exact syllable matches
Fruit flies like
get this jerk
a banana
been placed by
a commander
We have
a protractor
or-- or
a skull fracture
want to live
among Arabs
brothers and stuff
to eight
bucks a gallon
the last
burst of laughter
an act,
but a habit
was all
but a Master
with him
but the Chaplain
But what happened
fall below a
certain standard
would take a
colored pastor
tax plan
doesn't add up
awkward if it
But, it
what shouldn't happen,
doesn't happen
a vote that
Because it
end, but it
her treads, it
I guess it
I say it
In Vietnam it
My name
of you it
say that birth
so it really
tell me it
The rest
The scale
you don't it
you like too,
doesn't matter
a prophet a
can be no
What's the
double standard
Douglas Adams
about a
firm, young carrot
will run
from a challenge
bought lands
from the Arabs
from the fan club
into isolation
from the masses
wipe us
from the planet
differentiate themselves
from the rabble
What the
fuck just happened
fuck, banana
perform several
functions at once
heard of that one
of distinction among
her companions
She carefully hides
her compassion
the voracious
hunger, and thirst
just duck and run
they are
Just what passes
expression is
justice and love
way to
learn the language
without having
learned what happens
love her that much
much a slam dunk
and heard a
muffled answer
I have a
nervous bladder
and giggle with
nervous laughter
I was always
nervous, anxious
the course
of a battle
shot out
of a cannon
be much
of a challenge
a heck
of a dancer
the victims
of a famine
deadening effect
of a habit
the end
of a halberd
the poles
of a magnet
the hand
the pen
the property
of a master
the liking
the nature
of a pattern
are those
the belly
of a rabbit
of Alaska
eats a lot
thirty thousand pounds
of bananas
and the language
and the warmth
as the party
is the growth
is the practice
of compassion
in the Shewing
of Compassion
the atmosphere
of such laughter
the philosophy
of such matters
least admirable
of such patterns
became part
the midst
the need
the sight
the time
their share
of the action
have some
of the answer
arrested development
of the Arab
of the atom
of the bad blood
lost sight
of the banners
southern end
unwritten law
of the barracks
the bottom
of the barrel
the name
whole responsibility
of the battle
of the black church
an image
of the camel
the Company
of the Campbells
first boom
of the cannon
the middle
of the canyon
the banks
of the Ganga
of the Grand Turk
same regardless
of the language
and advantage
the party
violent resistance
of the latter
social patterns
the expense
the whole
uncorrupted consciences
of the masses
entire confidence
the familiarity
of the master
the coming
of the Master
an end
one word
the end
of the matter
the steps
of the palace
the Gauchos
of the Pampas
the prisoner
of the passage
in recognition
of the pattern
the empire
the filth
the habitability
the life
the surface
of the planet
the future
of the Planet
carbohydrate gratification
of the plantain
the rhythm
of the stanza
pays none
of the taxes
eternal out
of the transient
on the eve
of Trafalgar
of us as one
of us has worth
Every one
of us matters
clear understanding
the details
the tragedy
of what happened
wrong theory
of what happens
world is
one of sadness
great respect for
other actors
compares to no
other anger
powers give no
other answer
that of every
other atom
a plethora of
other branches
political agenda over
other factions
economic status or
economic status, or
other factors
translated into any
other language
this or any
other matter
deceive himself in
fought insanely over
other matters
to go to
other planets
whole lot of
other taxes
in somebody
other than us
person has worth
person matters
clad in a
gold and a
purple mantle
back with even
rougher language
Big red
rubber stamper
than anything
Russia has done
accepted by the
Russian masses
so through
service and love
shut up at once
So I
smuggled crackers
be walking like
someone's grandmum
Northern Baptist or
Southern Baptist
think I got
stomach cancer
argument of
substance stands up
think of
such a savage
poets, have
such a talent
you don't
suffer that much
Welcome to my
summer palace
that's when
the attack comes
was part of
the attraction
and I reach
the banana
the hearts of
the combatants
the personality of
the commander
The Congress or
the commanders
foundation of all
the commandments
need to embrace
the contraction
How close are
the contractions
the drugs at work
off after
the first habit
the fuck happened
and switched
the gun barrels
an address in
each other in
the Metaverse
thing for
the nerve damage
the one that does
of food in
the savannah
The stumps that were
awareness of
Where is
the third factor
charismatic figures attract
the unbalanced
abundance even from
the unthankful
the world as such
else in
the world matters
you can't
trust the bastards
turn up at once
Turtles can't run
as his
uncles had done
one will ever
understand her
you're trying to
understand love
Let's hang
up a banner
up the wagons
the middle and
upper classes
You complete and
utter bastard
eccentrically or use
vulgar language
such gross and
vulgar passions
the first religions
were supplanted
what a sad word
what comes after
no matter
what the planet
What's the answer
What's the matter
sex is
worth the salmon
with 1 extra syllable
But in war,
accidents happen
here is an
actual Captain
about his
actual last words
always hungry
after a battle
kind of
animal has tusks
one who watches
Animal Planet
an old man
give her an
another blanket
written again in
another language
foundation is quite
meeting me is
another matter
renewed, transfigured, in
another pattern
A visitor from
another planet
standpoint the
basis of action
Battle of Maldon
becomes a craftsman
is, it
becomes a habit
an embarrassing
bigness of stature
Bosom companions
irregular and
broken up, fractus
one of Julius
Caesar's assassins
cheated the hangman
at least in
clinical samples
respond to the
Communist challenge
always people of
comparable stature
he's not a
confident actor
just adjectives, interjections,
conjunctions, adverbs
Councillor Jackson
and a
couple of glasses
the different
thoughts and
to three
courses of action
best and
criminal at worst
especially with your
current companions
state of most
delicate balance
but in creative,
strong, persistent and
determined action
all at a
different angle
offered a very
send Darius a
different answer
you'll get ten
different answers
They're on
different channels
seeing everything through
different glasses
or speak a
different language
are quite a
is a very
different matter
thing on four
different planets
held to a
different standard
a complex and
difficult matter
a woman
discuss such matters
dinner to
discuss the album
Elvis to
discuss the matter
doctor comes at once
doesn't hurt that much
doesn't just happen
this ceramic
elephant, and um
become the
essence of matter
material operations are
ever abandoned
broken hearts, my
fabulous dances
farther one travels
found in
Fictional last words
of your many
former companions
a general, Allen,
General Allen
admonished by the
general answer
my report,
general, and judge
I should've
gotten the candle
the Colombian
government last month
O Allah, the
highest companions
arrives the
hour of action
knowing so
human a passion
seeds of all
human advancement
position from a
hundred attackers
air molecule or
hydrogen atom
is us poor,
impotent bastards
endured wasting in
impotent passions
this banal
incubus at work
and eternal and
infinite fashion
Gold, Frank
Innocence, and Mirth
was a purely
internal matter
thoughts-even his most
intimate habits
you, it
isn't much balance
the unholy
jungle of gadgets
is not
knowledge but action
School at Fort
Leavenworth, Kansas
to the
level of badness
Baptist or Northern
Liberal Baptist
more specific and
limited fashion
alongside jazz legend
Lionel Hampton
accept the
mantle of anger
the President or
Marilyn Manson
had deliberately blocked
Marshall's advancement
about, no
matter what happens
There are
millions of actors
reading of
millions of pamphlets
Let every
minister answer
into the world,
miracles happen
outdone the
motions of planets
the course of
national action
that or the
national anthem
fabric as their
national anthems
They were
natural and just
just had a
natural talent
Combine all your
natural talents
that we
needed some crackers
network, a castle
be relaxed and
never abandoned
notion of blank verse
pay tremendous
numbers of taxes
judge, jury, prosecuting
officer, hangman
ordered suns and worlds
a moment among
our companions
happiness and deserve
our compassion
cannot be
overcome at once
by the
payment of taxes
is really a
poisonous factor
into junk and
poisonous gases
rather than a
popular, manner
the most effective
possible answer
indifference to all
possible answers
me in every
possible manner
catalogue of all
possible patterns
What then are
powerful anchors
men should carry
powerful handguns
a blurred and
powerful pattern
an accidental
product of matter
economic activity is
rational action
a prudent and
rational manner
which is his
regular habit
and the
rehearsals and the
declining meetings between
senior commanders
ourselves from
several at once
the red
sickness of battle
silence of that lunch
to try a
similar action
she doesn't understand
simple contractions
single one that worked
let's pass a
stimulus package
the fine
structure of matter
could find no
suitable answer
looking for a
suitable language
terrible happens
propaganda than
thousands of pamphlets
we've become a
tourist attraction
tourists love that stuff
sincere and
truthful junk habit
from his
uncle, the Baron
features in fewer
usable gadgets
being manipulated into
violent action
in the most
visible manner
wasn't the answer
leader who
weren't a gangster
with 2 extra syllables
stated in clear,
accessible language
spectators, are an
additional factor
conceit which
animates the latter
lines including an
assignable angle
the fortuitous
concurrence of atoms
the office of
Congressional Chaplain
by a
conjunction of planets
invitation to
consider the matter
the ultimate
creator were shattered
the most
critical of matters
somewhere along the
dimensional axis
Elizabeth Landon
call it an
emotional spasm
provide a quantum
entanglement sample
forces up an
exceptional talent
by the
excision of patches
on the
existence of matter
powers and
expressions of matter
doubt of a
favourable answer
all the
followers of Karras
at last, its
imagined attractions
tampered with than
inanimate matter
participation in the
inaugural pageant
the nation's main
indigenous language
us is
intelligence and love
a series of
intelligent answers
am no
minister of malice
That is my
monument, Commander
must follow
nonviolence and love
most meaningfully through
nonviolent action
Occasional maxims
acts as animating
original matter
thought, that one
particular action
leader in this
particular battle
surface of this
particular planet
and all its
political action
to maintain his
political balance
sophisticated philosophical and
political challenge
a leading
producer of platinum
up to contemporary
professional standards
to the
purposes of laughter
heavens and
recited the mantra
any animal
remembers what happened
restaurants still
require a jacket
be an entirely
successful commander
other in the
traditional fashion
smart by any
traditional standard
and a more
It's the
universal language
be a dreadful,
unnatural action
Then, the
unthinkable happened
the sheep
whatever the banner
with 3 extra syllables
by the
dislocation of language
under any other
divisional commander
anxiety, distress, or
emotional harassment
both American and
European commanders
the great
exorcism of madness
is a strong
immediate commander
itself an
indication of madness
the first place
individual action
place of this
individual factor
tap of an
informational hammer
resist its almost
invincible attraction
is only for
mediocre commanders
embellishment or
ostentation of language
to the
philosopher of Athens
Arabs, or
separated from Arabs
most astonishing
transformations of matter
to give an
unequivocal answer
taking more decisive
unilateral action
of a special
unmentionable status
an invisible or
unsurveyable pattern
with 4 extra syllables
You're a wonderful
conversational companion
a veritable
cornucopia of talent
through the
inevitable rough patches
subtle, its almost
irresistible, attraction
To create
organizations of gangsters
decomposition and
recomposition of matter
with 5 extra syllables
four brand-new
unidirectional pulse cannons