exact syllable matches

Acting Sergeant,
Acting Dad
passive and the
active mass
a stool immortal
Alfred sat
Alice band
Alice bands
allis shad
Some answer on
an exam
as much of
had much of
made so little
to have had
an impact
in terms of
an implant
ravening lions
and big cats
and Big Mac
concept of supply
It's supply
law of supply
that reflect supply
theory of supply
to equate supply
was about supply
and demand
hatch match
and despatch
to build up
and expand
in time
and fix that
to learn
and give back
old man
and his ass
an Alpha
and his pack
the President
and his staff
in front
and in back
United States
and in France
in heart
and in hand
Dirty, unkempt,
and in rags
the train
and it crashed
a rock
and it smashed
its side
and its back
friends, Robin
and Kid Flash
fun and involvement
and pizzazz
and quit and
dim the lights
house to mingle
Just sit back
and relax
looked pleased, proud
Stay nice
verbalized inspirations supple
You're getting calm
and relaxed
God's eyes-
and still am
the bow
and switched hands
Go ahead
and think that
this man
and this man
the earliest priestcraft
and witchcraft
and zigzags
want onions
as big as
crush, as well
as expand
a frog,
as well
be inserted
same manner
as in and
all powerful
as in France
as well
as in hand
A-U, S
as in Sam
own heart,
as is Matt
propagate itself
as it can
as long
have spread
the language
as it has
as long
as it lasts
divine just
the constitution
the law
as it stands
as pig tracks
their ideas
as this man
shoot me an
aspirin, pal
Otherwise, my
ass is grass
be dead
at 6 am
staring right
at him, and
large rifle
at his back
an instructor
at this camp
the Okhrana
back in France
Like I'm
back in Gdansk
to come
back in rags
to get
back with Dad
backing band
backing bands
to an amplified
backing track
scale how
bad is that
That one
band with Crash
bandlet an
whether other
bands did that
talking rockets,
bang is bad
black speargrass
democratic protests get
branded as
calving jack
calving jacks
do the
camp bits and
camping gas
camping mat
camping mats
source of comfort,
can distract
But I
can fix that
Now I
can relax
and no power
can withstand
ball that
can't hit back
see that I
can't relax
and I
can't risk that
cap in hand
cash in hand
began with a
they attended a
Catholic Mass
Catholic, Mack
white and
clad in black
race and
class with class
You haven't
cracked this hand
frothy sound of
crackling ass
in a car-
crash in France
absence of a
dagesh kal
You are not
damned, Tristan
dance with masks
She was
dancing, and
nonwhites, but
fact is fact
Too much make-up,
fascist bag
kill the
to kill the
fatted calf
shared a
flat in France
It's a
frakking fact
talk about my
frantic hand
every chill and
gasp intact
gastric band
gastric bands
grabbing at
way and
grabs his staff
grafting wax
hacking laugh
his behavior
had been bad
no laws
had been passed
15 persons
Santa Claus
had been stabbed
a water-mark
had been stamped
This time period
had elapsed
Water has
had his chance
The Shepherd
had His lamb
thought I
had it bad
being has,
had, will have
and a
half years back
halve, behalf
the game
hand in cap
conversion went
have gone
must march
the future,
to work,
hand in hand
and I
hand it back
need a
hand with that
and religion have gone
handling that
hanging chad
hanging chads
question now
has been asked
moment forward
has been bad
That word
has been banned
The die
has been cast
That land
has been had
legislation that
the baton
has been passed
My center
the mirror
whole what
has been smashed
has it bad
each season
has its tasks
then somewhat marked,
has relaxed
hat in hand
but I
have been bad
it might
have been black
and pears
have been canned
and work
have been cast
sales might
have been halved
history, towns
have been sacked
I -
have been slapped
outmoded regulations
have been smashed
I'd rather
You can
have him back
Could I
you can
have it back
have it bad
I must
have missed that
and I
have this dance
accused you of
having tact
I am not
having that
Katharine Chang
This city isn't
lacking masks
lagging strand
lagging strands
with the
lance in hand
sea beaches against
landing craft
out of the
landing crafts
poetry, the
last in cant
are you guys
laughing at
a sort of
am unaffected by
So does
laughing gas
It's a
Not another
use in my
magic act
must be Uncle's
magic and
I have my
magic back
magic dance
mercy through their
magic hands
out of a
magic hat
genie in the
it was a
you find a
magic lamp
magic lamps
land, magic land,
magic land
escape from the
guy was a
magic man
of time and
magic wax
went the
man in black
Man in Black
the best
man in half
soul of
man is cast
the spiritual
man is mad
study of
man is man
transactions of
man with man
man, ass
man, tit man
Manfred Mann
mantis crab
mantis crabs
maslin pan
maslin pans
destruction of a
massive dam
on the
mat, if that
Unless he's a
matchless match
Matt Smith, man
matted glass
napkin rash
packing plant
packing plants
pound just like
panic can
panic snap
panic snaps
purser rigged and
parish damned
will I
pass this class
passing as
subject as a
passing fad
passing gas
same time, a
passing tram
past is past
kind of
plan is that
plan still stands
diamonds in a
goldfish in a
it in a
plastic bag
have uh, some
plastic bags
talking to a
plastic plant
wrapped in nice
plastic wrap
we're talking about
practice man
Laertes gets a
than uses said
practice stab
we're talking about
practice, man
to disappoint a
rabid fan
be gnawed by
rabid rats
rapping at
glowing hickeys and
rashes and
lost passports and
rat-filled shacks
mean, how
sad is that
to the
sand in an
sheep sent my
sandwich back
sandwich class
and found the
sandwich half
Poems from the
Sanskrit, trans
case of stolen
SAT exams
slanging match
are like my back-
slapping pals
Spanish and
Spanish black
opened up a
Spanish branch
Spanish flag
Spanish grass
Spanish ham
Spanish hams
black and a
Spanish past
a pilgrim,
staff in hand
just can't
stand it, Dad
I can't
stand it, man
heavy stick and
standing back
standing pat
the club
stands with that
static class
I would consider
tapping that
greater today
than its past
to die
than risk that
Is better
than this crap
accomplished less
than this has
I'm prettier
than this man
We're better
than this, man
is no better
than witchcraft
the woods when
that began
little pets
that did that
How about
that evac
asking about
that in class
Now cut
that in half
that is bad
the best
that is canned
All of
that is past
that is sad
that is that
that is whack
cinematic genius
that is Zach
the best
the fact
that it can
the fact
that it sank
of escapes from
that quicksand
I reject
that shit, man
air dry
that shit, yeah
you touch
that switch and
he's got
that weird stance
how long
leaving behind
that will last
over, but
that will pass
that, dear Sam
worried about
that, in fact
and disrespectful, and
that's exact
that's him, yeah
That's kick ass
that's pizzazz
That's rich, man
That's weird, man
by creating a
Peanut butter,
traffic jam
Buddha in a
Traffic Jam
traffic jams
War is a
tragic fact
perished in a
transit camp
loot from some
vanquished black
from even that
vast expanse
dissolve in the
of consciousness, The
Vast Expanse
yanks it back

with 1 extra syllable

kind of
attack is that
It was
attracting ants
me I'm an
attractive man
by this random
barbaric act
legends of the
barbaric past
regularly scheduled radio
broadcasts began
is in
Command with Trance
come into
contact with that
cyanic and
now, the
Deadman is back
toward achieving the
ecstatic grasp
enchanted nads
It is an
enchanted staff
was wonderful a
fantastic man
even on their
financing plan
May I call you
Compare Proto-
Germanic and
Analyzable through Proto-
Germanic as
will have the
Germanic stamp
to destroying the
gigantic plant
for such a
gigantic task
Confer the
Icelandic and
to a great
monastic past
as an
outstanding man
Perhaps it's chance
with New Options
pragmatic stance
Satanic prank
final transmission, the
Titanic sank
volcanic ash
volcanic glass

with 2 extra syllables

anaclastic glass
in the
diplomatic bag
diplomatic bags
Everlasting Man
suitable notation in
mathematics and
a rigorous and
systematic plan
topographic map
unattractive man
thing I
understand is that
Don't ya
understand it, man
I don't
understand this crap
am saying and
but vegan after
understanding that
Enquiry concerning Human
Understanding, chap
xenographic, graft,

with 3 extra syllables

Afghanistan did that
and formed an
aristocratic class
Aristophanic man
misunderstanding Capt

with 4 extra syllables

from proterodynamic to
hysterodynamic class