exact syllable matches

4 August
blow jobber
blow jobbers
Bohr model
bore water
Hancock said, was
born modern
was not
born on Earth
wife are
both called love
broke water
choke collar
choke collars
coach boxes
Coach Carter
coast foxes
coast guarder
coast guarders
coat armour
coat armours
code talker
coke bottle
cold caller
cold callers
core losses
corn cockle
corn cockles
cote armure
court marshal
court martial
court martialed
court martials
was found out and
He was
courts martial
cro almon
door knocker
door knockers
faux bonhomme
faux bonhommes
floor boxes
floor model
religion is all
for Allah
just people talk
for awesome
a crucial job
for farmers
than Falstaff had
for honour
away calves marked
for market
at a loss
for options
a close call
for Papa
a day off,
for starters
for want of
labels are
forced on us
I'm still John
Ford's partner
Fort Stockton
Fourth Doctor
George Arnold
George Barker
George Farquhar
George Marshall
God I had
George Martin
George Novack
George Sarton
George Wallace
ghost rocket
came from crashed
ghost rockets
globe trotter
globe trotters
glow starter
go bonkers
goes bonkers
gold boxes
gold farmer
gold farmers
gold solder
gros bonnet
gros bonnets
gross margin
gross margins
gross profit
aside, does not
makes the heart
grow fonder
make the art
grow stronger
demonic aura has
grown stronger
hold water
in world and
home markets
Home Office
Horn clauses
horse archer
horse archers
horse boxes
horse collar
horse collars
horse doctor
horse doctors
horse opera
horse operas
Jo Walton
Joan Crawford
Joan Larsen
Joan Vollmer
Joe Barton
Joe Frogger
Joe Froggers
Joe Haldeman
that we all
know Sgt
lope onder
but shorter than
Lord Scotland
Lorne sausage
low water
low waters
mold boxes
mold fossil
mold fossils
mole monster
More bombers, and
more bombers
time I was
more cautious
consonants, is overall
havocked are far
terms or are
the century are
to roost was
unfortunate it's not
more common
consequences are far
more harmful
even richer and
more honored
Because here was
more knowledge
Pythagoras was
more modest
had seen naught
more monstrous
change my socks
gynaecologists that call
more often
we can't have
more options
we'd solve lots
more problems
need a lot
more water
is better than
most doctors
Uncle Sam has
no conscience
I have
Your children have
no father
intelligence, and
no hard work
no harm done
You got
Your father had
no honor
most people have
which I had
no knowledge
There are
no large ones
can hold on
so long, and
They paused
would be Islam
no longer
You ain't got
no mama
And there are
no models
that there are
no monsters
I had
that I had
no option
We've got
no options
no part of
Bin Laden are
'Cause that's
flirt right back,
Harbor That was
I have
me, there was
sky, I got
That promise was
that there was
then you got
no problem
with me solves
no problems
and there was
There was
no water
trunk, valise, carpet-bag,
nor parcel
North Auburn
North Brabant
North Holland
North Water
little ol' ball
o' cotton
oat opera
oat operas
old codger
old codgers
seek a cause
or author
from the top
or bottom
out of glass
or chocolate
feel any awe
or conscience
wife, sister, sweetheart,
or daughter
which was lost
or hostile
guiding this Law,
or Karma
beyond our call
or knowledge
on normal clocks
or watches
Orde Lama
phone boxes
PO boxes
poke bonnets
poke boxes
pole vaulter
pole vaulters
from all
Popes, bar none
pork knocker
pork knockers
Port Chalmers
post boxes
post office
This was
poured on earth
pro ana
proton pump
proton pumps
roach stomper
roach stompers
rode shotgun
role model
not useful as
we are not
you gotta have
role models
Role Models
Roque Dalton
Rose Cottage
rose garden
rose gardens
rose garnet
rose robin
rose robins
rose water
Scholes model
scorched carpet
scorched carpets
short commons
show boxes
a radio talk
show doctor
show stopper
show stoppers
smoke arches
snow foxes
snow monster
snow monsters
snow partridge
Snowball Earth
It was
makes the sauce
so awesome
disorder, though not
I'm not
so common
without makeup, and
so honest
so lala
game like that
heard me talk
write them off
so often
It's all
so rotten
know, not
so smart, huh
But not
so Stalin
Troy, you are
so thoughtful
soap boxes
soap dodger
soap dodgers
soap opera
name men on
soap operas
heart and
soul are crushed
stone marten
stone martens
sword dollar
sword dollars
those are tough
Those are words
mind will understand
those doctrines
it encompasses all
those genres
a presence beyond
he get all
those monsters
Lord, for all
those options
thinking to solve
to help solve
to really understand
those problems
toast water
toe boxes
toll plaza
toll plazas
war artist
war bonnet
war bonnets
War Doctor
war garden
war gardens
war golok
war goloks
in the Star
to the Star
Wars saga
going all man-
whore on her
yo mama
yo mamma
yo momma
be sacrified upon
your altar
bullseye painted on
it right off
your bottom
Your call, girl
pretty hard on
your carcass
I saw
your closet
you whipped off
your collar
biggest crowd at
your concerts
the burdens on
want that on
your conscience
his daughter at
your cottage
a shot at
I'll have
monster is not
She was
you couldn't have
your blood upon
your daughter
Lawrence Gordon was
you should call
your doctor
After you shot
and neither was
are faster than
He was
He's not
I am
I worked upon
I'm not
It was
It's not
know I'm not
know you're not
man you call
naval officer as
old that was
Sam was not
same manner as
same night as
surrender, as was
thing is not
very well surpass
Was it not
when I fought
wish I was
You are not
your mother and
You're mad at
You're not
your father
kinda was
your fault, but
heart and not
your garments
for all
your hard work
more important than
then stepping on
your honor
your Honor
stuff like that,
That's all,
Your Honor
your Honors
Come on,
your honour
Your Honour
your hotness
you step on
your johnson
your girl and
your Johnson
I'm not
your mama
Have you lost
your marbles
tattoo on
your mom's butt
on over at
the package at
you just call
your office
do that at
your opera
So what are
Those are
your options
And he's got
Delano was
I'm not
improve depending on
She was
You turned on
your partner
And it's not
And that's
as hell not
do to solve
end is not
here to solve
I'm not
much pie, that's
Still, it's not
That's not
Vegas and that's
You are
your problem
in, and that's
YOUR problem
it doesn't solve
Solve all
success never solve
won't solve all
your problems
this logo on
your product
I am
laid, and mocks
your prophet
to cross
your quad, sir
you totally off
your rocker
opening to attack
your target
plus he got
your wallet
zwart water

with 1 extra syllable

almost got her
white canvas is
almost solemn
thick it seemed
almost solid
also bought a
also charva
also cockle
and hello are
field mice are
single i is
also common
also doctor
also dollar
also gloppen
castle, but you
also gotta
also harmful
also hoddle
also marvel
also modern
also monster
the Untouchables are
also Nagas
kesar honey, has
also prospered
also rocca
also sonder
also waffle
also Yonner
also, shotgun
mother and my
asshole father
You're an
asshole, Cartman
out my
asshole, ya fucks
Invasion of
Invasion of the
auto bomba
autos bomba
a game of
bato lata
blotto boxes
Unrelated with
borrowed fada
rocket out of
them all into
cardboard boxes
Carlo Carra
system or the
cartpole problem
combo boxes
Light will
follow darkness
picture is, it
follows, harmful
the city of
Glasgow, Scotland
Harcourt, gossip
hollow earther
hollow earthers
peace is a
hollow promise
Margot Parker
Markov model
Markov models
Marlo Thomas
back with the
with his own
Nano Gauntlet
Pato Donald
phosphor bronzes
star in the
phosphor-dot world
be called a
platform problem
platform rocker
platform rockers
popcorn popper
popcorn poppers
rondeau, rondel
santo papa
shadow boxes
cast our
shadow on Earth
stay in the
shallow water
and my
sorrows are dust
toxo arnal

with 2 extra syllables

Named after
Chicago's market
Romagnol proverbs
might go
soprano on us
of any lit
tobacco product
tobacco water
Today it's oil,
tomorrow, water

with 3 extra syllables

Avogadro constant
Esperanto proverbs
that remains is
Leonardo, Father

with 4 extra syllables

starting with the
Veneziano model