exact syllable matches
acid bomb
acid bombs
acid drop
acid drops
acid rock
act of God
act upon
action doll
action dolls
action song
action songs
action star
action stars
strikes are
acts of God
for all
acts of thought
acts upon
It was
Adam's fault
adverb clause
a long walk
a necessary part
are a Lolicon
couldn't tell Mom
get it wrong,
help a lot
in my arse,
is a god
It's my job,
justice, Sir Lancelot,
right they are,
the rightful monarch
they are crabs,
We're cops,
after all
Especially not
in the park
after dark
after darks
Shot after shot
after shot
wall after wall
after wall
al apa
Alan Barth
Alan Clark
Alan Cox
Alan Watts
does Washington hate Bashar
the Taliban, and Bashar
Albert Barnes
Allen charge
Alpha Dog
alpha dogs
alum rock
amphid salt
amphid salts
Your mother was
an A-bomb
anba bra
anchor ball
anchor balls
anchor shot
anchor shots
a job
the car
and a car
three hots
and a cot
of cards
and a wand
relationships within Africa
and abroad
I am shocked
and appalled
they all laugh
and applaud
charged with ball
and buckshot
rather large
and curved claws
jacket off,
and fuck off
jack off
and jerk off
a hot bath
and massage
I talk
and must talk
Love all
and serve all
showing off
and shove off
the restaurant
and the car
Tater Tots
and the Crocs
Barnyard Dawg,
and the fox
before God
and the law
was wrong
and The Rock
the tall
and the small
coat is dark
and unglossed
time clocks
and what all
and whatnot
angle bar
angle bars
angle harp
angle harps
angle shot
angle shots
ankle lock
ankle locks
ankle sock
ankle socks
Anne Lamott
answer song
answer songs
its blue-glancing stars,
answered not
Antlered God
sit on an
apple box
apple cart
apple carts
apple moss
apple moth
apple sauce
as long
as a car
the cross
as a charm
yet sharp
as a hawk
but not
as a Part
was hard
as a rock
regard us all
as upstarts
give ya'll
ass a job
at a loss
at a straw
I was
at Bagram
the English charge
at Dunbar
I was
at the bar
going on
at the farm
a job
he was
at the park
a cross
and not
discipline starts
not start
see ya
though not
at the top
the guard
at the walls
Atlas moth
Atlas moths
Atom bomb
Atom bombs
axle box
axle guard
axle guards
back upon
backward pawn
backward pawns
badger dog
badger dogs
balance dock
balance docks
ballot box
the rock
band the Cars
bang up job
bang-up job
bankrupt cart
bankrupt carts
barrel bomb
barrel bombs
barrel knot
barrel knots
barrel vault
barrel vaults
basil balm
basket star
basket stars
basket toss
bastard bar
bastard bars
bastard pop
battered savs
Actually, it's all
Baxter's fault
Blacksburg, Va
blasted off
Brad DeLong
cabbage moth
cabbage moths
cabbage palm
cabbage palms
camber arch
cannon ball
cannon balls
cannon lock
cannon locks
cannon shot
canon law
canon laws
captain ball
Captain Ron
capture card
capture cards
carrot top
carrot tops
in Oregon called
Castle Rock
around writing on
castle walls
casts a pall
catch up on
cattle call
cattle calls
cattle car
cattle cars
cattle dog
cattle dogs
land for large
cattle farms
cattle prod
cattle prods
chana daal
chana dahl
chana dhal
chance upon
chanced upon
chances are
channa daal
channa dahl
channa dhal
channel hop
channel hopped
channel hops
chapel cart
chapel carts
chatter mark
chatter marks
clacker balls
clapper talk
crack of dawn
crack one off
and not
crashed the car
dagen op
dagger moth
dagger moths
daggers drawn
dampen off
dampened off
dampens off
Daniel Johns
Daniel Tosh
dann und wann
Dragon Ball
fashion doll
fashion dolls
fraction bar
fraction bars
gamma bomb
gamma bombs
gang up on
ganged up on
gangs up on
grammar cop
had a wank
have not
had one thought
hamba kahle
hamster ball
hamster balls
handcuff knot
handcuff knots
handed off
not have
hands, just claws
hang one on
hang upon
hangen op
happen on
has a wank
hatchet job
hatchet jobs
hatten da
Hatton Cross
have a ball
have a heart
does not
have a scar
have a wank
Have some balls
reading the cards,
haven't ya
jack of hearts
jacks of hearts
jagua palm
jagua palms
Janet Mock
jangle pop
Jasper Johns
kaffir dog
kaffir dogs
Kafir harp
this image are
kamatz marks
kantor pos
ladder wall
ladder walls
ladest hoch
ladest voll
lagen da
Lamb of God
lancet arch
land of Nod
Land of Song
landed cost
landed costs
language arts
language swap
language swaps
lantern jaw
lantern jawed
lantern jaws
latches on
Latin cross
Lyanna Stark
machen kalt
machen klar
man of God
man of parts
man of straw
Manor Park
masta kot
master stock
master stocks
namba wan
Pacman frog
Pacman frogs
paddle box
palace car
palace cars
palette swap
palette swapped
palette swaps
panda cars
pandan laut
panel saw
panel saws
pass the bar
laws, and
pass the laws
passen op
passes off
passes on
passion pop
I got
past the shock
patent log
patent logs
patter song
patter songs
pattern box
pattern card
pattern cards
phantom call
phantom calls
planter box
platinum blond
platinum blonde
platinum blondes
platinum blonds
rabbit moth
rabbit moths
rabbit on
rabbits on
ran along
Randall Park
Random Hearts
random walk
random walks
raster plot
ratchet jaw
ratchet jaws
but it was
rather dark
British horseboxes are
trailers, horseboxes are
rather small
ration card
ration cards
rattle off
saddle bar
saddle bars
salad bar
salad bars
salak palm
salak palms
Salman Khan
salmon shark
salmon sharks
salvage yard
salvage yards
sang along
man was not
that you saw
Santa Claus
least it's not
Santa Paws
He shocked
Santa's balls
satin spar
satin spars
scallop moth
scallop moths
scatter plot
scatter plots
Shannon Sharpe
shatter box
slacken off
spanner barb
spanner barbs
Stafford knot
Stafford knots
stand of arms
standard star
standard stars
stands of arms
stapel op
status bar
status bars
tackle fall
tackle falls
tadka daal
tadka dhal
Why not
tag along
thanks a lot
You call
that a block
you call
that a call
focus on
that a lot
that a shot
throw himself on
that buzzsaw
Just watch
that one part
concentrated on
that one spot
wants and
that one wants
much all
that stuff costs
the cars
that were parked
Thatcher, Charles
that's a lot
that's just wrong
That's the plot
That's the Scots
That's the spark
That's the start
That's what wrong
That's what's wrong
Trafford Park
van der Waals
van der Wal
Wag the Dog
wagon lock
wagon locks
wapper jaw
wapper jaws
yaller dog
yaller dogs
yammer on
with 1 extra syllable
make eye
contact, just walk
Just lift your
goddamned barrage
jackrabbit start
jackrabbit starts
or Linda
Ronstadt were dogs
transaction block
Transaction cost
Transaction costs
Transactions costs