exact syllable matches

4 March
au fond
au large
au monde
aux armes
beau gosse
beaux arts
blow jobs
legs and arms
blown off
board lot
board lots
bold star
bold stars
bone hard
bone loss
bore da
bore draw
bore draws
born on
Bowes Park
broke off
choke off
closed ball
closed balls
clothes moths
clothes shop
clothes shops
coach box
coal balls
coal drop
coal tar
coast fox
coast guard
coast guards
coat cards
code block
code blocks
code golf
cold call
cold cock
cold cocked
cold cocks
cold spot
cold spots
cole slaw
cole slaws
cone off
core loss
cork off
corn dogs
corn starch
court card
court cards
court costs
doe na
doe op
doeke op
doke op
dome car
dome cars
door god
door gods
dope dog
doum palm
doum palms
doze off
doze offs
droege op
drone on
drove off
dwarf star
dwarf wall
dwarf walls
faux pas
flow chart
fo raad
folk rock
folk songs
enjoyment of art
is the law
for all
for cause
is not hard
for God
-- but not
And not
be awkward,But not
'em, but not
Pack, but not
too, but not
while, but not
for long
conversation was all
enthusiastic efforts are
for naught
got a job
for ya
forced march
fore arm
fork bomb
fork off
fourth wall
fourth walls
George Box
George Cross
ghost call
ghost calls
ghost cars
ghost frog
ghost frogs
ghost moth
ghost moths
ghost sharks
go dark
go far
go Galt
go long
last nuclear bombs
go off
my arm --
point and cannot
go on
go strong
go wrong
go yard
goat moth
goat moths
goes long
when that bomb
goes off
goes on
gold box
gold farm
gold farmed
gold farms
Gold Star
Gold Stars
gose hauk
gros lots
grow ops
grown on
grows on
growth stock
hoar frosts
hoge op
hold off
You outlaws,
hold on
holde op
holds off
holds on
hole card
hole cards
hole saws
home farm
home farms
home lots
home taught
hope op
Horn clause
horn dog
horn dogs
horned frog
horned frogs
horned hog
horned lark
horned larks
horse box
horse cock
horse cocks
hose barbs
Joe Bloggs
joe job
joe jobs
joke shop
joke shops
Jove nods
know aught
korte golf
Lode Star
lope hard
lope op
los op
Low Carb
low cost
mold loft
mort cloth
mort cloths
no ar
no ball
no balls
days can cause
he can cause
no harm
no mark
no marks
no yards
noeme op
North Star
nose art
nose guard
nose guards
o clock
o qual
better than all
o' y'all
oh ar
old ball
old balls
old guards
old salt
old saw
old saws
old squaw
Old Tom
old top
a restaurant
or bar
creature that walks
or crawls
based on flawed
or false
of the All,
or God
well as Paul
or John
death and art,
is a god
me the job
punches, glasses on
they were strong
to the top
want the job
want the part
or not
clothes are on
or off
such as cod
or salt
every nation, large
or small
ore hearth
ore hearths
org chart
phone box
phone call
for international
phone calls
phone cards
It's dog-doesn't-return-other-dog's-
PO box
poke box
pole star
pole stars
pole vaults
poll card
poll cards
pork floss
porn star
porn stars
and a small
port on
port tong
port tongs
post box
post card
post off
post rock
pro Kopf
pro parte
quartz clock
quartz clocks
quote mark
quote marks
road car
road cars
road hog
Roald Dahl
roar off
roar on
rode vos
rol op
roll call
roll calls
rolle op
rolled on
rolls on
rolt op
rope dart
rope darts
rope wall
rope walls
rope yarns
roped off
ropes off
rose knot
rose knots
Rose Scott
schort op
schwarze Loch
scope block
scope blocks
score draw
score draws
score off
scored off
scores off
scroll bars
Scroll Locks
scroll saw
scroll saws
shore cod
shore lark
short cross
short straw
show barns
show cause
show off
showed off
shows off
slope off
slote op
slow ball
slow march
smoke arch
smoke bomb
smoke bombs
Snow Dogs
snow fox
snow golf
snow guard
snow job
snow jobs
snow park
Bang-up job
so far
little hand was
makes the Hottentot
That was
so hot
had gone on
so long
we all got
so lost
so on
us are not
so strong
soap box
sold off
sold on
sole mark
sole marks
sort marked
spore op
sports bars
sports bra
sports car
sports card
sports cards
women and bought
sports cars
sports hall
sports halls
store farm
store farms
storm card
storm cards
Storm Large
storm off
stroll on
sword arm
sword arms
sword knot
sword knots
Thorpe Marsh
those cards
Look at all
those locks
throw off
throw on
throw salt
toe drop
toe sock
toe socks
toe stop
toe stops
tone arm
tone arms
torch songs
tort law
tow bar
tow bars
troll job
troll jobs
volge na
volge op
vote mobs
war bond
war bonds
war dog
war dogs
ward off
wards off
warped wall
warped walls
whole cloth
whole hog
yau pas
the worse off
your are
to cut off
track marks on
your love on
your arm
and vibrates along
gonna cut off
your arms
your arse
I cut off
your balls
We have all
your bombs
That's not
your call
anyway, how was
your car
That was
your cross
your farm
it was all
It was not
say that's all
your fault
What are
your flaws
and snag on
ear, but not
her scar upon
I can stop
I want
They blow across
your heart
could have lost
That's not
your job
a cross on
little accident on
your lawn
your mark
your marks
your mom
any effort on
any misjudgment on
your part
which one was
your stop
your thoughts
your tod
Anatolian kilim on
to hang on
your wall
go off on
the numbers off
your watch
zone notte

with 1 extra syllable

almost all
few hours are
almost gone
which we have
almost lost
is large and
also calm
is the elephant
also God
was lost was
also lost
and Jean Smart
also star
also strong
KGB, Mossad,
also wrong
Arvo Part
auto park
auto part
auto parts
auto shop
one who set the
blotto box
camote tops
contents into a
cardboard box
working at the
cargo docks
cockroach wasp
cockroach wasps
Congo bar
Congo bars
that the original
Cosmos brought
resist temptation and
to love and
follow God
follow ons
followed on
follows on
Harpo Marx
It hides a
hollow heart
out of the
hollow top
longnose gar
longnose gars
maillots blancs
mako sharks
mambo sauce
Otto Hahn
phosphor bronze
recipe for low-cal
popcorn balls

with 2 extra syllables

Chicago dog
Chicago dogs
Good luck in
Chicago, Don
that has produced
Gonzalo Thought
Kramer Glickman as
Gustavo Rocque
the money from
tomorrow's job