exact syllable matches

A band
A bands
a bath
a blank
a chance
A flat
A flats
a mad
a tad
birch sap
bird bath
bird baths
birth pang
birth pangs
birth plan
birth plans
blood bank
blood banks
blood bath
blood baths
blood clam
blood clams
blood tax
bruck back
brush past
buch ab
buche ab
bucht ab
buck dance
buck danced
bum bag
bum bags
bum calf
bum calves
bum crack
bum cracks
bum rap
bum raps
bump cap
bump caps
burn bag
burn bags
Burnt Ranch
bus pass
bus stand
bus stands
bus trap
bus traps
bust ass
busts ass
butt bag
butt bags
butt crack
butt cracks
butt pad
butt pads
Chern class
clutch bag
clutch bags
come at
come back
comes at
comes back
crush hat
crush hats
cum rag
cum rags
cunt cap
cunt caps
cup plant
cup plants
Curt Sachs
cut back
Cut Bank
cut glass
der Stange
dirt bag
dirt nap
dirt naps
dirt track
dirt tracks
dove plant
dove plants
drug lab
drug labs
drunk tank
drunk tanks
dub sack
dub sacks
duck ant
duck ants
duck stamp
duck stamps
dumb ass
dumb tax
dump ass
dumped ass
dumps ass
dunce cap
dunce caps
dunce hat
dunce hats
dunk tank
dunk tanks
durt wang
dust bath
dust baths
dust cap
dust caps
dust mask
dust masks
Dutch act
Dutch acts
Dutch cap
Dutch caps
Dutch Flat
Dutch hand
Dutch hands
Earth mass
er ash
fand ab
first class
first half
first halves
first hand
flood map
flood maps
flood pants
from scratch
front man
front slash
frum fram
fuck yeah
fun bags
fun fact
fun facts
fun pack
fun packs
fur fan
girl band
girl bands
girth strap
girth straps
grudge match
guck an
gun lap
gun laps
her ass
Her Maj
Herb Caen
herd cats
herd path
herd paths
herds cats
hern panne
herne panne
hub cap
hub caps
hub plank
hub planks
hull splash
Hut ab
jerk ass
jug band
jug bands
jump at
just blacks
just laughed
kuck an
kurz ab
Le Cap
Le Grand
Le Mans
Le Tache
Learned Hand
love grass
love match
love rat
love rats
love tap
love taps
Lung Shan
merk an
merkt an
merle blanc
Merle Shan
monk bat
monk bats
much as
mud bath
mud baths
mud crab
mud crabs
mud flap
mud flaps
mud flats
mud map
mud maps
mud slab
mud slabs
musk cat
musk cats
must have
nerve gas
nerve rack
nerve racks
nerve wrack
nerve wracks
Nurse Ratched
nut clam
nut clams
of an
of flats
of glass
of land
one half
one hand
pearl grass
Per Bak
per tant
plug hat
plug hats
plug tap
plug taps
plug valve
plug valves
plunge bath
plunge baths
plunge bras
pulse glass
punk jazz
pur sang
purp sand
rub hands
rubbed hands
rubs hands
ruf ab
ruft ab
ruft an
rug rat
rug rats
run at
run back
run past
runde ab
runs at
runs back
schirm ab
scrum half
scrum halves
scum valve
scum valves
scutch grass
Serge Lang
skirt dance
skull cap
skull caps
slut bag
slut bags
some tags
sperm bank
sperm banks
sponge bag
sponge bags
sponge bath
sponge baths
sprung back
Stub tag
stuck fat
stumpf ab
stunt man
such as
such that
suck ass
sucked ass
sucks ass
sun bath
sun baths
sun dance
sun hat
sun hats
sun lamp
sun lamps
sun trap
sun traps
Sun Yang
surf cast
surf casts
surf clam
surf clams
swirl flap
swirl flaps
swung dash
TERF bangs
The Bab
the bat
The Clash
The class
The Flash
the gnat
the hand
the lam
the latch
the man
The Mask
The Maxx
The past
- Cross
the path
the plank
the rag
the rags
The Stand
the tap
third camp
third camps
third class
third hand
third man
tongue bath
tongue baths
tongue map
tongue maps
touch map
touch maps
truck patch
trug ab
turf ant
turf ants
turf bank
turf banks
turn back
turn cap
turn caps
turned back
turns back
up and
US flag
US Grant
verge staff
verge staffs
vert ramp
vert ramps
word class
word wrap
work at
work camp
work camps
worked at
works at
world ash
World Bank
worm cast
worm casts
yer man
young hand
young hands
young man

with 1 extra syllable

Argand lamp
Argand lamps
Arthur Ashe
August Macke
bobble hat
bobble hats
bogen ab
bollock sack
bollock sacks
Boston crab
bottle bank
bottle banks
bottle cap
bottle caps
bottled gas
bottom hand
bottom hands
carbon black
carbon tax
carpet grass
Carson Grant
chocolat blanc
Closet Land
common ash
common land
common man
common rat
common rats
concert grand
concert grands
Constance, trans
contra dance
cotton rat
cotton rats
crawler track
Dogger Bank
Donald Tsang
fallen ab
fallest ab
gama grass
garden glass
garden path
garden paths
garment bag
garment bags
glottal catch
haltest ab
haltest an
harken back
harness cask
harness casks
hearken back
hoben ab
hoben an
holla back
holla backs
Homburg hat
Homburg hats
Java cat
Java cats
Java man
Jodrell Bank
Johnson grass
Johnston, trans
Kauffman, trans
Kaufmann, trans
knowledge map
lager ab
lager an
Lala land
lava lamp
lava lamps
lobster trap
locken an
marbled cat
marbled cats
modern dance
Ogden Nash
olive branch
olive drab
opera glass
opera hat
opera hats
Oscar Asche
Oskar Lange
parlour match
Parma ham
pocket flask
pocket flasks
Praia Grande
Promised Land
Promised Lands
proper class
robber crab
Robert Craft
Robert Frank
Robert Plant
Robert Taft
rocket pack
rocket packs
roger that
saucer pass
Saunders, trans
shotgun shack
smallmouth bass
sonder ab
squatter camp
target man
tarsal gland
tarsal glands
tartan tax
Thomas Frank
Thomas Mann
Thomas Nash
wander ab
washtub bass
water bath
water baths
water brash
water can
water flag
water flags
water gas
water glass
water rat
water rats
water tank
water tanks
water tap
water taps