exact syllable matches

4 is the frieze
bone in her teeth
the heaven-
born Prince of Peace
days we are
both history
course secretly fears
both, disagrees
offensively in Super
Bowl history
broke history
broke in thirty
evil that
chokes this country
chose this country
We will examine
chrome-nickel steel
cloning machine
cold killed the breeze
out A
cold winter breeze
a cervical spinal
cord injury
cork with her teeth
- Sorell
Cove, Bishop's Creek
don't insult me
Don't insult me
Anna, please
don't misjudge me
float with the stream
floor in a heap
flow in the streets
folding money
and still strive
freedom, for justice,
for dignity
for fear of thieves
for Hillary
for him the least
a job
as fight
bastard die
by dying
empties it
has shot
son died
that tank
The second
to die
to make
ultimately, die
Washington's respect
for his country
thank God
for his mercy
to Him
for His mercy
a run
marry Hastings
side-show performers
this guy
for his money
extraordinarily intense feeling
for old people,
that cries out
for history
a worse godfather
for Imogene
be paid
for in money
durum wheat headed
for Italy
upon ignorance
for its appeal
and die
for its country
a run
for its money
ever created
for its upkeep
a sincere passion
all the struggles
and arduous struggle
because it was
country, for honor,
in a contest
is a time
lady that stands
must women wait
negroes mistook license
own father's struggle
proclaimed the struggle
the best weapon
those in chains
to stand fast
today who hanker
who are fighting
Who is
you are fighting
You fight
for liberty
Citizen, to fight
for Liberty
lunch boxes
for milk money
with the over-compensations
for misery
have the capacity
In an appeal
for sympathy
better one
done much
have we
husband's vision
make laws
no feelings
simply does
the peace
through generations
to fight
for this country
I live
for this jersey
you pay
for this, girlie
as a plan
flocks of slaves
sets people up
the modern name
was a recipe
for tyranny
threadbare with ringing
for victories
a gloomy prospect
and love, not
aren't that desperate
by the will
electoral votes required
for protection and
go all out
her own plans
my own men
not a plan
overlook any advantage
prepared to sacrifice
role in striving
we have paid
for victory
War, On Prayers
for Victory
distinctly the
forces of peace
nail and
forming a seal
the closet pedophiles
go wibbly
the date
go with Bernie
certainly better than
known hunger start
My children aren't
going hungry
going nuts here
How's it
going, buddy
sinews of a
growing country
conditions from
just loved
growing up here
Let the
grown women speak
Growth industry
hole in her jeans
holes in the knees
girl back
home in Jersey
home in one piece
Home Ministry
But I
know differently
Because they
know Hillary
Students do not
know history
the lich will
know instantly
known in The East
that he
knows, is asleep
to see Him
more blissfully
an even
more distant dream
a couple
more minutes, please
There is always
more mystery
morning of peace
Welcome, over-
mortgaged yuppie
going for the
most kill-worthy
than, the
most vivid dream
a self-centered
motive of greed
her Welshness, she
mourned inwardly
You got
no business here
I have
No hell,
no dignity
You have
no history
but there were
no injuries
no France, and
no Italy
there can be
no liberty
is no pain,
no misery
there was
no mission creep
always free,No surprise
Racism is
the letter has
no mystery
No pictures, please
begin Women have
looking for them,
the user has
why I have
no sympathy
yourselves there is
no trickery
There are
no victories
arises there is
there can be
no victory
is neither happiness
nor misery
coming from other
found in the
not known outside
Nordic countries
Nordic country
matted and their
noses bloody
Look, the
note is dirty
O Christmas Tree
Oh, Christmas tree
owed the
old bitch money
It's my
old injury
A big
old Lichtenstein
is rather
old, isn't he
higher or further
or differently
agree with him
your mind, agree
or disagree
his nutsack,
or his buttcheeks
his parents,
or his country
of the universe
or history
or in her sleep
or in the field
or in the sea
or in the streets
or her factory
or industry
, without loss
any national insult
Describe the illness
or injury
he right,
or isn't he
human dignity, rights,
Resolved on death
or liberty
no printed prayers
or liturgy
one of parliament
or ministry
from all danger
of anger, disgust
to rouse ambition
or misery
solve a crime
or mystery
invisible ties, interests,
or sympathies
convey actual sadness
or sympathy
lying, verbal deception
or trickery
alternatives are anarchy
or tyranny
through verbal
or written means
orchilla weed
orchilla weeds
the Sultan
owed him money
according to its
own bigotries
Silence had its
own dignity
to re-write their
us write our
own histories
colored by our
discussion of our
go on our
own context, his
relevance to our
to make their
to rewrite its
we make our
own history
rewards of his
own industry
suffering or her
own injuries
charge of our
own liberty
of our
own little sleep
to end his
which makes its
own misery
victim of his
own victory
of tentacle
porn in anime
surgical wards have
road injuries
have gangs
roaming the street
which are
roaming the streets
the Italian Parliament,
Rome Italy
Radioscope are in
Rome, Italy
rowing machine
rowing machines
is just a
overlock or serger
with his little
yet with a
sewing machine
who fuck like
sewing machines
thing about
show business, Dean
show is funny
ya keep
showing up here
the cabin,
smoking some meat
so long and
so bitterly
So did the East
have turned out
would do things
so differently
so here's the deal
So here's the deal
so it must be
the driver, described
You remember it
so vividly
so and
so, because St
So, here's the deal
So, here's the speech
India from its blood-
soaked history
poems about the
stoic cunji
stole it from me
STOLE it from me
stoned in the streets
he move with
those injuries
those things up here
not just
those with money
nice flip
though didn't he
missing a
toe, isn't he
voting machine
voting machines
war in the streets
military and the
war industry
war is ugly
not a global
warming denier
describe the Star
the original Star
Wars trilogy
is on the
whole cringeworthy
whole history
got a
whole system here
finding the
whole thing funny
whole thing up here
your brilliant scheme
care of
What is
your business here
be under
light up
your Christmas tree
and think about
letting you have
played is losing
stripping you of
to take away
want to compromise
when you maintain
which is against
You wanna save
your family, and
your dignity
- ah,
your finger please
no disengaging
your grip early
Don't you remember
the culmination of
try to rewrite
your history
a profit in
your industry
you to repair
your injury
to embrace
your inner freak
half of
your kingdom, please
discipline and find
of my life,
pay you with
the security of
You have
your liberty
Secret, you resign
your Liberty
Your little peach
to you and
your ministry
a victim of
are masked by
me out of
put out of
source of all
that gazes on
the authors of
wanted to prolong
You can keep
you out of
You're out of
your misery
congratulate you on
your recovery
He dropped off
your shiralee
your spirit clean
a claim upon
Does she arouse
gentlemen, that deserves
you can save
your sympathy
rise up against
save anyone from
world rise against
your tyranny
true you've had
your victories
own damnation by
so don't savour
This is
your victory
We're not
your winged monkeys

with 1 extra syllable

very supportive -
of me
approach it -
- the speech
artery, killed him
can be killed
He died
in principle, change
jabbar, killing him
they go wrong
almost instantly
also in the wheels
approach with the Sikhs
a true ninja
approaches unseen
famous for its
auto industry
Balto, isn't he
of the burden
before history
Before it hurts ME
on the Thursday
before Whitsunday
the ranks
below become weak
below in the field
Borrowing from three
the power to
control history
practice of
controlling one's speech
controls the battlefield,
controls history
deliberate attempt to
who try to
distort history
to build an
eco-system here
you will win an
fivefold ministry
Hathor is a queen
is a
hero, isn't he
I have my
hippo dignity
implications of this
historic journey
under ban, a
historical freak
appear on the
replace in the
historical scene
for a strict
historical theme
hollow victories
the opponent a
hollow victory
to handicraft and
household industry
How do you
that is to
ignore history
Fish and
imported honey
is not an
incoherent dream
indole syntheses
was very supportive
-of me
need soldiers
patrolling the streets
composition by a
performing monkey
writers behaving like
performing monkeys
much uncomfortable
performing such scenes
and care to
promote recovery
the rapidly growing
railroad industry
William Rath of
Rathbone Industries
in order to
record history
leaving the historical
record incomplete
George, you have
reformed brilliantly
calls me to
restore history
you know what
rhetorical means
shadow histories
shadow history
Thanos is supreme
an inbred urge
toward symmetry
we will hurtle
toward tyranny
should be heading
toward victory
the only path,
towards liberty
the initial step
towards victory
unfold in the dream
into the Great
unknown mystery
willow in a breeze
fanning mill or
winnowing machine
winnowing machines

with 2 extra syllables

suicide attempt in
Chicago history
Eleanor is the dream
racist, and my
homophobic country
the battlefield at
Marengo, Italy
facts from the
known for its
tobacco industry
Tobacco industry
at the American
Tobacco Industry
Unicorn with the shield