exact syllable matches
- I'm -
I'm stuck
I recommend the
ever heard of a
a pair of
bike tires
blind item
blind items
blind tiger
blind tigers
us, you can
blind-side her
think maybe I was
bride prices
some crabs on
Bright Island
means we've gotta
buy fireworks
do I
buy my shirts
against infections caused
by childbirth
possible solution derived
by Cipher
and executed, often
as your baptism
at first encompassed
cannot be melted
destiny to die
Hammond faces trial
the ring surrounded
by fire
bright and purified
by Fire
we get robbed
by giants
he was attacked
by Heinkel
was pointed out
with that given
by Huygens
Spelling influenced
by iron
now been overrun
to be devoured
by lions
is also projected
by maya
film, directed
by Mike Judge
your love
by my love
pen and
pen, and
by my tongue
I stand
by my work
as being uttered
ship was attacked
by pirates
and animals undiscovered
increasing objectivism promoted
new Nature created
of art clarified
progress continually sparked
religion be superseded
since been verified
That was proven
the power created
by science
Shyer, and directed
by Shyer
up side
by side, huh
preceded and attended
by Silence
arm shot off
by snipers
a year bitten
by spiders
way be guarded
by tigers
and less troubled
minds are entangled
by trifles
killed or exiled
themselves be governed
by tyrants
by vice of
yellow foreigners
by white ones
shattered, held together
by wire
by writer
more frequently taken
by writers
child minder
I'm not a
child, Simon
crime fighter
crime fighters
dry fire
dry fired
dry fires
dry hire
dry riser
dry risers
description of how
Einstein worked
then her
eyes light up
Eyes Wide Shut
only thirdly a sci-
fi writer
fight fires
to sea and
fight pirates
fight shy of
file sizes
and release the
files, Pilate
I gotta
find my girl
I gotta
find my son
you can
find white mud
aroma of fine,
fine Diamonds
was such a
fine pilot
finite verb
finite verbs
here for another
five cycles
out with a
five-mile run
idea see Ant,
Fly, Spider
do a
fly, why, uh
clothes and
fry my lungs
Good night,
Guy Diamond
guy wire
guy wires
Heinz Isler
high flier
more news of
high fliers
high flyer
high flyers
see how
high I jumped
high island
high islands
high licence
high license
well meaning and
high minded
get honors and
high prices
high striker
high strikers
acrobat on a
aerialist on a
tricks on the
high wire
soon became a political
there walking on the
H-How can
I find her
Where can
I find one
many people can
I fire
in the shots
I fired
I frightened
things and
I kind of
a lesbian,
cheese and
I like girls
grandfather, but
I like Gus
how much
man, yeah,
not because
I like her
mean, I thought
I might've
Okay, not that
I minded
I right, Bert
I right, Bubbs
Where can
I sign up
apologies, and
I, I just
only can
I, I must
between you and
I, Michael
years ago, didn't
I, Nica
ice cider
ice ciders
ice giant
ice giants
ice minus
is the guy
I'd hire
know what
I'll buy her
I'll find her
grow up,
I'll write one
And now
don't say that
I'm fired
I look like
I'm Hydra
at me because
only sixteen, and
I'm tired
I'm, like, stuck
is not a
kind fire
talking about a one-of-a-
kind item
capabilities, we're like
is exactly like
Knight Rider called
Knight Rider
Talks The Dark
The Dark
Knight Rises
life crisis
of an architectural
part of Earth's
life cycle
life cycles
to evolve
life like us
psychology as a
life science
down to a particular
lifestyle drug
lifestyle drugs
him for a
lifetime of
we loved a
lifetime's worth
and the
light blinds us
Cambodia, a Cambodia
like China
his eyes shunned
like diamonds
our lungs
the islands
like fine dust
in the sky
were too bright,
like fireworks
of heavier materials,
like iron
like islands
oooh, she doesn't
like liars
and old ones
like Lyon
began to sound
like Maya
contact just
like mine does
from people
like my son
hands than water
like Pilate
to say I
like Pyre
Ain't that just
like Ryan
for one man
like Ryker
in truth, I
like science
around my thigh
like Silas
like silence
I do not
like spiders
like tridents
in my sight
like vipers
like, I'm stuck
mean, like,
like, like, just
other people that were
likes islands
Line Islands
line item
line items
along the
line, I, uh
to be a
live lion
you pet a
live tiger
the raw flame,The
we need a
live wire
live wires
Written by
Mike Myers
come Ronald Reagan,
sleep by Senator
the book on
Mike Tyson
join the
mile high club
Mile High Club
the body and
mind quiet
mine dial
mine dials
People like
my binders
I marveled at
making fun of
put to flight
my blindness
Look at
my client
Where are all
my clients
Now, I want
my diamond
I watch
the savagery of
my diet
what color
my eyes were
I've got
my final
come sit by
decide who lights
warm yourself, by
my fire
and rejecting of
my guidance
My office,
my hires
But you were
my idol
You're one of
my idols
the hell off
wanted man on
my island
I saw on
my Island
got points on
have that on
my licence
Bar has suspended
Ginger, me and
I lost
I still have
Just got
went and got
my license
I hereby offer
my licensed
my life sucks
woman and
my life work
out of
part of
my life, but
had begun
make that
total of
my life's work
is here, and
my equal and
my likeness
could come from
my lions
let you touch
my Meister
KNEW he wasn't
MY Michael
body and
my mind work
just how
see how
my mind works
Don't trust
my pilot
my rifle
are no longer
my rival
alphabet board and
my silence
sweet face of
my sireland
Bastards spiked
my tires
bad habits aren't
my talent are
my title
the hour of
my trial
her feet were
my trials
my Tyler
counsellor, But not
my tyrant
who spat on
my visor
my vitals
tried to touch
my weiner
good person despite
my whiteness
do what
my wife does
What about
my wife, sir
higher than
my wife's butt
Oh, you're a
nice pirate
dangerous under the
nice-guy stuff
night biter
night biters
And last
night I searched
TV the
night I won
late at
night while drunk
creature of the
night, Michael
Nile virus
cubes and a
nine iron
pi minus
to make the
pie higher
pie iron
pie irons
be CEO of
felt like the
to talk about
Pied Piper
pied pipers
pile driver
pile drivers
pipeline From
phone, he's a
prize fighter
prize fighters
quinine works
hair-metal band called
Quite Riot
meetings, I sat
quite silent
right right From
Am I
right Ryan
Sydney cuts the
right wire
right, fired
right, I work
That is not
right, Michael
right, my son
right, my turn
and civil
rights by some
pandemic is a child-
rights crisis
the bright
side, I won
to give some
side-eye From
sideline cut
sideline cuts
him smuggling an apple-
sized diamond
sky island
sky islands
sky lights up
sky pilot
sky pilots
Spice Islands
Spies Like Us
strike prices
the midst of
thy triumph
tide dial
tide dials
tied island
tied islands
time buyer
time buyers
time I come
it's about
time I just
time slices
time trial
time trials
the first
time, I just
daytime, my night-
time, my world
the immanence of
time's cycle
so I'll
try my luck
try titles
absolute quiet
while I work
shoot bursts of
was surrounded by
white fire
White Friar
White Friars
white ibis
white iron
white irons
White Island
canvases treated with off-
white primers
white rider
enveloped by a
too, in the
white silence
ever escaped The
White Tiger
white-eyed gull
why I've come
had a
wife die, but
This is my
wife, Zira
spread like
wild fire
been the
wind I heard
Wind Rises
wise guy, huh
islas Turcas
y Caicos
with 1 extra syllable
shed to stay
alive, Michael
dizzy-brained and slippery-footed
alpine climber
Are you
alright, my girl
alright, quiet
applied science
combine driver
combined cycle
libraries have made
mankind wiser
nisi prius
getting the
outside right first
northeastern part of
the languages of
Panay island
Rankine cycle
Sendai virus
to let go
sometime, Michael
lonely often, and
sometimes frightened
Except Death is
sometimes kinder
grows old, and
sometimes wiser
master of the
sublime science
of Lilith, the
vampire bible
Vampire Fireman
You're a
vampire, Michael
with 2 extra syllables
quoting the Augsburg
Allgemeine Zeitung
Selling South African
apartheid diamonds
Caroline Islands
and democratic under
centralised guidance
I'm also a
certified pilot
planet, they got
exercise cycle
exercise prices
Frankenstein Island
is made with
galvanized wire
It's called
iodine cycle
Jam is the
Naxalite crisis
in areas
occupied by us
storm into Jap
occupied China
A man on
fire guns on
Paradise Island
someone who
plagiarized my work
a form of
purified fire
told Abraham to
sacrifice Isaac
there's a worldwide
satellite crisis
kind never
satisfied my thirst
to language and
signifies silence
creative power
stultified by work
ones were
stupefied by drugs
synchronized diver
synchronized divers
Underline, FIRED
with 3 extra syllables
like statues in
anesthetized silence
disqualify Piper
that was
exemplified by Bird
general guides for
nonspecialized writers
this is really
unjustified mildness