exact syllable matches

news at all, you little-
house, and
blew it up
Bloom filter
Bloom filters
with the tall
blue niggas
blue pigeon
blue pigeons
blue ribbon
mushrooms and Pabst
Blue Ribbon
blue ribbons
A religiously insane, jack-
booted thug
booted up
booting up
boozes up
boozing kens
brooming up
Bruce Lincoln
bruising up
ignorance, idleness, and
chewing gum
chewing gums
chewing up
choosing up
or it's not
watch is not
cool enough
cooping up
cruise missile
cruise missiles
cruise missle
cubic curve
cubic curves
do business
do it tough
I can't
do it, but
we not
do this one
they shall
do with us
What are ya
doin' up
How ya
doin', sir
doing lunch
standing around, not
doing much
walking around and
doing stuff
doing up
du cygne
duded up
He listened as
few listen
food fishes
fool killer
fool killers
Fools, children
fruit pigeon
fruit pigeons
fruited up
fruiting up
Gooch filter
Gooch filters
goose pimple
goose pimples
Goose Village
and they all
grew cheerful
I got
group picture
Hsu Ming-chun
Matthew Weisman and
Hugh Wilson
Jewish love
jour printer
jour printers
Judith Krug
Lewis gun
Lewis guns
loose women
saw you on
Loose Women
loses touch
that I was
losing her
losing touch
moon pigeon
moon pigeons
moon sickle
moon sickles
disasters had that
moon witnessed
moon zither
moon zithers
I had
moved it from
moving truck
moving trucks
outstanding in a fast-
moving world
mule killer
mule killers
mule skinner
mule skinners
Munir Butt
New Britain
with a brand
new chicken
New Christian
New Christians
movement, if not
or Africa as
New England
New Kingdom
Old, Middle, and
New Kingdoms
New Milton
New Plymouth
New women
news ticker
news tickers
Oooh this hurts
breast of some dark-
plumaged dove
plumed thistle
plumed thistles
poo tickets
Poor children
poor diddums
Poor Richard
She's not
poor, this girl
Is that
proof enough
proof spirit
proof system
proof systems
puking up
Q clearance
queueing up
queuing up
roof prism
roof prisms
School business
school dinner
school dinners
you are
schooled in the
scooping up
and not
people cannot
screw it up
screw pickets
a lecture on
that you're not
screwing up
shoe insert
shoe inserts
shooting up
skew bridges
finds us all
Hell, though not
you'll learn that
You'll understand
soon enough
perplexed orthodox, and
soon Mr
soup kitchen
soup kitchens
souping up
spewing up
sprucing up
stool pigeon
crooks that are
stool pigeons
there are
strewn with pearls
suiting up
Sunil Dutt
through bridges
really thought that
through enough
through assimilation than
through friction
Through his butt
which ran
through His work
I saw
through Mr
all America was
believe they want
everything everyone wants
have a chance
of effort, and
so desperately want
try so hard
what he was
what I had
what it was
what we want
whoever you want
you truly want
to become
Welcome back
to Britain
last chance
to build one
it, get back
to business
is being taught
to children
until I talked
to Christian
burn my heart
to cinders
Crystal, I'll talk
to Crystal
to move on
we'd all gone
to dinner
question people want
to discuss
You got
to Dixon
and went back
first loyalty was
sailors and brought
to India and
to England
It's hard
to figure
are not
to give birth
be wrong
I had
just want
marching not
science not
we ought
we want
you not
to give up
the pot starts
to glitter
Go back, back
to Griffith
help and not
to hinder
you brought
to His earth
of rebar
to his skull
silent as
to his works
trying not
to hit her
you've got
to instruct
just got
to it first
this chance
to kick butt
we got
to kill 'em
boss wants
gonna have
I had
I have
I want
just wants
to kill her
that want
that wants
They have
they want
to kill us
back, I had
I had
I try not
If no-one wants
just chose not
learn, don't want
seemed to want
that I have
the government has
we all had
We just have
you didn't want
You just have
to listen
Very small
to minute
and power, belongs
can direct that
chief of staff
he could talk
impulsively walks back
issues with regard
mind to talk
more I talk
Nobody smarted off
say, with regard
She belongs
their work and
want to talk
to Mr
drag me off
us going off
will have gone
to prison
a kingdom, and
and don't want
had decided not
hope and plan
me away Not
now you want
one wants that
We long
to return
from rags
to riches
suffrage must fall
to Ritson
I shouldn't have
to shiver
cry of God
to sinners
not want
to split up
me want
to strip, Nerd
you brought
to this church
comes back
to this girl
full response
to this work
drifted back on
to Twitter
Ours ran
to weirdness
to windward
exclusively with regard
how to talk
I talk
night promises harm
The world belongs
values, rediscovered thanks
to women
if I have
to, Lyla
too brilliant
because they are
too distant
It's all
much sweat, not
we cannot have
too little
but was far
too rigid
make things all
the name was
too simple
backpack, women are
too vicious
too, is love
can fuck off
too, Mr
Humans are
tool builders
stuff, that was
true enough
true in love
good judgment and
true wisdom
Isn't that
true, Ilsa
truing up
truth serum
truth serums
tuning up
village, I had
two chickens
count the last
for less than
You got
two minutes
nation reposes upon
two pillars
Two Rivers
I had
two sisters
two spirit
a man and
two women
game and not
use Thriller
using up
or rather, not
using words
of the man
who listens
whoop it up
woof ticket
woof tickets
it easy on
you because
What have
you become
heck have
you been, hmm
you are,
you big klutz
you Bridget
you Christians
Because that's all
you deserve
can not thank
I cannot thank
I can't thank
you enough
you fix stuff
you in love
house are
you in, hm
kind and
much, and
you killed her
I saw
you kiss her
To Obi-Wan
you listen
too smart, are
you mister
Cramer, and
on, let's call
What are
your parents call
you Mr
Why have
you returned
shit are
you sick of
you single
in Why Are
You Single
can stand, can't
you sister
while and
you still suck
make 'em watch
you tinkle
You Whisper
Listen, and
you will learn
my cock
you will suck
I, uh, call
you Winter
you with her
I want
still wants
you with us
how long have
What have
you written
But on
you, it worked
don't just hack
you, Krista
and how are
are relying upon
have that on
Is that
said was that
Shame on
the fuck are
to crap on
we complain that
we need, not
you, Mr
Or are
you, Skipper
even stronger than
you, Victor
you, Viktor
you, Wilson
You'll kill 'em
as glum as
man, how bad
of the man
the man that
the woman that
what a man
you've become
You've been served
You've killed us
You've returned
yukked it up

with 1 extra syllable

Sea, Balkhash lake,
Amour river
Andrew Bynum
are named after
Andrew Pickens
can't even
argue with her
bascule bridges
away from the
bathroom mirror
bathroom singer
bathroom singers
Calhoun is heard
capital on the
Danube River
the Sava and
Danube rivers
don't bring up
Darfur enough
hated all indigenous,
grassroots thinkers
Jessica Biel and
Matthew Lillard
Matthew Mitcham
Matthew Simpson
spreading the fire
onto Mr
pontoon bridges
meat supplier, Uncle
Samuel Wilson
shampoo ginger
shampoo gingers
have a common
of the place
share the same
their world and
value system
value systems
values result
speech or political
values, Mr
implies something of a

with 2 extra syllables

bank of the
Sarayu river