exact syllable matches
what's this about
a bedpan
the twinkling of
a bedstaff
there that's
a dead cat
am not
coming from
different from
dust, and
dying, I'm
ear of
I was
is like
less than
living like
pride of
really was
sleep like
talent of
walk of
a dead man
nothing but
a deathtrap
a conversationalist
can have
they deserved
a fair chance
I am
a fair man
piece, and
a French franc
never thought of
a Frenchman
was like
a friend man
talk about
a friend, man
damaged by
a head crash
hoodie and
a head lamp
, standing on
a headland
we have
a health plan
toward harbour by
a helmsman
call, uh,
a hep cat
mask from
a jet crash
never get
one has
a jet pack
He has
a jetpack
I was
a kept man
side of
a pet's tag
account, like
a red crab
Stalin had
was like
a red flag
more like
a red hat
so cruel as
a Redcap
weak or experience
a setback
a spare, man
her under
a spell and
much as
a text back
be regarded as
a trespass
you on
a web cam
wish there was
a webcam
No one trusts
a yes-man
with a Mexican
accent, man
of us friends
again and
have gotten pregnant
again fast
over and over
again, and
I promise, never
again, dad
again, Dad
To try
again, Frank
again, man
make blanket indictments
still greater ones
against blacks
hatred of class
against class
are gas masks
can you fight
I'm very much
is my ambition
Karl Marx was
there a law
There's a law
understand why Trump's
wanted to rebel
against that
Lock engines
ahead flank
Berg en Dal
blood cell cast
blood cell casts
These people
bust their ass
but they're crass
cement hands
like other collectors
collect stamps
From a language,
from an language,
kind of formation,
of the former,
or a language,
Perhaps a calque,
South Slavic language,
the semantic development
Ultimately from languages,
uncertain etymology, but
compare and
a derivation from
Compare and
loss of r,
compare bass
the phonetic development
compare Hand
See nab, and
compare knap
of coal dust,
compare slag
compared and
would know the
correct path
I just can't
correct that
will, not from
direct acts
first Bear Flag
and I can't
and I'll never
Do not
Don't ever
I can never
I let myself
I will never
Let's not
Ofttimes I
us will ever
we can never
We just
you can just
you do not
forget that
after his return
from Belfast
From Feldspath
coal dust
from their backs
being interpolations
from their hands
vanquished Dracula
from their land
who hide
from their past
From Welsh and
From wrest back
kick a little
girlfriend ass
stares at my
girlfriend's ass
back of
her neck and
humphead wrasse
changed, it was
just enhanced
believe I
believe I've
forget I
Renault, I
why I
Yes, I
just said that
Just smell that
the others
just stepped back
just their backs
it all
just went blank
loved their band
Macbeth trap
Macbeth traps
Mahesh Bhatt
populations over
much less land
gaseous pressure
much less than
Fire arms
of bare hands
collaborative environment
of Bell Labs
worthless bunch
of deck rats
Eve, kind
of felt bad
must be dozens
of headbands
the fires
of hell, Sam
the products
of men's hands
Remember the lesson
of Metcalf
the mother
of Pell Grants
opera The Pirates
The Pirates
of Penzance
is a work
the rue brushwork
of Rembrandt
inevitable consequences
their justification
of their acts
rainbows out
of their ass
is because
of their aunt
the size
of their catch
undisputed star
of their class
the influence
of their Gramps
the back
the palm
of their hand
taken out
the labour
the movements
of their hands
linguistics out
of their hat
forced off
of their land
the bounds
the expropriation
them out
of their lands
the crotch
the front
the line
of their pants
their conception
of their past
is part
of their plan
of all
the possession
of their plans
another one
of their pranks
the order
of their rank
employees, all
of them black
of them can
if one
the author
of them had
that one
of them has
the rest
of them mad
that none
of them match
hands out
of there pal
and the Number
One Headband
one step back
the same as
oppressed blacks
had an eleven
percent chance
pure, one hundred
percent trash
perform that one
perfect act
he'd be a
I been a
perfect ass
Just one
perfect cast
spoiled that one
perfect lap
bearing of a
for creating the
I'm not a
likeness of a
might become a
thing as a
to Harold, the
perfect man
a son like
to be the
Perfect Man
hidden behind a
perfect mask
in short, a
seem like a
that's not a
They were a
They're a
us are a
We're a
perfect match
to Make a
Perfect Pal
I brainstormed the
I have the
It's a
This is the
perfect plan
not many players
possess that
to protect ourselves,
protect Rand
Elvis and I
Why should I
regret that
rub their hands
the world
rubbed their hands
rubs their hands
the political
slugs get fat
We have
some extracts
so you bought
some sweatpants
Stutz Bearcat
and developed like
sun-fed plants
ter ere van
the blow of
the airbag
figured had
the best chance
She has
the best laugh
acted as
And how's
me, as
the best man
Willie Todd,
the best man,
always have
the best plans
the bread, man
don't understand
I understand
the dead cat
evidence against
hat beside
the dead man
count on
the Dead Man
memorial of
the dead past
to fuck
the dead rat
some of
thinking of
word on
the death camps
He's on
the edge, man
the egg man
stars on
the end, and
the hell, man
the hell's that
rid of
the jet lag
deploying on
the left flank
go on
right and
the left hand
fingers on
the left hands
Compare none
the less and
looking at
the next champ
brother of
curious as
hard as
violent as
the next man
just start
the next stack
you on
the next task
yourself on
the prayer mat
battle under
the Red Flag
tread of
the red man
to cast
the spell and
The Square Scam
walked down
the steps and
Tom, get
the tear gas
cams and
the vent cams
and out
the vent stacks
settlements on
the west bank
Gaza and
homes on
the West Bank
humans and
turn them back
a left
turn there, yeah
a victory by
unfair acts
Perhaps from
unless and
a messed
up eggplant
pleasantries with that jumped-
up Frenchman
smoking crack
their thumb
up their ass
got thongs
up their cracks
Word spreads fast
Finally, my
world went black
intimacy, and a
young Frenchman
sure you ask
that and tell
yourself that
Look after
yourself, dad
You'll hurt
yourself, ma'am
Don't flatter
yourself, pal
T-Take care of
yourself, yeah
with 1 extra syllable
face it,
after men have
forces suffered setback
after setback
developing the
Awesome X brand
balconette bras
bandelet an
is my
bestest friend, Fran
Better yet, Thad
5, Sue
Blocker et al
brother Left Hand
No, I
canna read dat
going to
captain their rafts
on the ideas
carousel, yeah
Carson et al
very dangerous, a
certain death-trap
common redshank
became a
common sense fact
remain fundamentally a
Commonwealth man
He was a
confidence man
Confidence Man
and to
cover their tracks
Craddock, et al
current Bear Flag
ecology of the
cypress wetland
30, Thomas
DeFrank et al
of the
Delta pledge class
survives in modern
dialects as
has the
doctor said that
spider, she
doesn't get mad
my husband
doesn't get that
doesn't wear black
Actually, let's
double-check that
Dryden, et al
Edward Fairfax
we can't
ever get back
don't people
ever get that
Have I
No one's
one has
ever said that
No one
ever says that
fighter aircraft
of myrrh and
frankincense and
New High
German kretz, kratz
German, French and
all one
giant death trap
I'm never
we're never
gonna get back
again, I'm
and I'm
gonna get mad
They're not
you guys
gonna get that
is not
gonna help that
I was
gonna read that
first, you've
gotta get mad
compatible with
Halford et al
the most
handsome best man
anyone who
hasn't felt that
Johnson et al
Johnston, et al
cross, 5
letters, where's blank
a lot
longer then that
Volume 1,
Longman et al
30, Marguerite
Michaels et al
Especially every petty-bourgeois, narrow-
minded Frenchman
some very
minor death camp
I had a
was just a
minor setback
model aircraft
before your
mother gets back
mother said that
without a
mother's care, bam
by Don
Nelson et al
that I'll
you can
never get back
accept I'll
never get that
ever exercise,
never gets asked
and I
but I
never said that
Historically, was
never spelled as
down and
never went back
Never went back
giving each
other head slaps
with these
other men and
poet and
other men Cat
has thirty
other Pen Pals
than the
other sects have
present in
our air that
ground with
our bare hands
because it's
blood-free was
may be
our best chance
He was
our best man
to get
our breath back
tyranny in
our fair land
of getting
our friend back
as is
our friend Jack
has defended
our left flank
up against
our legs, zap
So what's
our next plan
one of
our red flags
To see
ourselves as
makes us hold
ourselves back
We never considered
ourselves that
fuck up
outta there, man
pushed them along
parallel paths
Parkhurst et al
rob the
peasants, then, bang
fleet of brain-
powered death tanks
This is a
private sweat-gland
is that it's
rather deadpan
rocket aircraft
have two
rockets, step back
rotten egg gas
rotten-egg gas
Lavan and
Rutger et al
Lancet by
Sanders et al
scarlet eggplant
scarlet eggplants
Schneider et al
4, Elaine
Shannon et al
someone else has
spotted redshank
spotted redshanks
Steinberg et al
We'll get
stronger, Ken-chan
Svensson, et al
tanker aircraft
tendre les bras
Thomas Fairfax
Thompson, et al
some Ninja
Turtle says, Cas
get none
whatever is
under their hand
wanderest ab
and you
wanna get fat
wanna get mad
potted tomato and
watercress plants
or hardly
workin', eh Mac
with 2 extra syllables
accordance with
Amaya et al
Anderson et al
use for
another scared man
studio couldn't afford
another X-Man
way or
another, get back
Brotherton et al
in Wendy
Cameron et al
in Pamela
Constable et al
Sherwin, opinion,
Delashmutt et al
for the
entire West Bank
was an
excellent best man
Fergusson, et al
is an experimental
government aircraft
Henderson et al
Jonathon send back
MacDonald et al
about the
manager said that
McDiarmid et al
Motherwell et al
sort of
national health plan
Peterson et al
Robertson et al
Shepperson, et al
Soderberg, et al
raised some
substantial red flags
Coined by
Sullivan et al
Batman and
Superman get back
I get
terminal jet lag
Vandenbergh et al
Whitaker, et al
Zimmerman et al
Zuckerman et al
with 3 extra syllables
is my
impertinent friend, Dan
does a
motherfucker get fat
we'll suffer the
occasional setback
in its
original sense as
Peanutbutter scent back