exact syllable matches
the past-
the last one
Abbott Abbott
the next
act just cancelled
was an
act of madmen
admittedly an
act of madness
a pure
act of malice
spring to
action at once
we call affirmative
action gangsters
time for
action has come
when only group
action mattered
his music,
actions, and words
when he
acts from passion
by, and starring
Tim Herlihy and
Adam Sandler
that, er,
Adam's apple
once clashed there---battle
after battle
okay with watching
after Daniel
Consciousness come
after language
taking off
after that girl
Alan Cranston
Charles Shyer and
Alan Mandel
what, I
am a bastard
But I
am a savage
Now, I
am the master
Now I
am the Master
Are you
Because he is
indicate he is
is necessity, is
statues built of
the sentiments of
to build me
you who are
you're faced with
an assassin
ability to repel
an attacker
a kind of
an attractor
and a bad one
a prod
and a challenge
a rabbi
and a gangster
and a half tons
a Rucksack
need vodka
and a hammer
a mouse
and a hamster
a rhythm,
and a pattern
a fox
and a rabbit
path to progress
and advancement
them in Ireland
and Alaska
fatwas being reproduced
and analysed
distinctions between compassion
and attachment
Bananas, bananas,
upriver breakfast, wood
and bananas
competition in squadrons
and battalions
and Commander
of pastures, farms,
and commanders
the ethical maxims
and commandments
among his acquaintances
been his examples
to Him, helpers
and companions
all that love
as your wisdom
expressed as love
for fair play
ideals of peace
need love, support,
others, between rigor
out of loyalty
sisters with empathy
stared in sorrow
us, with respect
voice of sympathy
and compassion
and dumb and done
Jim Brown,
and Earl Campbell
and fuck and fuck
and grubs and stuff
against Israel
and her backers
Millie Marcus
and her barrel
and junk and stuff
and dark
and just handsome
and love and nerves
Georgia Satellites,
and Love Tractor
and loved and fucked
talking about Iowa
and Nebraska
of chutzpa
and one panda
and rough at first
and smirks at her
airline stewardess
and some handcuffs
it becomes large
and substantial
could do addition
and subtraction
the hero
and the actor
for ourselves
and the Arabs
Alan Sugar
and the Badger
and the Bandit
Pledge Union
and the Blackshirts
will grow
and the brambles
machine-like desire,
and the Daleks
torture chamber
and the fagot
the gatherers
and the gathered
the gutter
and the glamour
And the glasses
the dictionary
and the grammar
the proletariat
and the masses
the species
you -
and the planet
the land
and the Planet
the bird
and the rabbit
the warrant
and the sanction
the corruption
and the scandal
the manager,
and the talent
as something dark
and unnature
my bit,
the kids,
two months
and what happened
cheap one,
for them,
some problems,
and what happens
And what happens
and words that burn
and work and work
means of the deaf-
and-dumb language
answer matters
as an
answer, masked ones
once the
answers have come
film acts
as a balance
into it
as a canker
dug through
as a channel
the artist
as a craftsman
unique gifts
as a draughtsman
You're mad
as a hatter
as a man's thumb
prophet or
as a rascal
the ground
as a scrambler
certainly not
as a shackle
is reanimated
as a Slasher
exists even
as a standard
and now
as a tandem
and fundamentally human
as compassion
as much as Earl
as much as us
supreme being
as of Matter
as punk as Enya
and then
as the Hacker
as the last one
to it
as the planet
as well
as the ranchers
Ask the Captain
twice cheated me
at canasta
one I commanded
at Savannah
of getting
at the answer
birthday speech
at the banquet
them back
at the castle
him up
at the Castle
after dying
at the Caverns
At the gas pump
has arrived
work over
at the palace
Nor looking
at the planets
I'll be
to eat
at the tavern
mean, look
at the tractor
me back
at the wagon
to take
back the castle
to take
back the planet
from the
backs of wagons
boys are your
backup dancers
astonishment came the
baffled anger
than a
bag of hammers
we have to
balance sadness
not against
bankers as such
to the
barracks at once
Batgirl, Batgirl
It's a
battle magnet
Brant, what happened
Thus we
can trust Sasha
Catch the laughter
sting and
clash of battle
I'll make a
crackerjack clerk
excuse for a
dadgum actress
Daniel Jackson
is, in
fact, the Phantom
faster than germs
Francis Adams
Shaquille O'Neal and
Francis Capra
Francis Galton
opportunity by following
Franklin's maxims
that could
gag a maggot
glory, no
gallant last words
glad the plan worked
Grammar, grammar
Marcel Proust
had a haddock
had a rabbit
The good Samaritan
had compassion
but so
had the jackals
I would've
had the salad
am if that
happened if it
I pretended it
hadn't happened
them, is
half the battle
center for a right-
handed batter
in the
hands of madmen
packaging, he's a
handsome bastard
nightmares don't
happen as much
might all
happen at once
means bad things
happen faster
then everything
happened at once
happened, happened
when everything
happens at once
must let what
happens happen
her, and whatever
happens happens
tall, and whatever
happens, happens
has a bladder
has a talent
rather odd
very meaningful
has just happened
it only
has one faction
has surpassed us
has the last word
half and that
people and that
hasn't happened
have a back-up
Whole life
have a balance
You don't
have a challenge
have a dagger
have a hammer
supposed to
have a master
We don't
have a password
have a salad
and you
have a salmon
You also
have a sample
have a talent
angry because we
have compassion
do not
have love handles
that I
have lung cancer
command they
have of language
we'll finally
Well, I
have some answers
Hitler did
have some talents
I don't
Think you
have the answer
I don't
think we
have the answers
have the last one
have the last word
May I
have the password
I don't
have the talent
Jackson Jackson
Abdul to my
Eddie Murphy and
You and
Janet Jackson
in liberty, we
you that you
lack compassion
action or
defeatism and
for that
lack of action
is a
lack of balance
cursing a
lack of candles
obey for
lack of valour
think it
lacks some passion
Lambda Lambda
Ve are the
Last Battalion
on the
madness that churns
of fossil
mammals at the
am a
as a
isn't a
of the
pre-eminently a
man of action
want a
man of fragments
a mountain
man, a cracker
Astaire, the
Man, The Dancer
thousand pounds of
mashed bananas
distance fourfolds the inter-
it will have
mass attraction
George likes
Master Alan
watch a
master at work
of corporate
masters and serfs
what is the
matter, Daniel
has ever
mattered as much
from a
pack of jackals
Paget Flashman
don't give out
platinum albums
and of a
rabbit, rabbits
condition of the
rabble matter
Rabble rabble
rabble rabble
them and
ram the tramper
Again the
again was the
random factor
completely arbitrary and
random manner
random pattern
their faith is
rather fragile
rather than hurt
abject terror,
on hatred
rather than love
or feared
rather than loved
rather whack 'em
bacon on the
salad, Masta
your monkfish and
salmon gratin
Sanford and Son
was murdered in
Santa Clara
Savage Landor
shook in good Anglo-
Saxon fashion
Germans, Frenchmen,
Spaniards, and Turks
stand up stand up
over and
Stanford has won
have been
strangled at birth
You're lower
than a bastard
was more
than a fashion
to more
than a jacket
even lower
than a maggot
than a man does
no place warmer
than Alaska
more boring
than blood samples
to keep Holidays
than Commandments
mouth rather
than the angler
no better
than the Daleks
even tougher
than the Hammers
than the last one
annually disposed
deeper agreement
than the latter
be grander
than the matter
more numerous
than the planets
day other
than the Sabbath
Thanks, Cassandra
have to get
that advancement
Just eat
that banana
that blood and guts
this second
that just happened
Magic like
that just happens
also in
that of Ingres
as to
that of matter
that one half learned
or is
that some faggot
man, is
that what happened
that what happens
course of
that, what's happened
know if
that's the answer
That's the answer
That's the atom
want --
that's the challenge
That's the pattern
a while,
Goldwater and
say, OK,
sorry, but
that's what happened
That's what happened
I think
kill them,
war, maybe
wondering if
that's what happens
moments, because
that's what matters
That's what matters
folklore that
that's what's happened
fell into the
head in the
trash compactor
Yeah, the jacket
with 1 extra syllable
Her name is
Amanda Castle
regards with
attachment and love
him as a
combat commander
we now
command a rabble
Commander Radnor
to understand,
compassion, and love
Contact us at once
government to
demand some action
Diana Manners
should be
enacted at once
Expand the canvas
the industrial and
financial classes
to be a
financial planner
Jew Gangsters,Mick
Gangsters,Italians Gangsters
Harassment Panda
the reverse
Italian Banker
costly Spanish and
Italian daggers
in our
Italian language
Manhattan transfer
Nathaniel Branden
with 2 extra syllables
in the
aftermath of battle
Alabama Slammer
morality, began to
manufacture madmen
try to
understand what happened