exact syllable matches

I will not
boil them
gently, like a soft-
Looked like a hard-
so does a hard-
boiled egg
boiled eggs
girl, girl wants
boy dead
drive, with another
far no known
boy friend
boy friends
the only single
boy left
It's snowing, the
boy said
snares, which some cow-
boy tends
was but a
Who's a clever
boy then
I met a
look after my
older than your
boy there
See Post-
Boy, Dec
Who's a pretty
boy, then
hair on that
boy's head
we'd still have Jackie-
Boy's head
bunch of frat
There'll be
Will there be
boys there
you think about
boys yet
I have no
choice then
business, that's her
choice, Dell
choice, eh
Everyone has a
choice, Gwen
coin belt
coin belts
coin cell
coin cells
induced governments to
coin them
here, a few
coins there
coins, men
Deutsche Welle
Floyd Dell
ethic, like Sigmund
Freud said
Works of Sigmund
Freud, ed
Hoi Peng
a chance to
a longing to
and help others
are going to
been happy to
don't have to
for you to
her to come
I could not
I get to
I want to
Let us
Rise, D'Artagnan, and
so he could
the invitation to
to come and
want you to
you wish to
your turn, will
join them
and had
rather strange child
joined them
had only just
joined when
and the child
joins them
have seen the
joint then
Lloyd Beck
oil test
oil tests
accidentally into their
and uncap offshore
to shareholders in
oil wells
too much hot
oil, yes
Oh dear, sore
point eh
point men
point net
point pen
point pens
Point Press
the theory of
point sets
were beside the
point there
and understand this
point well
got to a
point where
the dramatic turning
point, then
that's the whole
point, Wes
Roi Et
soil men
in cannot but
in will only
spoil them
Generosity only
spoils them
No, But
Stoick said
I want a
toy jet
you back your
toy then
the deeper my
voice gets
cord, a familiar
voice said
the actors who
voice them
never had a
voice, then
void deck
void decks

with 1 extra syllable

annoy them
and how to
bad qualities and
hobbledehoy jump to
How did Euler
It's best to
I've tried to
learned is to
No one can
or at least
that, it's to
work harder to
you want to
avoid them
ballpoint pen
ballpoint pens
human power could
despoil them
in life that
destroy men
a cannon to
a deluge should
allowing me to
and Sango to
and try to
and we will
And you won't
arm's alchemy to
Better not
build empires, and
by one and
control them- or
conventional weapons to
entire than to
even as you
exhaust them, I
feel, again, and
for us to
greatest arsenal to
I had to
I will
is calculated to
it, it will
kinder, then we
lives until you
lives, not to
Lives, which infallibly
of us and
one he would
pitch in and
the dragons will
The Loyalists will
their synagogues and
them away and
them now, and
them tends to
these demons, we
thing that will
to attack and
to begin to
to fight, and
use this to
we continue to
We don't
we revile them,
who wants to
who wish to
would hurt and
You must
destroy them
and it almost
machines that then
So I
that landslides hadn't
them down and
you as it
you as these
destroyed them
even as it
Or it
destroys them
disjoint set
chose not to
did, what could
does not freely
of those who
please protect and
employ them
rarely be initially
employed there
right reason itself
enjoins them
exude confidence and
watch another person
enjoy sex
much as I
enjoy theirs
be rich to
could use and
enables him to
good news and
inhabitants were to
of himself to
possible -- can
the people may
them out, they
thought I might
to employ and
too old to
enjoy them
I quite
enjoyed them
garments and he
enjoys them
firms ready to
in order to
the Tories so
them and to
to ensnare and
exploit them
ever had your
thyroid checked
in Reminiscences on
Tolstoy, ed
an inch of
topsoil left
common to all
unspoiled men

with 2 extra syllables

asteroid belt
asteroid belts
It'll be pink
asteroids next
Including her
creepazoid ex
Let's not
people continue to
shall assuredly not
Well, let not
disappoint them
University of
Illinois Press
myeloid cell
myeloid cells
mononucleated or binucleated
polyploid cell