exact syllable matches

boats there were men
watch this stupid
bore-fest again
Washington provides a
close parallel
out and
close them again
not blowing
cold air again
courts set up there
don't get drug tests
Don't get stuck there
fish, people,
don't get upset
Don't get upset
don't recollect
Don't tell the French
in a
faux French accent
for death again
detrimental consequences
great service
seeking aid
for mental health
to settle
willingly settled
for second best
For tel, compare
for tender flesh
for their first stretch
will vote
for them again
gather on his
forehead again
what case this
form represents
only have
four Jaegers left
Four seconds left
four-legged friend
four-legged friends
go get some help
Go get some rest
go get the rest
go tell the Gems
Let's not
go there again
tried to
go There again
darkness order
grows ever less
men in my
you in this
hotel again
what heart
know, head forget
be no
more breakfast left
be a
most pleasant death
no death, Fuck Death
no more,
no less, Confess
no question there
No question there
no sense of self
And Cody,
no sweater vest
Masonry has
no tensile strength
never heard
nor ever read
November 10
November 12
O best of friends
pledges,Faith to good
old Delaware
pompous, bogus, gossiping
old featherhead
Old men, young men
get the
old scent again
like my
to his
to my
old self again
or 12 of them
venerating mighty
or clever men
upon Don
or devil yet
as a nickname
or epithet
Or get undressed
or head of hair
on reason
person's physical
or mental health
what we have
or represent
being so sensitive
or self-aware
or set of men
continued existence
or their success
or wear a dress
owes them a debt
with its
own precious self
to their
own precious selves
own sense of self
own set of legs
Roads went somewhere
dorsal and
short ventral ends
work niggers,
so let's commence
so let's fuck them
is the hippocampus,
Swartzwelder says
you will intimidate
those pencilnecks
venture within
those realms again
Those seven men
torment yourself
the Basilica of
Torments again
wonder our
wars never end
me, it
won't ever end
me you
won't get upset
if you
won't help yourself
saw, you
won't let yourself
gonna be
your bestest friend
kill is
your better fare
help us find
I cleaned
your clarinet
And will
your death attend
that, she was
your ex-girlfriend
Your ex-girlfriend
your head up there
I need
they need
your help again
to learn
you'll learn
your lessons well
your men up there
detrimental to
enemy of
health and
worry about
your mental health
your parents there
away with
your precious friends
I'll bring
your present then

with 1 extra syllable

obsolete in the
aforementioned sense
The word may
also represent
also scared of them
the church
also sheltered them
before there were men
pink heart
before Trevor left
braccio della legge
often assessed through self-
report questionnaires