exact syllable matches

at the jump -
a bad little girl
was raise
a black criminal
original, are
a branded version
a calf in the mud
would become
a captive culture
a chance in the world
a classical word
a damn little girl
A Franciscan world
the section of
a half-cylinder
a lamb in trouble
covered by
delineation of
a magic circle
And that's
family,And that's
three as
a magic number
she became
a magical girl
A man in London
a man in the world
a man with a gun
a massive fuck up
up in
a Plastic Bubble
plastic basket,
a plastic shovel
faces than
a plastic sturgeon
to pay
a plastic surgeon
reserved and
a practical girl
first becomes
a practical one
my life,
a radical one
rather than
a tactical one
a transcription of
A transcription of
instead has an
adaptive function
the bottom and
advancing upwards
of war and
amassing plunder
Arachnida, from
potential aggressor is
attacking Russia
more or less
attractive colours
blood as it pumps love
alteration of the
botanical term
brushland tinamous
bus have given up
that all
but banned immigrants
made friends,
but that's different
But that's different
come that didn't work
comes back with a gun
comes back with a pulse
Constantin Brunner
dramatic structure
dramatic structures
earth and with summer
First and England won
first-class citizen
first-class citizens
trade name,
from and emulsion
From cathetus, from
from classical verb
Earlier bittacle,
from habitacle
I got
from that incident
from that rigid stuff
from that single one
front man in the world
Fuck that nigga up
current understanding of
galactic structure
gun at his brother
Her act is worship
her plastic surgeon
just an instrument
just as Christmas does
just chat with someone
I gotta
learn an instrument
That's not
love, that's bitterness
---- From
marasigan, from
the spiral, a
mechanical curve
rather than a
mechanical nut
up in a
mechanical world
were of some
metallic substance
must have been others
must have been the earth
must have his judgment
must have hit a nerve
nurse practitioners
large number
of acting persons
drop out
of active service
the number
of active workers
an improved method
the other that
the Roman goddess
their very instruments
of agriculture
by the Department
Commission and Department
in the college
School, The Department
the Texas Department
United States Department
of Agriculture
little bug
of an imbecile
the descendant
of an immigrant
lower end
of an instrument
Confederate treatment
of black prisoners
Regular development
of classical verb
English translations
of classical verse
of fact, it's the bunk
without a suggestion
of grandiloquence
a weapon
in spite
of having suffered
pioneering contributions
of Jan Tinbergen
a bard
a king
a prince
a weapon
a whale
and weapons
any weapons
as weapons
both weapons
develop weapons
from weapons
handle weapons
has weapons
have weapons
his weapons
It's weapons
no weapons
nuclear weapons
of weapons
other weapons
phallic missiles
real weapon
supposed weapons
the threat
the weapons
to weapons
with weapons
your language
of mass destruction
Africa's Weapons
of Mass Destruction
unleash weapons
of mass instruction
into future generations
of practitioners
the fact
of that difference
the methods
of that discipline
rid myself
of that discomfort
having half
only half
of that discussion
of that increment
of that little girl
a celebration
of that miracle
direct violation
of that principle
be the
one passing judgement
and can
serve as witnesses
classical actor
Sir Ralph Richardson
slums has become worse
household supplies
such as detergents
a life of
surpassing service
count myself among
the ambivalent
the of
the Anglican Church
Chinese composition, is
the paradox and
the antithesis
the banks, is the word
articles in
Voices from
the Catholic Worker
based on
the characters of
each of
the characters were
one of
the classic blunders
most part
the Classical verb
The Classics of Suck
Festival of
the Dancing Sturgeons
Festival of
the Dancing Virgins
the facts in person
who guides
the flashing shuttles
the granting of funds
that make
the land infertile
down on
the landing surface
soon forget
the last disturbance
The Last Seduction
accent on
exception of
is on
lies on
the last syllable
the magic of words
luck with
the Magical Girls
baker in
the Magical World
great map of
the magnificent
the Magnificent
the man in the Word
The man is a thug
the man with the gun
wonder at
the man's impudence
the panic button
the radical of
the sand little girl
the sand, in the sun
thing about
the Smashing Pumpkins
the transcription of
What of
the Vatican funds
Keynes became a
third-class citizen
Palestinian citizens as
third-class citizens
variety of
thugs and criminals
be local and
thus manageable
to end
up as witnesses
us and insult us
all of
us, as citizens
and Sinuous, they
were magnificent
what has been observed
What than this bubble
word facts this much fun
words, that is conserved
world capital of
about a
world class criminal
they are
worth at minimum
defend the
young and innocent
Young and Innocent

with 1 extra syllable

Aaron batted above
of rendering
acid, as vinegar
governs our
actions as citizens
after and his brother
Alan Patrick Herbert
Alemannic German
, greed,
anger, and ignorance
maybe they
aren't that different
autumn and winter months
chaos, creation
better than destruction
knowledge is
knowledge remains
better than ignorance
bigger than his stomach
biggest band in the world
biggest cat in the world
biggest hands in the world
Boston and in London
bother asking adults
brilliant man in the world
businessman in the world
to be
cautious and vigilant
center-back in the world
history of
central planning confirms
Chandler Haliburton
children, and since versa
Christian had become one
mean, you're
clever and disciplined
disabled, as
cripples, as invalids
cyclomatic number
cyclomatic numbers
also bring
darkness and destruction
of anger,
darkness, and inertia
with a far-reaching
democratic purpose
desert has become blood
point, of
Dhamma and discipline
diamonds that women love
agency in the
diplomatic service
understands this
doctrine and discipline
arrogance, the
dogma and ignorance
performers who
double as criminals
idle, dissolute,
drunken, and insolent
enter and kill Lubbock
to its
ever having occurred
Farmer and His Servant
father had been murdered
Frightful antithesis
Children, all
gathered as witnesses
in a
giant plastic bubble
greatest band in the world
greatest dad in the world
greatest man in the world
looked for
guidance and instruction
Adams, New
Hampshire Agriculture
is more
harmful than ignorance
heart with
hatred and bitterness
of lust,
hatred and ignorance
experience wreaking
havoc and destruction
Honda and six others
of the
houses as prisoners
of the
idle and frivolous
world and
interact with others
that resulted in viewer-
interactive sculptures
interplant distances
Isn't that typical
thoughts, mental
labels, and images
confused with
later brass instrument
of fire,
lava and destruction
and a
lawyer at intervals
layer at its surface
you know
Leningrad in Russia
are plagiarists,
liars and criminals
little jab in the gut
life was no
longer manageable
Marshall and William Byrne
realistic problems into
thoughts, than in
mathematical ones
be given in
be written in
experimental data in
their properties in
this structure in
mathematical terms
to describe their
mathematical work
attention of the
mathematical world
imaginary experiences of
mathematical worlds
personality but open-
minded and liberal
anger and
mistrust and bitterness
to develop a
modern agriculture
Modern agriculture
participate in
to prevent
murder and destruction
nature that is preserved
never had enough of
never have enough of
never having touched her
bit as
often as imbeciles
as plural,
others as singular
our anguish of thirst
with the
outward and visible
part of
Paschal Matins service
brunt of
work of
plunder and destruction
pressure altimeter
pressure altimeters
to our
prison and prisoners
proper and its suburbs
in His
prophets and witnesses
pyroclastic surges
ruggedly handsome,
quiet and determined
quiet and listen up
moment of
quiet and visual
it does look
rather magnificent
inner faculties
rather than externals
of guidance
rather than instruction
She is
restless and determined
Richard Halliburton
richest man in the world
scabbard at his girdle
I'm a
second class citizen
women are
second class citizens
second-class citizen
are being labelled
is treated like
or treated as
passport, they remain
that women are
we'd always be
were not even
were treated like
second-class citizens
divisible, separable,
simple, and infinite
smartest man in the world
being very
special and different
herself, and
startles at destruction
guards were
stationed at intervals
strongest man in the world
abyss of
terror and ignorance
was inclusive,
thoughtful and principled
be made
timeless and eternal
want to
travel and discover
raga to
understand its structure
just don't
understand little girls
understand which comes first
understand, big trouble
Understand, little one
categories for
limitation in
us in
understanding the world
their inner
visions and images
Wasn't that difficult
have the
weapons as deterrent
Women and children first
women and little ones
workers had been murdered
judges, correctional
workers, and criminals

with 2 extra syllables

alarums and excursions
about an
amorous plastic surgeon
Anguilla anguilla From
carbon footprint of
Less than
planet comes from
animal agriculture
from plants,
animals and minerals
another and bitter world
the other
archetypal and eternal
the ladies of
aristocratic circles
survival of an
aristocratic culture
of youthful
arrogance and ignorance
levels of
arrogance and presumption
attention span in the young
force of
attraction and repulsion
fork of
attraction and revulsion
power through
avarice and ignorance
still being
beautiful and intimate
beautiful man in the world
behaviour have been observed
Benjamin Franklin above
general named
Benjamin Franklin Butler
slander, and
betrayal, and ignorance
capital and its suburbs
through poverty,
coercion, and ignorance
too conservative,
complacent, and insular
condition has been termed the
Consonance and dissonance
by calm
containment and deterrence
germs of
corruption and destruction
abilities of
knows only
creation and destruction
cultural practitioner
cultural practitioners
loop between
customers and businesses
dangerous man in the world
in his
in his self-
deception and ignorance
Department, than with Russia
conflict between
desire and impotence
exposition, objectivity,
detachment, and discipline
by doom,
disaster and destruction
disciple and his brother
effort, become
disciplined and principled
series, after
Divergent and Insurgent
eminent man, Miss Drummond
with its
enchantments and seductions
between academicians and
financial practitioners
fortunate man in the world
He's a
general practitioner
general practitioners
relationship between
government and citizens
as to
governments and businesses
of the
Granicus and Cyzicus
She is
homemaker and citizen
jobs in
hospitals and businesses
hostages has been confirmed
to be
infinite and eternal
method of
instruction and discipline
double threat,
offers, both
relationships, both
internal and external
so much
invented as discovered
languages, and didn't grunt
abettor of
lawlessness and destruction
maximum and minimum
official or a
uniform of a
medical practitioner
improper by some
medical practitioners
rise are
numerous and difficult
origin and its purpose
us war,
pestilence and destruction
aggressive expansion of
plantation agriculture
popular man in the world
the night,
powerful and singular
law, just
punishment and discipline
swift, zealous,
radical and determined
heritage against
subversion and destruction
a family
together, that's difficult
love is
transcendent and eternal
was open,
transparent and innocent
trade awaiting its
ultimate practitioner
universe basks in justice
into animal,
vegetable and mineral
are wanton
violence and destruction
wonderful man in the world

with 3 extra syllables

worthy of
admiration than destruction
alligator snapping turtle
alligator snapping turtles
organization is
complicated and difficult
concentration camps in Russia
find their
culmination and synthesis
field of
education and instruction
was very
emotional and difficult
Illiterate transcription of
reality is
immutable and eternal
to western
indifference and inertia
information packets up front
intelligence that is purchased
is then
invincible and eternal
them values,
motivation and discipline
expression of
obdurateness and repugnance
in so-called
opposition and militants
propagation has been observed
something essential,
universal, and eternal

with 4 extra syllables

no one
administration and discipline
from our
association as citizens
is an open
collaboration practitioner
center of
consideration and discussion
distinguishable as in summer
of barbarism,
fanaticism and destruction
effect is
inevitable and eternal
subjected to
interpretation, and discussion
page for
justifications and discussion
prey to
manipulation and misjudgment
such perfect
organization and discipline
change is
uncomfortable and difficult

with 5 extra syllables

colonialism and its puppets