she conquers
promised houses with
tangerine gardens
terribly powerful and
terribly modern
Threepenny Opera
a wonderful and
trustworthy partner
a crown of
unsullied honor
him in some
unworthy squabbles
of the
urban street problem
utterly proper
her maiden name
Valerie Hobson
vanity boxes
vengeance here on earth
wanna be honest
Water, clean water
wonder we are stuck

with 2 extra syllables

to as the
anomaly problem
transfer to
another field office
He has major
anxiety problems
commodity market
commodity markets
You impose
continency on us
corpora striata
You are
definitely Scots, sir
But I am
definitely taller
the trouble with
democracy Martin
democracy sausage
though you
desperately want one
This is the
economy model
economy models
can make the
economy stronger
Camomile tea and
economy vodka
fire if that
element preponderates
use my bachelor's
emergency condom
What's today's
emergency, Doctor
guess humanity isn't
entirely awful
entirely bonkers
other hand, is
entirely honest
his thinking is
entirely modern
were built
entirely on drugs
manner that's not
this matter was
entirely proper
Everett Dean Martin
made an
excellent Green Martian
tsunamis and
horrible sea monsters
would even be
infallibly harmful
Literally bald of
some other
nontroversy pops up
key to
overcome these problems
paradas de boxes
cigarettes are not
potentially harmful
principle, these are the
problema ni mama
problema ni papa
prosperity doctrine
prosperity gospel
Prosperity gospel
prosperity gospels
concrete shells are
structurally stronger
another majority can
subsequently alter
amazing future
technology on us
suddenly everybody's a
theology scholar
Together we're stronger
There in the
Tuileries Gardens
likely seeking
unconsciously are bugs
voyages de noces

with 3 extra syllables

women, will be
considerably altered
One proposed
etymology was a
up Beethoven as
exceptionally monstrous
guacharaca de agua
guacharacas de agua
Ralph may have
inadvertently started
me, it is
incomparably stronger
jobs or functions
inevitably foster
Muscicapa striata
form was
originally bloch, from
out of the Orient--
particularly, carpets
still not being
universally honored