exact syllable matches
got to
be a fake
it should
be a game
has to
be a male
got to
be a pain
there should
be a play
deserves to
is to
must also
than to
be a slave
cease to
be a State
got to
be a way
and do not
and none shall
are supposed to
don't have to
I can't
I can't really
I will not
I would not
is like to
neither let it
of having to
will no longer
your turn to
be afraid
knew it'd never
nature, they can
That can
That might
be arranged
any parents would
shall not now
we need to
be ashamed
will continue to
be assailed
a virtue to
not anything to
of equality can
single thing to
state that must
thing is to
whatever cost, must
be attained
peace if two
be away
life will not
be contained
words, thoughts cannot
be conveyed
themselves must not
be curtailed
and animation could
be dovetailed
That would
be just great
nor water can
the latter cannot
which reciprocity could
be obtained
As you will
be someday
and freedom will
higher notes can
be sustained
and cannot
course, cannot
feel to
happens to
opposite will
this will
be the case
end will
going to
may not
policies cannot
result would
subordinates to
will ever
will never
would always
would ever
would never
would not
be the same
than they would
be today
I cannot
be unmade
we could
be worse placed
all the
beasts of prey
woman, pregnant,
beat the case
heart doesn't
beat the same
ultimately to a
cleaner race
evil that a
creed contains
accepted religious
creeds of faiths
there probably had
dealer plates
feet each
wrought the
deed of shame
to be the
deeper way
bliss and the
deepest pain
one of his
deepest veins
queer in the
deepest way
can take your
dream away
he never
dreamed a sail
that apply to
Easter Day
in the old
Eastern states
Optimally, one
eats some cake
gentle process in
not lying in
either case
It could go
It's hard
to be right
to get ink
either way
isn't so young
either, hey
that power would
equal change
left to
feel the pain
know I
the gods
will I
feel the same
have to
feel the waves
Maybe they just
feel unsafe
know he
feels the same
from a few
From, like, forty
I'm ten
ocean two hundred
feet away
might have
feet of clay
on a
field of grain
on the
fields of hate
people are
free from blame
have been
free from stain
to operate a drug-
free workplace
freedom reign
life in a
gleeful rage
ready to
greet the day
chastisement of a
grievous day
him, isn't
he a sage
So was
he a saint
What did
he just say
merit that which
he obtains
us to
heap up waste
he would
hear the lake
Do you
hear the rain
able to participate
are not
Bring him
have no influence
I gathered you
me to be
most important people
so well represented
that finds me
We are
we have made
we wouldn't be
what brought me
what was done
what we done
what you've done
would not be
here today
my opinion,
he's a saint
Keep the change
do is
keep the faith
power to
sure to
keep us safe
yes it
leads the way
make the
leap of faith
not in the
least afraid
I will
leave a trail
leave the page
But give
emails, give
me a break
he gave
me a name
sure gives
me a pain
to make
me a slave
you offering
me a trade
door kept jarring
me awake
boundary that pushes
can just throw
come and take
coming to take
could have given
cry may give
host to drive
neediness is driving
Pet Sounds blew
The wheelchair gives
You won't give
me away
never told
me her name
you to
me one day
hole in
me some day
that gave
me some faith
just give
me the blame
me the brain
me the page
me the way
faces still haunt
She dumped
vision is failing
me today
mean, her face
and no
need of change
need some space
is what we
need today
then and still
needs today
her commitment to
peaceful change
our lives in
peaceful days
aspect of a
peaceful lake
to a more
peaceful state
a decent and
argument in a
glow in this
peaceful way
one full
peal of praise
believe about other
change as the
people change
the laws the
people make
a lot of
people play
disregard what silly
to be happy,
What will
people say
deciding on other
people's fates
is a socialist
people's state
found a German
Peoples State
Peter Cain
Peter Kay
Put the
piece away
to a
priest of SAIS
am the
Queen of Blades
not yet
reached the Seine
afraid of a
and me, a
to have a
real debate
dangerous, he's a
real nutcase
would grow up
real today
is the deduction
reason makes
grown rapidly in
recent days
in a completely
rehearsed way
Einstein succeeded where
Riemann failed
power and also
sealed away
After all,
seasons change
More deep-
seated place
Alberta, in a
secret base
body to a
secret place
partial suicides and
secret shames
did you
You didn't
see her face
enough to
see some change
I better
see some rain
just couldn't
see the chains
not even
see the grave
the light we
see today
is what we
seek today
the days
seem the same
who's actually
seen some grapes
Have you
seen the place
problems that are
seen today
do not
seize the state
and sweetness which
she conveyed
debate - does
she debate
frightened and
she turned pale
as long as
she's awake
yes on Desert
Shield today
would love to
steal away
Steal some strays
Stephen Crane
Glide, rich
streams, away
when this country
in so
sweet a place
Buddhas merely
teach the way
both sides of
these debates
Tina Fey
view of the
tree conveys
worse than those
we assail
and of what
we complain
graves that
we just made
end them,
we must change
why are
we such slaves
And how are
we today
wealthy and
we were safe
with 1 extra syllable
Kentucky Derby -
the race
a measly
30 a day
50 First Dates
even for
any one age
unique to
any one faith
or in
any one race
intentionally get in
anyone's face
command an
army of slaves
the manner of
Aryan States
and the other
ASEAN states
which the
beliefs were based
games and little make-
believes away
within and
between the States
on a Sunday
Bloody Sunday
the President is
buried today
a wanton
caprice of fame
going to be
Got a bit
had twice been
I got
let's not get
not to be
not to get
carried away
sure to
carry the day
that's not
clearly the case
and death
complete the same
and for mere
convenience sake
it in a
convenient way
conditions in our
exist in my
opinion in this
country today
Crazy, but brave
come and take
daddy away
the cake for
daddy's birthday
an inevitable
decree of fate
will have truly
defeated age
stifled by your
deviant ways
The Picture of
Dorian Gray
me at an
earlier age
come from an
earlier date
almost impossible in
assailed in its
earlier days
and shook my
earlier faith
and beaded with
earlier rain
respect in its
earliest stage
a luxury for
easier days
of taking the
easiest way
eve of his
eighteenth birthday
I would keep
everyone safe
to save the
Fijian race
in a
frenzy of faith
up in the
funniest way
this not a
Turn night into
glorious day
his necessity to
glorious gain
brooding and blissful
halcyon days
transferred to some
happier state
Oh yes, and
Happy Birthday
appeared the name
Harvey Mackay
not want our
ideas changed
upon our shelves,We're
idiots, babe
for an
increase of pain
which is
indeed the case
adieu, you
ladies of Spain
breasts to the
machine-gun hail
is not
merely a race
have taken their
would be throwing
money away
nations is
nearly the same
wrong with the
Nietzschean race
in our particular
nations in the
nuclear age
race over the
nuclear race
lasts for
only a day
place is
only a place
are not
only a slave
cease for
only one day
creeds but
only one faith
invited to any
One from the
pitiless wave
Heaven, by His
of His high
plenteous grace
Pompey the Great
yesterday or some
previous day
it was
really a shame
really afraid
and you're never
really awake
alike are
really the same
next is
roughly the same
the Civilization
series of games
are moving through
serious days
engage in a
serious way
big ways, in
serious ways
They were fucking
serious, mate
and stung and
sorely assailed
it even more
strongly today
in academic area
studies today
for the
study of fate
meek address, the
suppliant strain
is it
Tuesday today
that is called
Turkey today
Another pleasant
valley Sunday
and doctrines of
various states
into English in
the world, in
various ways
There are
various Ways
from the
very first day
from its
very first phase
very much, Ray
from a
very young age
Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday, today
quart of
whiskey a day
to be
worthy of faith
happy birthday to
you,Happy birthday
with 2 extra syllables
Baines broke
angrily away
Anthony the Great
And what an
appropriate day
them to the
appropriate page
for the most
appropriate phrase
meaning at our
appropriate scale
dispose of the
thoroughly extinguish the
to destroy the
Armenian race
you have banana
blueberry today
Dawn was a
times' were a
century away
attempted in the post-
colonial age
adjustment of all
colonial claims
the global
currency of fame
shall not be
easily contained
hearers to
ecstasies of faith
death in the post-
Edwardian Age
imagine myself perceiving non-
scattered throughout infinite
Euclidean space
it is
the doors
they are
today are
travel is
would be
would remain
exactly the same
Exactly the same
of a
family of eight
all the
family of Fame
here with
frequency young maid
Germany, the same
in such a
hilarious way
is the
history of pain
way, in the
inconvenient way
of the music
industry today
is an all-round
inferior race
without the
jealousies of fame
be, the
jealously, the rage
struggle with
liberty the stake
was at the
library today
the British
magazine The Face
the analysis of
material change
stores of building
material, they
how they observe
Memorial Day
his home in
Perugia Way
all of these
policies today
country in a
precarious place
it remains
precisely the same
existence is
precisely the state
mere abstract
properties of space
sake of
purity of taste
thought, a
rivalry of aim
a matter of
scholarly debate
with his stolen Trans-
Siberian train
things of a
superior age
from a positionally
superior game
of the homo
superior race
by displays of
superior taste
the needle like
Timothy McVeigh
for a merely
Utopian aim
I stop in
Victoria's reign
was our real
victory today
with 3 extra syllables
than is
actually the case
with less powerful
adversaries today
indicates a
deficiency of taste
has led Individualism
entirely astray
will starve it
entirely away
believe in
equality of race
detail are
logic is
essentially the same
they have remained
essentially unchanged
this, but
eternally the same
a life of
frivolity awaits
is the
humanity of trade
the unimaginable
immensity of space
arrogance was so
implacably sustained
in the
infinity of space
wants a
monopoly of praise
and establish a
away from a
people with a
should be a
Palestinian state
girl was
practically a slave
portraits prove,
practically the same
two black
secretaries of state
a rogue
of a
United States
Secretary of State
times when
societies must change
area of American
society today
of its own
territorial State
of affairs that
usually pertains
I want a
Wikipedia page
crime wave on
newest resident of
Wisteria Lane
with 4 extra syllables
greatest enemy of
Christianity today
to send in
humanitarian aid
will, however, administer
humanitarian aide
entanglements and associations
inevitably obtain
about science and
methodology today
pursued solely by
parliamentary debate
ought to do,
particularly today
Realistically, one page
sense of release
temporarily obtained
from the new
is to a
issuance in the
totalitarian state
year, in the
totalitarian states
with 5 extra syllables
mind, is an
impossibility today
that evil takes
responsibility away
they understand their
responsibility today