exact syllable matches

was thought
a crime
stop on
a dime
I was not
a Guide
me along on
a heist
weapon, Clark got
a knife
a line
a mai
a mite
a pie
that got off
a slide
a cross on
a spire
birch mice
bird strike
bird strikes
blood drive
blood drives
Blood Rites
blood type
blood types
blush wine
blush wines
brush by
brushed by
buck wild
bug eyes
bum wine
bum wines
bun dai
bun fight
bun fights
bung eye
bung eyes
Burns night
Burns nights
was not wrong,
but right
butt spike
butt spikes
club nine
club nines
come by
come high
come mai
comes by
crunch time
cunt splice
cup size
cup tie
cup ties
cut line
cut lines
cut splice
cut ties
cut time
cut wind
cuts ties
dirk knife
dirk knives
dirt bike
dirt bikes
dirt file
dirt files
dirt pie
dirt pies
does time
done by
done time
duck dive
duck dived
duck dives
dumb pipe
dumb pipes
dust mice
dust mite
dust mites
Dutch tile
Dutch tiles
Dutch Time
Dutch wife
Dutch wives
earth sign
earth signs
fand ein
fern pine
fern pines
First Knight
first light
First lines
First Reich
first time
first times
flood tide
flood tides
front line
front lines
Fun Size
fur flies
fur fly
fur pie
fur pies
germ bike
germ dike
Girl Guide
Girl Guides
gun line
gun lines
gun rights
gun shy
gun time
was not on
her mind
herb knife
hung five
hung tight
jug wine
jug wines
jump drive
jump drives
junk time
The arms are
just fine
just whites
kurt bike
kurt dike
le sigh
le thine
love bite
love bites
love child
love life
love vine
love vines
lunge line
lunge lines
months mind
mud fight
mud fights
mud pie
mud pies
mud slide
mud slides
mulled wine
mulled wines
null sign
null signs
nut pine
nut pines
I was fond
of Ike
lies on top
of lies
- all walks
all walks
and all walks
from all walks
have caused loss
of all walks
religions, all walks
of life
of Life
of mind
of sines
of wine
one ninth
one side
pearl eye
pearl white
per fi
plum pine
plum pines
plum wine
plum wines
plumb lines
puff pipe
puff pipes
puffed rice
punch line
punch lines
punk zine
punk zines
rhumb line
rhumb lines
run by
run dry
run time
run times
run wild
runs by
Russ Tice
rust mite
rust mites
serve right
serve time
served time
serves time
shrub line
slug line
slug lines
slug slime
slush pile
slush piles
some time
sprung rhyme
sprung rhymes
stir fries
stir fry
stuft ein
such like
sun blind
sun line
sun lines
term time
term times
the aisle
The Bride
the dry
hard on
the eyes
the fly
little hard on
the guy
The Knife
the light
turn on all
the lights
ass was on
life was on
my heart on
the ball crossed
the line
the Line
were hard on
the mice
the mine
of falls on
the Nile
The Rhine
are not on
latter are on
one barb, on
the wall on
vowels are on
the right
audience was on
the rise
mustard sauce on
the side
The Sight
the skies
creature dropped off
the sky
The Sky
blood spot on
the slide
the sly
I'd fall on
the spikes
the strike
death cannot stop
the tide
the tiles
are lost all
are on all
But not all
door unlocked all
from wrong all
I fall ALL
Just not all
little off on
Not all
pants off all
that's not all
the ball all
the clock all
to problem-solve all
watch FOX all
the time
The Times
The Tribe
the while
The Wild
the wind
Third eye
Third eyes
Third Reich
thug life
thumb drive
thumb drives
ton mile
ton miles
tongue tie
tongue tied
touch line
touch lines
tough guy
traf ein
trug ein
trunk line
trunk lines
tub file
tub files
tump line
tump lines
up line
up lines
earth was locked
up tight
Knocked ya
up twice
US pint
US pints
versed sine
versed sines
work life
work nights
work wife
work wives
world line
world lines
worm drive
worm drives
worth while
yer bike
young ice

with 1 extra syllable

alla fine
altar wine
altar wines
arbor vine
arbor vines
ata wine
August 5
August 9
August Spies
bawer bike
bawer dike
bottom line
bottom lines
carpet knife
carpet knight
carpet knights
carpet knives
causes, right
comma splice
by reflections on
common life
common snipe
common snipes
common time
conga line
conga lines
Coston light
Coston lights
cottage fries
cottage pie
cottage pies
cotton mice
dollar sign
dollar signs
dolphin dive
dolphin dives
dolphin flies
dolphin fly
Donna Rice
dotless i
dotted line
dotted lines
fallen ein
fallest ein
Father Sky
Father Time
foster child
glottal fry
I'm not
gonna cry
I'm not
million people are
now people are
of people are
of us are
People are
thought I was
We are not
gonna die
I'm not
gonna lie
and I'm not
gonna try
gossen ein
gotten high
guarded rights
haltest ein
Harlem Nights
harvest flies
harvest fly
harvest mice
harvest mite
harvest mites
harvest time
harvest times
honour bright
Karman line
lager ein
Lawton Chiles
lawyer vine
lawyer vines
mala fide
marbled white
marbled whites
Marfa light
Marfa lights
Market price
marlin spike
marlin spikes
Martians, right
Martin Ryle
theoretical knowledge along
modern lines
often times
Oscar Wild
Oscar Wilde
Oxford tie
Oxford ties
pocket bike
pocket bikes
pocket knife
pocket knives
pocket mice
Pollock Pines
problem child
proper time
robber fly
Robert Clive
Robert Reich
Robert Stine
Robert Wright
robin snipe
robin snipes
Roger Ailes
Roger Fry
Ronald Syme
sargen ein
saucer eyes
socket pipe
socket pipes
The author was
Thomas Wright
Tongan time
vala bike
vala dike
waffle fries
Wallace Line
but of hard
walrus hide
wander ein
water bike
water bikes
water fight
water fights
water ice
water line
water lines
water mice
water mite
water mites
water pipe
water pipes
water sign
water signs
water slide
water slides
water white

with 2 extra syllables

ensemble vide
ensembles vides
masala chai