exact syllable matches
the room with royal-
blue chickens
Why does
Boo snicker
with your kind
boots, Mr
chew pitch gum
couldn't find the
chewing gum
And stay
cool, Mr
cruise missiles
have been before
cupid struck
allow science to
is occasion to
whom you can
do business
I can't
do it, but
which they could
you can only
do little
do this, son
nothing to
do with guns
nothing to
do with love
they shall
what to
do with us
doing drugs
on such a
doomed mission
it open a
few inches
here in a
in just a
it happens every
only got a
possible in a
that in a
that's delayed a
few minutes
I can see
few results
gave them a
food mixer
feeling about morning
food nipple
completely upset our
food system
Fools, children
destroyed by the
preference to the
group system
I kissed a
Jewish girl
to use this
Lewis gun
left Darwin
loose with Monk
would dampen your
mood, lizard
They do
move in herds
I had
moved it from
moving, sir
of territory, country
that most older
music does
noise of my Zoo-
Music Girl
thing that makes
music work
study of how
music works
that this deaf
mute, Mr
will reappear a
new Britain
I view each
new instant
win in the
new rhythm
rafting on the
New River
happier with the
new system
happiness and a
new vigor
people in the
news business
Oooh this hurts
breast of some dark-
plumaged dove
Is that
proof enough
true, they
proved this one
in your
room with Gunn
many, the
root is one
have seen some
school spirit
but they
screw it up
want to
screw this up
he always
screws it up
I could see
shooting 'em
if he is
shooting her
figure it out
in its entirely
It comes
It'll be public
shall be equal
that will happen
them their wish
these simple truths
we'll all perish
will see them
soon enough
perplexed orthodox, and
soon Mr
spooks, witch-cults
but a police
stool pigeon
really thought that
through enough
through assimilation than
through friction
interest me
through mere touch
better blaze
through this one
luck but only
through wisdom
to be approached
through Wisdom
and I'm
through with love
every college graduate
girls grow up
has a devotee
has a disciple
have you decided
I must try
it is possible
of effort, and
we should strive
what I wanted
what it was
you are about
you truly want
to become
man who wanted
to belove
send us here
to bicker
two children
to bring up
be totally unacceptable
That's what's happened
was a snub
to Britain
a time
to build up
Government can make
let's get down
state also applies
we get down
Well, anyway,
to business
All were jokes
coffee, and kind
is being taught
more deadly, especially
one ever listens
want it sold
words, we're reduced
to children
the count
to Chris Krug
in order
to clear up
throwing his support
to Clinton
has not learned
to deserve
going from dust
to dessert
I beg
to differ
he invited me
never invite us
to move on
to dinner
were too slow
to discern
problem I'd like
question people want
she seems interested
There's nothing
we have much
which he undertakes
will have much
to discuss
turn to him
to disrupt
be afraid is
to distrust
You get
to drink from
transactions begin
to drip blood
three or four
to emerge
him or he
one most suited
that leads him
to England
It's hard
to figure
the Internet, misattributed
to Gibbon
to Gibson
are not
is going
to give birth
be wrong
we prepared
to give up
were able
to give us
the first trip
to Giza
isn't fair
to his club
he gave
to his son
don't listen
to his stuff
the key
to his work
continuing dedication
silent as
to his works
of admission
to his worlds
of reasons
to hit her
Letter addressed
not comparing Trump
to Hitler
and its disclination
to injure
Stressed accents begin
to invert
to its birds
We expand
to its bulk
you have
to kill her
are going
battlefield trying
just tried
they want
to kill us
You're going
to Kingston
a time comes
and we learned
are not here
don't even pretend
I am willing
if you're willing
not ever going
pleading for someone
President, I intend
them and ourselves
You have only
you wish him
to listen
hope and opportunity
justice he denied
laughter he gave
to millions
is boded me
to mischief
all its letters,
before, I turned
Can I speak
Chamberlain was, next
Dedicating this
destination, which, contrary
drank a toast
Evening Post, wrote
I spoke clearly
in large measure
It's a salute
little too close
made my excuses
of an objection
other bad names
prison sentence given
punch here next
seat, he said
something terrible happened
that, never referred
want to talk
was totally inapplicable
with the reply
wrote a letter
to Mr
arrested and taken
Can't send him
decided to return
deserve to go
people we send
to be taken
to prison
that are likely
to result
action add up
to results
and don't want
away, never again
do not need
gone, never, never
had decided not
he already plans
is gone, never
joys, Departed never
me away Not
not being able
not you care
shore for me
We long
to return
to me,More than
took the train
to Richmond
doing, give it
to Rimmer
might have gotten
to Schiller
and leaving them
to simmer
in its relation
to Spirit
His face seemed
to stiffen
How sweet
my career
were beautiful
to think of
statement prior
to this one
I could
to this work
has come
would happen
to this world
set up
to trick us
was our right
to twinkle
circumstances, is necessary
to value, and
to vision
are not meant
to whisper
a shrimp learns
to whistle
a battle
to win first
A pleasure
It is lethal
to witness
conduct is unfair
exactly what happened
I talk
is so degrading
men have done
values, rediscovered thanks
to women
he forgets
to zip up
too brilliant
too Christian
cruel as caring
It's all
lover spares herself
man would be
much and feel
much sweat, not
we cannot have
too little
thought they were
too simple
backpack, women are
too vicious
Humans are
tool builders
put white
troops in front
is the one
true mistress
to be a
true ninja
not the slightest
true spirit
That is the
true system
us by her
true vision
a man of
This is
true wisdom
Isn't that
true, Ilsa
ingredients, and magically,
truth results
a dose of
truth serum
is the plain
truth, Mr
get into the
tube, Mr
duty when the
two diverge
turning point between
two eras
for at least
has existed for
of them in
two minutes
features - flashers,
two mirrors
Let's see, there's
two niggers
nation reposes upon
two pillars
An argument between
two women
Bias only
said I
used it once
chose to
view it from
viewed Mr
are your world
views, Driscoll
no matter
who it hurt
the one
who killed her
But arrest anyone
who listens
and I like
you because
more like him
you become
you are,
you big klutz
life, and make
you bitter
get exactly what
get the government
get the punishment
gonna get what
hold of what
you deserve
rescuing, but
you did once
I'll buy
you dinner
even before
you ditched her
you drink blood
department doesn't appreciate
you enough
How do
you figure
have what
you give up
the welcome
you give us
to offer
you his tongue
to fill
you in but
I saw
you kiss her
changing your diapers,
you little
being, so shall
you return
die by what
you scribble
warm enough, but
you shiver
in Why Are
You Single
'em, then
you switched 'em
What do
you think, bus
the more
the stuff
you will learn
you with her
how long have
you written
What happened to
you, Dillon
bonk anything, wouldn't
you, Lister
a discussion with
and how are
appreciate that, would
getting through to
here because of
I almost envy
I fear, and
I have chosen
I toast to
I'm hiring
in accord with
Nice to meet
nothing wrong with
Shame on
stand, because of
that occurred to
the Bible, haven't
the fuck are
we complain that
We'll start with
you, Mr
one up, didn't
you, Rimmer
out to hurt
you, Victor
the matter with
you, Wilbur
Man, fuck
you, William
posterity will vindicate
you, Winston
you realize what
you've become
You've killed us
with 1 extra syllable
cannibal with extremely
acute vision
is written to
amuse children
head with big,
confusing words
conflagration that was
consuming us
capital on the
Danube River
that has always
eluded us
me crashing his
exclusive club
uh-- Our spirit
gumshoe, Crystal
a fucking weak
immune system
turning our children
into children
also eat
into his works
into it, sir
Turns them
into killers
you stop looking
into mirrors
helped you get
into Princeton
arrested and put
into prison
can be translated
into riches
Societies grow
into systems
being sent
into this Earth
being born
you screaming
into this world
and their bones
into trinkets
mature his half-truths
into wisdom
we do not
produce enough
want it to
produce results
those grasses that
produce visions
but he also
produced results
animal that was
pursuing us
coming to your
rescue, Mr
the way men
seduce women
heritage, our own
of a new
share the same
value system
speech or political
values, Mr
with 2 extra syllables
now to
continue his search