exact syllable matches

to set the
bounds firmly
entertaining than The
Brown Bunny
brown studies
brown study
Count of St
for the
on the
count of three
Get off the
counter, please
to charge a
coward fee
and then as
cowards flee
because the
crowd loved me
ocean from a
crowded beach
player on a
crowded field
stand on a
crowded street
crowder pea
crowder peas
Allie walk
once walk
down a street
couple lockers
down from me
joy ran
their paths
down her cheeks
dog stand
mile run
walked bare-butt
down the beach
aliens landed
dive bar
Enchantress walks
even walk
jawn from
Mexican restaurant
Morton walked
she walks
the mini-mart
the stand
they walk
tin cans
two psychopaths
up and
watchmaker just
wheeling her
you walk
down the street
or cut
down the tree
they cut
down the trees
down, buddy
Whoa, calm
down, honey
found money
trunk and
found the wheel
Peters, has
found work here
running west on
Hauser Street
Hour 3
Fifty dollars an
hour, please
You Welcome the
Hour, st
House Bunny
house money
house of ease
House of Keys
House of Leaves
is a
house of peace
Howard Dean
Howard Green
mountain cheese
mountain green
mountain meal
to conquer a
mountain peak
live on the
Nor at
mountain peaks
mountain sheep
hair in a
mountain stream
found near small
mountain streams
mountain tea
mountain teas
tribe, castled on the
a toddler,
now a teen
before, and was
now complete
, that's
now the deal
who's in danger
now, Scully
Not so fast
now, sonny
look at us
now, Tully
breaking reboant on
our beach
the dirt off
our cleats
I shall honor
That was
the part of
wasn't part of
We got
our deal
It mocks
That becomes
the end of
wakened, shivering from
our dream
destinies, and answer
its feet on
may not remember
new India of
our thoughts, all
the call of
The end of
the scope of
the world of
will bring back
our dreams
substantially less than
our fee
away from under
Earth slips from
firm ground under
get back on
ground from under
here, right under
in grandeur at
knock us off
laid there at
lie trampled at
like Satan, under
proudly, sleeping on
sweeps us off
that lies under
the ground at
the muck at
they drop at
we tread under
will perish at
our feet
Noon, at
our field
and most of
our fleet
the fitness of
to pass on
our genes
start of all
our grief
below, far under
have us on
than live on
our knees
black mark upon
really out of
way out of
our league
and brothers of
our League
to live above
our means
and passing on
our memes
lowest part of
the prism of
our need
a servant of
satisfaction of
to us and
we men have
our needs
essence is beyond
every day,Glory beyond
future is beyond
had talent beyond
hopelessly out of
live seems beyond
none are beyond
Out of
our reach
the success of
our schemes
face changing on
our screens
will now become
our seat
code to disable
our sword and
our shield
meals, and disturb
our sleep
Nothing up
our sleeves
main subject of
our speech
are construction-men on
the middle of
our street
It's stinking up
should be on
vigilante loose on
our streets
a member of
a part of
a racer on
As captain of
every man on
She's on
trusted members of
two girls on
very proud of
was part of
wasn't part of
won't be from
our team
bills, we'll floss
the skin of
our teeth
breeds centrism as
our theme
to crush us
out complete
your tables walked
out early
People run
out of cheese
this power
out of greed
But us
fuck off
Get everyone
get on
get us
get, everyone
getting her
getting Lydia
git on
heck up
hell up
him sleepwalk
I am
I walked
just walk
just waltzed
juvenile delinquents
kicking her
Let's cut
my ticket
Our ticket
pajamas back
right on
safe and
safe passage
that nigger
the flock
the fuck
this stuff
those creatures
to walk
we'll walk
you walk
your asses
your car
You're gettin'
out of here
we'd run
out of leads
a hard-on
a liar
a lot
any answers
been gettin'
bruises massaged
has created
living crap
no satisfaction
something comes
stuffing knocked
that comes
the bejesus
the crap
the dickens
the fuck
out of me
a rocket
out of meat
out of steam
we're all
out of tea
shall come
out of thee
and fall
pull cats
out of trees
it will turn
out sunny
fish from
out the sea
out, buddy
get the fuck
outa here
outer ear
and let us
Get the fuck
Get the funk
getting the fuck
gonna get us
I'm gettin'
Let's tool on
me the fuck
myself the fuck
Now get 'em
on flying people
Shawshank our asses
slide on
that weak stuff
the carts and
the heck up
the next bus
We're not gettin'
You girls are
your black asses
your squirrelly ass
outta here
bore the fuck
bring the demons
kicking the devil
make a failure
take the catheter
outta me
owl monkey
owl monkeys
Plough Monday
Plow Monday
Revolution have
plowed the sea
pound a beat
power clean
power cleans
power creep
who had the
power here
power leads
idea of what
power means
weakness of the
Power Team
but vigorous and
forsaken this once
proud country
end up
guys are
parents are
so damn
proud of me
Proudsome, pleased
his arms
round her knees
round of beef
flog someone
round the fleet
deep indentations
round the leaves
rounds of beef
kind of a
was an awesome
shower scene
shower tea
shower teas
shower tree
shower trees
I'm takin' a
shower, here
I'm having a
shower, please
and I was
for Monica was
I was
sound asleep
is dependent on
sound money
hear the
sound of keys
and this Anita
sounds lovely
a dollop of
with butter and
sour cream
soured cream
soured creams
south of here
Tao of Steve
innocent as a
thousand dreams
it be a
make it a
of over a
thousand feet
in Kassel, seven
thousand trees
throw wet paper
towels here
floor in the
Tower Suites
in lamplight the
towers gleam
town shunned me
go spend the
town's money

with 1 extra syllable

create the universe
about 13
approximate age -
Total alphabets were
about 30
You're talking
about a priest
back in
be in
brain for
cheerful for
curdle in
felt in
give them
it for
shoes for
about a week
who are passionate
about anime
about done here
hurt a lot
about Fuzzy
just shut up
about lucky
a girl worry
And this ain't
be is guilty
do not care
don't know anything
has an idea
Is this
is to know
is tremendous jealousy
It is funny
It's all
It's not
It's only
people, they care
polite to talk
problem with guilt
Romance isn't
the least understanding
they were talking
This wasn't
What's this
Who cares
about money
We talked
about phonies
He knows
to know
about the Beast
Trump's lawyer
about the deal
ask me
about the Greeks
tell me
about the key
about the leaves
acted handsomely
about the peace
about the scene
soon forget
Tell me
about the sea
I care
about the shield
these men
about the streets
Who cares
about the team
might be right
about ugly
are you talkin'
about, buddy
account of me
drink large
amounts of mead
great things happened
around 30
want some walking
around money
which races
around the field
things flying
around the screen
a chase
leaves blowing
around the trees
compound machine
compound machines
gunpowder tea
gunpowder teas
this nation is
somehow complete
including themselves, is
somehow unreal
sunflower seed
attracted with some
sunflower seeds
top of the
surrounded heap

with 2 extra syllables

cauliflower cheese
cauliflower ear
a 17 year-old
overpower me
walkaround money