exact syllable matches

sig -
what's that word
bearded dragon
bearded dragons
Delhi treasury had
become bankrupt
innovation that has
become standard
connection with has
feel we have
for them has
human rights have
Our vets have
that has long
their statements had
been abandoned
after it has
been paralysed
been the bad luck
Begum Akhtar
breasts are
bigger than hers
galaxy was
bigger than us
bitter apple
bitter apples
blister plaster
blister plasters
Bristol Channel
shipshape and
Bristol fashion
brittle fracture
builder pattern
builder patterns
Watch on Fox
Business Channel
Business magnate
discuss community and
business matters
me, that's just fat-
businessman stuff
beer and
chicken and stuff
chicken cannon
chicken cannons
chicken dances
chicken scratches
chicken tractor
chicken tractors
Chin up, Valiant
Chris McDaniel
but spiritual and
Christian matters
I look at
Christmas albums
Thanksgiving and
Christmas and such
Christmas cactus
An All Dogs
Christmas Carol
Christmas cracker
Christmas crackers
Christmas factor
civil action
civil actions
Crystal Allen
crystal classes
crystal habit
crystal habits
crystal lattice
Crystal Palace
act like that
But that
problem, but that
That call
The attacks
didn't happen
joke and
didn't laugh much
gain, and that
didn't matter
dimber damber
dimber dambers
dinner jacket
dinner wagon
dinner wagons
on the Mall,
dinner, chatter
dribble glasses
match that
England had won
much thinking not
enough action
because there's not
enough damage
times and large
enough samples
figure axis
finger glasses
finger grasses
fingers and thumbs
finnan haddock
finnan haddocks
we can
fix the damage
Gibson, catcher
Gilda Radner
I can
give the answer
art doth
give the fashion
we are
given at birth
given battle
all of my god-
given talents
Here's what happened
its details and
hidden patterns
Everyone has
hidden talents
hidden taxes
probably called
him a bastard
But that,
him, the Captain
hipster glasses
Fred Hampton, and
his assassins
Connor and
his Assassins
for fending off
looks up at
his attacker
will thrown on
his cadaver
with despair as
his companion
disarming him and
killed Kosmos and
of Tender-Conscience and
his companions
His nurse, Nana
was smoking on
his veranda
Niagara Falls
in a barrel
lily pads
in a bathtub
are wrapped
hot dogs
in a blanket
in a canter
the lock
in a language
in a lather
in a manner
thoughts, as
in a palace
you're involved
in a scandal
in advance of
It was
in Alaska
while I was
in Havana
blithely on
in her half-world
With Rocks
In just happens
in love and fuck
that I was
in Nebraska
in such language
not involved
taking part
in the action
are flat
in the aspens
creation hangs
destiny hangs
Everything hangs
fate hangs
may hang
result hangs
that hangs
world hangs
in the balance
in the barrel
you've got
in the basket
doom was
in the branches
I was
in the Bratva
Lucy back
in the canyon
out back
in the hammock
came along
in the hansom
not belong
in the latter
impurity ions
in the lattice
in the passage
their part
in the pattern
ride tall
in the saddle
You are
in the shackles
the Law
in the Talmud
there are
in the tavern
long, and
in what manner
income brackets
income taxes
inert gases
inner classes
inner planet
inner planets
inner sanctum
inner sanctums
An outlaw
is a bandit
is a challenge
Prince Charles
is a faggot
is a ladder
curl, that
is a planner
is one bad curse
inertia and
is termed matter
of charge,
is the answer
of Medan
is the master
is the password
is what happened
but that
is what happens
and that
is what matters
Isn't that dumb
Isn't that what
to call
it a chapel
They call
it a pattern
it hurt at first
lockout and
tonight and
it just happened
It just happened
It just happens
They call
it the balance
it's a bad one
think that
it's a balance
times, nah,
it's a pattern
It's a transfer
fail to understand
its attraction
think, does have
its attractions
It's just action
It's just standard
It's just that, um
It's the last verse
It's what happens
it's-a Shambles
jibber jabber
kick the habit
kicked the habit
kicks the habit
Fire cannot
kill a dragon
I can't
kill the bastard
kill the rabbit
killer cancel
killer cancels
killer language
know that's
kinda sad, but
Kiss the Captain
Kitchen Kaffir
Kitchen Kafir
linen basket
linen baskets
perpetuate English as
lingua franca
liquid gases
listen after
thing and
lit the candles
I was
little and uh
little tits have
little asses
the little fat
to you, ya
little bastard
Little Master
Little Masters
me see that
little package
out I have
liver cancer
liver cancers
Lynda Gratton
Mickle Trafford
middle classes
Middle Latin
middle passage
Middle Saxon
and a half
million Arabs
minute glasses
mirror matter
Mistress, Madam
named person on
Mr Salmond
Nichols and Hull
nipple cactus
Philip Hammond
pick up after
Pickles has none
picture palace
pillar candle
pillar candles
printed matter
of Quartal and
Quintal Patterns
return matches
return passes
reverse panda
reverse passes
Richard Adams
Richard Alpert
Richard Baxter
Paul Bartel and
Richard Blackburn
Richard Branson
Richard Grafton
Richard Hammond
Richard Savage
as well as
Richard Wagner
ring of fractions
some flat
rings of atoms
Rydberg atom
Rydberg atoms
scissor tackle
scissor tackles
Serer language
signal cabin
signal cabins
on a goddamn
silver platter
silver salmon
eyes, and long
silver talons
but there are
simple answers
really as
simple as just
simple fraction
simple fractions
simple fracture
simple fractures
since what happened
single handed
sister planet
sister planets
Sixth Commandment
Snickers salad
Snickers salads
atom bomb,
We have
split the atom
split the blanket
splits the blanket
springer spaniel
springer spaniels
it was
still the fashion
by clear and
strict commandments
terror And
swifter than love
Sometimes bad
things just happen
Things just happen
Things unraveled
newborn infant has
this attachment
This just happened
intelligence on
this one planet
This one, that one
this stuff and, uh
up that
ticket at once
Giancarlo Esposito, and
Tisha Campbell
triple barrel
triple barrels
twisted and turned
best and
vicious at worst
Victor Frankl
Viktor Frankl
Villa Clara
viscous damper
viscous dampers
Viscum album
vision panel
vision panels
whipper snapper
whipper snappers
Whitman sampler
Whitman samplers
poodles are
wicked bad luck
Wigston Magna
or that
will come after
Willa Cather
William Adams
William Alger
William Blacker
William Bradford
William Caxton
William Glasser
William Lambert
William Langland
William Rathje
William Shatner
Crispin Glover and
William Zabka
Wilson Chandler
Wing Commander
Wing Commanders
now that
winter has come
Winter has come
just winter, and
winter passes
with a fat girl
beaten flat
Lo Mart
previously smashed
your laptop
with a hammer
the path
with a hatchet
with the bad stuff
find fault
with the craftsman
he fought
with the dragons
With the glasses
with the manner
and contact
direct contact
with the masses
With the Rabbit
mother on
with the salad
both spoken and
written language

with 1 extra syllable

acetous acid
acted the maggot
acting the maggot
active world that does
badminton rackets
calling a rat Bird
I've been
calling her Crandall
instead of
calling the package
with its
capital at Perth
is now a
Cardinal's palace
really funny
characters and stuff
only the light
characters travel
and those of
classical Athens
is frequent in
classical language
to refer to non-
Vulgar form of
classical Latin
attested forms in
Not found in
primarily in bookish post-
regressive derivation from
to influence from
word virus in
Classical Latin
classical planet
classical planets
dangling in a
comical fashion
shows in a
comical manner
races, a
conflict of classes
always a
conflict, a battle
cranking the handle
the innermost
fabric of matter
form of
Fascism at first
graphics adapter
means not
having a master
a cause,
having a passion
bratty child
having a tantrum
having contractions
having fun at work
hospital passes
Short for
logical language
life forms no
not conform to
logical patterns
Magical glasses
Then, something
magical happened
my colleague,
Marvin McFadden
the stake and
massacres matter
wars, weddings, births,
massacres, famines
optical axis
teeth and
packing a hamster
passing the mantle
terms and made
practical action
to be happy,
practice compassion
God still
practice such actions
radical axis
of such a
radical pastor
of deforestation,
ravaged the planet
tell Uncle
Sonic what happened
Junior Entertainment Manager,
Starship Alaska
Imitative of
tossing a salad
transcription factor
transcription factors
Tropic of Cancer
movement of a
tropical hammock
a child by
Vatican standards
people ever
walking the planet
Washington Gladden
Washington's apple

with 2 extra syllables

for the
advantage of classes
and she's
attacking the planet
limit cycles and
chaotic attractors
She's an
enchanting girl, Adam
governments to
establish the latter
Ioannis Metaxas
and unconsciously in quantum-
mechanical language
kisses says a
romantic attachment
of the
semantics of language

with 3 extra syllables

together in a neuro-
anatomical atlas
astronomical transient
were a purely
biological matter
of a
biological sample
from taxes and
bureaucratic harassments
It is
ecological balance
destroyed due to
economical factors
top of the
economical ladder
the result of
geographical factors
them with my
Tweezers, matches, twine,
geological hammer
in this particular
geological stratum
be interpreted in non-
mathematical language
than to a
mathematical lattice
mathematical pattern
working in a
mythological angle
a basically
mythological language
had no special
ontological status
Unscientific Postscript to
Philosophical Fragments
disagree with all
psychological answers
gonna cause any
inflict mental and
this movie had
psychological damage
the imponderables of
psychological factors
because of a
psychological hang-up
an atheist over
theological matters
was not embittered
theological rancor
drastically reduced,
understanding of language

with 4 extra syllables

Found in
from influence from
Ecclesiastical Latin
accreted power or
gerontological status

with 5 extra syllables

Spirit is an
epistemological answer