exact syllable matches
But a viable die-
able age
as the
IS the
up the
ace of spades
in the
Age of Faith
then the
Age of Paine
five years of
age today
I haven't
aged one day
name of an
ancient fate
signals of the
ancient flame
I sing the
ancient ways
you a beautiful
Angel Cake
April 8
have to
bake a cake
through the
bales of hay
when they
break a date
for states to
she had to
break away
till the
break of day
until someone
breaks a nail
came from space
success that
came her way
that's why I
came today
summer she
came up lame
than is the
case today
in this
case, the day
followed the
chain of change
home and
change her fate
like this
of a
change of pace
involving a
change of place
did they
change the name
you never
change the stakes
one that
changed the game
cost of making
changes late
Helen and probably
Dave someday
You're only a
day away
cause a
day of days
the twelfth
day of May
is the
day of race
Day parade
had a busy
had a quiet
Have a great
It's a beautiful
day today
Martin Luther King
Day today
Day Today
competition is only
only a few
days away
the last cloud
drains away
Hundred and forty-
eight today
Did my
face just change
same circumstance I
the challenge we
face today
and I'll just
And, then, we'll
causes her to
dignity does not
Don't die, just
fall apart and
go,And so to
I don't wanna
I've decided to
or just further
out than to
quite easily just
scene and just
that will eventually
the bridge or
fade away
of his most
famous plays
executed on that
happened on that
him, until that
fateful day
necessary to
gain one's aim
Mustn't give the
to give the
game away
in a porn
game today
Gateless Gate
everybody in the
gay parade
clubs, the
gay, the straight
get us to
Glacier Bay
grave sir, hail
evil plan going
great today
is momentarily given
greater reign
of the world's
greatest faiths
me to the
greatest place
of even the
greatest States
hate the place
and I
hate the play
hate the rain
I still
hate the taste
which they still
hate today
he said he
hated gays
was treated as
heinous waste
the - the
lamest way
be hit by
laser rays
pastimes of a
later age
about at a
decision at a
Germans at a
names at a
postponed to a
rating at a
Shivaji at a
task at a
later date
it in its
later states
I took a
later train
It's a 3-
layer cake
God, was
made a saint
have already
made a tape
still and
made the pace
I even
made the play
is my mother's
maiden name
lost in the
mail, Fuckface
in Poland for
sufficient blueprint for
major change
mark in two
major ways
It would
like to
make a change
something to
make the change
the history we
were asked to
make today
done to
make us great
madmen To
make us pay
means that he
may attain
any thought they
may contain
written by John
Maynard Keynes
just a conceited,
naked ape
This is a
naked place
was gonna
name her Kate
below the
name of Cain
country, just like
Nathan Hale
needs - more
Nathan Hales
You can get
Nathan Lane
confined to the
nation state
element in successful
nation states
credited with creating a
social life remains the
upheld by a strong
she must by
nature crave
nature strange
is graced by
nature's grace
That is
nature's way
Nature's way
all that the
neighbors say
I took their
Take this
to take the
to take your
pain away
in a most
painful way
supremely horrible and
painful ways
and a brightly
painted face
Paper Chase
break out the
paper plates
serving as his
paper weight
patience, May
point of the
patient's day
acceptable and
paved the way
disarmament occupies first
is still in
It's still in
that have taken
place today
and a conservative
places blame
Let us
want to
wanted to
play a game
play Charades
how to
play first base
allowed to
away just
can finally
ever to
have to
how to
how you
Okay, let's
players to
see me
stay and
two to
up and
were gonna
play the game
Eager to
play the Game
we continued to
play today
played one game
only be
played one way
as ever
As they
he'd never
way he
played the game
only a one
player game
Atlantic scrod with
no make that
Quaker State
work for our
race today
Rachael Ray
the cops
raid the place
raised a Cain
the Council
raised the Veil
down the
of a
rate of change
glass and discarded
metallic gleam of
of hay and
razor blades
body ripped apart and
And feed his
forever burn the
sacred flame
pretexts and its
sacred name
worships under many
sacred names
story, drama, and
sacred play
kept in a
now a much
the world a
world is a
safer place
easier and a
safer prey
It's the
safest place
sadness, you just
to do is
sail away
a ship and
sailed away
saint a saint
for the
sake of gain
for the
sake of grace
have the
same birth date
around to
come to
here to
job to
peak, and
them and
used to
save the day
along and
tortured and
saves the day
tightrope than
say her name
Please don't
when I
you don't
say the name
and Duncan
Can they
I could
your people
say the same
about the
are the
so many
were no
shades of gray
in varying
seen in
shades of grey
was as easy as
takes to
shape the clay
One's bearing
shapes one's fate
wilt but
slay the slain
Lure the
snake away
call a
space a spade
actually going to
space someday
call a
calling a
spade a spade
in a
of this
state of grace
for the
state of Maine
in the Southern
in the United
States today
I'll try and
just as well
sleepy we couldn't
stay awake
That's why I
to make him
warn them to
You have to
you want to
stay away
and you
more they
seems to
want to
stay the same
I'd have
like once I
was trans-sexual, he
stayed away
dollars, everything
stayed the same
nothing ever
the radius
stays the same
invaders and massacred
to kill him
straight away
it brightens some
stranger's day
back and
decided to
Did Gandhi
Did Moses
stop to
take a break
take a case
take a plane
and cannot justly
than able to
the end, they
What does it
which I cannot
take away
pretensions to
take first place
something to
take her place
Time to
take some names
got to
take the cake
Take the change
up, and
take the pain
hero to
take the stage
we'd better
take the train
Low quality
a miracle had
any change had
certain transformation has
could never have
industrial revolution had
no financial transaction's
not in fact
of dislocation has
of Normandy had
people have always
representative of what's
such alterations have
that had already
that it has
the injustice not
what has already
whatever development has
whether it has
taken place
add, but merely
and the Lord
like that it
nor gives nor
takes away
takes the blame
little display
statement truly
takes the cake
She just
takes the plane
the more it
takes today
a common
tale of late
the main
Tales of Games
tape, duct
tape, duct tape
coffee doesn't
taste the same
and inexhaustible cerebration
much virtue as
They are what
they contain
They must change
actual conditions
they must face
to the eminence
they obtain
context to which
they pertain
What if
they were gay
later, but
they were great
They were great
on when
whose guidance
they were made
you know,
they were raped
had known
they were slaves
wipes all our
trace away
we can
trace the sale
ended up in
trailer sales
left but a
vapor trail
a complete
an awful
they're a
what a
you no-selling
waste of space
Empty space is never-
wasted space
wastes away
stable, and a
waveless bay
bye-bye, gone way
is a long
shadows a long
way away
the straight
way of faith
way of gain
feel the same
way today
with 1 extra syllable
are terribly
afraid of caves
afraid of change
of me that's
always awake
They were
always away
he was
always just bait
answer was
comedy is
equality is
fortune is
it is
murmur was
sea is
war is
was almost
always the same
with light,
Always the same
a certain
array of traits
a wide
array of ways
elsewhere to be
attained someday
rope in an
Australian jail
want to run
away someplace
down to Dixie,
away, away
general who
became a slave
staying away
became a way
is to
betray The Faith
It's my
birthday today
spare time in
Bodega Bay
It's just complain,
complain, complain
heroic and unselfishly
courageous way
on this is
creation based
tribes that young
creation claimed
Many will
embrace the change
of flexibility which
enabled change
Rules of
engagement change
the guilty never
escape unscathed
sigh earth's deep
foundation shakes
be only a
heartbreak away
live in an
impatient age
that men are
inflamed today
I went to
Jamaica State
a big
mistake one day
you will
mistake the Way
for our
mistakes once made
All right,
mistakes were made
those who
obtain the way
them, that the
persuasion fades
direct methods when
persuasion failed
they will not
prevail today
will always
remain a slave
basic characteristics
conditions should
future will
more they
nature will
taxes still
time or
ways they
remain the same
my life would
remain unchanged
wash itself clean,
remain unstained
interest has
it always
the group
remained the same
My husband has
remained unchanged
everything else
morning scene
the story
universe always
remains the same
but the soul
His imprisonment
remains unchanged
might someday
replace the pain
led by a
sagacious knave
today, Thursday
I took a
vacation day
bucket of hot
wallpaper paste
with 2 extra syllables
Senator McCain to
something new about
candidate McCain
watch the big
candidate's debate
many things to
celebrate today
not have understood
Clemente today
It's a very
complicated game
is a very
complicated state
turned to the
entertainment page
born with an
expiration date
is is a
godforsaken place
did on her
graduation day
tell you on
Graduation Day
potential of the
unique to the
Information Age
I'll get the
levitation ray
if these aren't
operation names
even build a
regulation grave
of space combat
simulation games
as the French
spoliation claims
with 3 extra syllables
idol with your
Disintegrator Ray
had to
evacuate the plane
Today is
evaluation day
with 4 extra syllables
getting to the
commercialization stage