exact syllable matches

blew it all up
to the
cool clear water
a pretty
cool Drill Sergeant
name we
do him honor
do is call Turk
do is start one
All nations
do it homage
do it not us
They don't
do it often
damn well
do it, doctor
Please don't
do this Father
do with father
something to
do with water
do, kill ya, huh
doing awesome
and touring and
doing concerts
I ain't
doing God's work
she was
doing on Earth
hell are you
doing, Cartman
home what you're
doing, Roger
quoted about such
foolish fondness
Hewlett Johnson
and the World
Jewish Congress
to a nice
Jewish doctor
Jewish workers or
Jewish farmers
like a
Jewish law firm
of our little
Jewish mamas
of having a
solution of the
things settle the
Jewish problem
succession to these
Jewish prophets
Jewish proverbs
Judith Chalmers
Judith Martin
Written by
Judith Roberts
Tyler never
knew his father
knew it was her
Lewis model
Lewis Thomas
am afraid of
losing office
Louis Botha
Louis Kauffman
Louis Kossuth
in a great
moonlit darkness
move in on us
a legitimate
move in soccer
moving boxes
only action but
moving onward
Always be a
to hit a
moving target
are useless against
moving targets
Sometimes the
mule is smarter
Special fun and
music bargains
people who purchased
music boxes
That's what
music models
cosmologist, mathematician and
music scholar
of celestial
music was heard
a number of Wagnerian
welcome to your
new departments
new dishwasher
new lives on Earth
I just babysit
pooping monsters
Poor Miss Wallace
rich and
poor, in common
proof is offered
me to
prove it Charlotte
bottom of your
putrid water
differently from the
ruling dogma
public high
school in Boston
school is hard work
before the
school year started
Shoot him, Thomas
shooting boxes
any when the
team once the
shooting started
pepper pot
soup in bottles
You got
through his armor
through his law firm
to go
through his wallet
day rising
through this darkness
to go
through this office
You're going
through withdrawal
unfortunate were
to befall her
we expect
to befall us
write the ending
to Departure
who preferred death
would prefer death
to dishonor
A submission
to exhaustion
can get you
Need to get
to Gibraltar
was able
to give Pollock
him back
to his artwork
is according
to his daughter
the nurse
to his doctor
and came
felt close
good behaviour
them said
to his father
been gathered
to his fathers
any bar
may be
to his honour
person according
to his Karma
too close
to his momma
and me
me down
teleported back
to his office
curses this
the work
to his partner
hand moves
to his pocket
cause damage
to His promise
feels like
whole world
to hit bottom
all looked
to in common
of justification
to its author
is sympathetic
to its authors
public shrine
to it's fallen
the damage
to its targets
always returns
to its vomit
no limit
to its water
special thanks
to Jim Thompson
be loyal
to Kim Jong-un
your picture
to milk cartons
it's way back
to nirvana
it will lead
spliffs and listen
to Nirvana
learned how
to pick cotton
to piss off Gus
and starts
to ring Tanya
longer seemed trivial
to Siddhartha
to sip, not gulp
we have
to think harder
you have
to think long-term
condemn her
to this darkness
I went
to this doctor
is essential
to this knowledge
the cow
to this market
been assigned
to this office
easy answer
general solution
technological solution
to this problem
did according
to this promise
been speaking
to this prophet
capital feel
to this province
and a trip
to Tijuana
I'm going
I'm going back
take you back
to move back
you went up
to Wisconsin
weaknesses was being
too big-hearted
rebuke the
too clear water
troop withdrawal
truths in God's word
tulip poplar
tulip poplars
Two things are one
use his sharp tongue
Use with caution
The farmer
used his oxen
right, were
used in commerce
but seldom
used in modern
technique occasionally
used in novels
used it all up
must be
used with caution
European Union is
using malta
personal significance, particularly
viewing artworks
the messenger
who brings knowledge
who did God's work
who is all Love
Who is on first
can justify
who it targets
was Villalobos
who killed Dalton
you, you are
wounded, Marshal
tribe do
you belong, son
have embarrassed
you beyond words
my property,
you dick monster
you did not come
you did not serve
that might bring
you dishonor
join it
you give homage
you hit bottom
you in charge, huh
you, swallowing
you in darkness
everything about
you is awesome
you kill Donna
you kiss Carter
you quit on us
amusement whenever
you think proper
What do
you think, Doctor
What do
you think, Robert
will give
you this Knowledge
I vouch,
O heart,
you will conquer
these things,
you will prosper
you win, Lawyer
I destroy
you with honor
What are
you, his lawyer
be watching
you, Liz Parker
you've been locked up
You've been spotted

with 1 extra syllable

need to
abuse his daughter
be your local
Anubis Market
floor when the
arguing started
advantage to
conclude this bargain
to be
confused with dolman
to be
confused with martial
to capture the
elusive doctor
lights is
entombed in darkness
I don't want
excuses, doctor
on all senses,
including common
the Ice Warriors,
including Varga
let fall
into clear water
you're not
into him, Marla
channeled them
into his novel
Cordelia walks
that flies
to get
went back
into his office
doughnut piece
into his pocket
go back
into its bottle
of as entrance
into nirvana
just now getting
into Nirvana
a spark
into this darkness
we got
into this problem
like we're going
into Wisconsin
exchange with the food-
producing farmer
taken with a
reclusive author
wilderness with his
reclusive father
those of the
recruiting sergeant
reducing problems
as to
refuse this offer
is only her
reputed father
body and soul,
unto exhaustion
Obsolete and
unused in modern

with 2 extra syllables

from a pitcher's
absolute Nirvana
to support an
absolutist doctrine
call a
kangaroo in Scotland
with a certain
unobtrusive caution