exact syllable matches

Spanish church with
a cloister
what you'd call
a joiner
face like
a moist sponge
at it like
that is not
a pointer
by means of
it sound like
It's like
work it is
a poison
on, this isn't
to be such
a spoiler
I've been
a Spoiler
be king of
be shaped like
bet it has
flush me down
kind treats like
looks just like
My life's
than I was
the privacy of
to fall in
wind up in
your hand in
a toilet
Firebird, inspires such
the finish of
a voyage
break because I
annoyed her
so I can
avoid her
blood royal
blood royals
the princes of the
Reduction of
come join us
first choices
flush toilet
flush toilets
an accounts manager
from Croydon
pottery made
from soil From
The other
girls join her
safety into the
girls' toilets
I thought I
heard voices
throat and
her voice hurt
I guess it's
just pointless
le poisson
lung toilet
must join us
null pointer
null pointers
to the subject
of boylove
an absolute lack
is made up
make those kinds
means the absence
she had lots
would yield thousands
of choices
run out
of oil first
with a box
of ointment
your question kind
of pointless
filled with pockets
seventy-nine different types
use some kind
with a cloud
of poison
made the bearer
of poisons
founded his criticism
of Poisson
A chorus
a reduced number
buzzing, screaming well
harmony takes lots
silence came thousands
to the confusion
of voices
pearl oysters
floor of a
pub toilet
have to make
some choices
After I find
some ointment
the way, this
stuff's poison
heated parts of
the boiler
turned off all
the boilers
the blood
the boys come
and you make
We saw
the choices
talk about after
the coitus
right in
Toothpaste disaster in
the foyer
poppa in
the joint, huh
you off
the joy bus
serene brow of
the joyous
on about
the joys of
a fly in
flies in
fly in
little fly in
the fly in
the ointment
want to share
the oysters
That is
the point of
What was
the point, huh
a warning against
first half of
more dangerous than
second half of
soon after of
the dose makes
the spread of
Where is
the poison
begins throwing off
the poisons
Elvis takes off
the spoiler
be committed against
the toilers
a bomb in
a phone on
bags without flushing
be next in
been thrown about
But I'm on
cat flush in
drape 'em outside
drinking out of
drinks out of
dropped her in
dropped it in
flush it down
flush me down
flush them down
flushed them down
foot caught in
Get out of
go down
go right in
goes down
going down
gone down
gonna piss in
he died on
head back down
head out of
his poodle in
in front of
It was behind
jerking off in
just sitting on
Kodak moment down
life goes down
Like out
my chin on
my head down
my life down
of time in
or splashes from
popcorn and watch
really well in
sense to wreck
sitting down on
snorting heroin in
stop texting on
the water outta
then sit on
to do on
underwear to clog
went down
Where is
you flushed down
your head down
the toilet
and Homer on
the Toilet
and pointing out
I've prayed in
to scrub out
where are
the toilets
such thing as
the voiceless
his hearing of
Matt does
the voices
the remainder of
to read on
the voyage
where the
tough boys hung
these Senators
were boys once
me because they
were poison
--More--The spikes
were poisoned

with 1 extra syllable

acaroid gum
Make an
acid poison
I hear
angels' voices
where our
anger points us
a high-stakes 4-on-1
battle royal
battle royales
battle royals
battles royal
on anyone and
becomes pointless
the path to
you to make
better choices
a world without
children's voices
chipmunk voices
just a few
clever choices
so you can't
disappoint 'em
why should I
disappoint her
allowed to hear
diverse voices
locomotive with a
domeless boiler
double boiler
double boilers
Are Manticores
Hey are you
I make is
ever poignant
function pointer
function pointers
German goiter
German goitre
is like a
giant boiler
Freedom provides a
hundred choices
Isaac Deutscher
don't have a
laser pointer
laser pointers
Leonard Euler
fun at life's
little foibles
time of her
maiden voyage
Michael Scheuer
Ever the charmless
minor royal
mountain oyster
Mountain oyster
mountain oysters
Mountain oysters
nearly plotless but
never pointless
virgin pressed
olive oil from
aren't any
other boys, Herb
There are no
we have no
What are the
wrestled with the
other choices
But I hear
most of the
other voices
are dictated by
be responsible for
It is
options, confident of
sum total of
the agony of
the residue of
We all make
we can't regret
We made
our choices
fly to spoil
our ointment
malagmas corresponded with
our ointments
Iraq is not
of slug in
toilet, but it's
our toilet
So we lower
this is often
We found
we still got
our voices
Poseidon has blessed
the financier of
our voyage
I'm just being
paranoid, but
won't be a
pleasant voyage
Because I
prefer toilets
a group of
proffered choices
to find the
proper poison
the springs of
racial poison
your own careful- or
rhythm royal
me yet you
rotten oinker
antidote to the
Russian poison
saddle oyster
scalloped oyster
scalloped oysters
Second Voyage
station pointer
station pointers
taken point of
Thomson Reuters
way to find
Trisha Joyner
Walter Eucken
Walter Reuther
thought otherwise I
wasn't loyal
water boiler
water boilers
do some prominent
Western voices

with 2 extra syllables

Do you want
another oyster
worry about buying
another toilet
will embark on
another voyage
Beautiful toilets
Benjamin Boyer
chemical toilet
chemical toilets
a corrupting and
dangerous poison
could have made
need to make
she had made
There are only
different choices
mimicking all the
only from having
different voices
forced to make
necessary to make
responsibilities and face
difficult choices
formula Coined from
Nevada jointfir
she exercises her
personal choices
portable toilet
portable toilets
before, to make
informed consumers make
rational choices
religious voices
evening at the
Theatre Royal

with 3 extra syllables

verified by the
Astronomer Royal
to look beyond
available choices
man as
honourable joins us
to make informed
intelligent choices
to position a
mechanical pointer
Myocastor coypus
can counteract its
particular poison
arrangements that govern
transactional choices
offspring lives with
unlimited choices

with 4 extra syllables

upended by people's
individual choices
intertemporal choices