exact syllable matches

nation, not just
politician to run
the rights of
a government
and somebody who's
a governor
other hand, conveys
a permanence
anniversary of
a person's birth
he is
a subtle one
a Mini or
a Thunderbird
a member of
another herd
fire and start
turned it into
another one
feisty ex-haberdasher have
another term
comes out with
another word
being transported to
faithful happiness in
the existence of
another world
Bertrand Russel
Bertrand Russell
or even
bird versus worm
This integument is
burst asunder
become clerks and
bus conductors
and existence
but a burden
a risk,
but a service
true only of
certain persons
Alice Walker, The
Color Purple
rather than
confront the world
custom should
corrupt the world
wisdom that
curdles the blood
but I had
done another
room after her
drunken husband
that have
flooded the earth
Flutter, flutter
immense distances one
look and speak
said, borrowed one
from another
don't need benefits
from government
the one
to learn
from the other
that is a
fucked-up color
and his later
German culture
backing of the
revolution of the
German workers
with their one
hundred cousins
was not
just a mother
exist under every
just government
just the first month
But Elvis was
have happened, it's
just wonderful
the next he
knuckled under
for the earner,
learner, yearner
All mankind
love a lover
and for
love of brother
and a
love of justice
love of the world
much she
loved her husband
I've always
loved the gutter
much of the world
having stolen
muggles from her
but you can't
murder murder
marry any
number of girls
fifty percent
mirror instead
sixty percent
of a person
chickens all
of a sudden
in the midst
is the age
of abundance
an equitable basis
in man's problems
of adjustment
at the expence
at the expense
contemplating the misery
erroneously the words
in the Arms
through the mediation
of another
I'm all out
of bubblegum
in an army
of construction
are not objects
of consumption
constantly increasing body
of customers
a false system
and excessive growth
and happy form
and happy system
change our form
Directory understand nothing
in the hands
into the halls
just specific forms
let's get rid
the American form
the democratic form
the organized power
the real needs
the righteous function
the true artistry
of government
control the abuses
is the end
the first object
of Government
the whole
of her sermon
takes care
of Number One
is all
of one color
no need
of other worlds
of safety but
of permanence
as a moment
undreamed of levels
of production
under the supervision
of Rutherford
is made
of sterner stuff
the most patient
of sufferers
too, smacks
of the absurd
through imitation
of the adults
the rest
of the colours
the points
of the compass
and feelings,
the consent
of the governed
of the just judge
but only
of the mother
and elegance
imaginary rights
penetrating power
slavery or
the denial
the expense
the failure
the peril
the shadow
the values
of the other
beyond most
for some
not some
the prosperity
the worth
of the others
the pit
of the stomach
possible part
of the structure
an easing
of the struggle
of the Third World
the language
of the unheard
the apprehension
of the vulgar
into some kind
of underworld
and dream of
another and help
are clinging to
are dogs to
are near to
are quarantined from
are separated from
basically they understood
be reconciled with
closely akin to
common commitments to
do business with
even to kill
fell out with
from falling upon
harmonious relationship with
how we treat
in love for
in service to
little cannot understand
mean independence from
means of destroying
minds borrowed from
mutually act upon
necessarily compatible with
not substitutes for
nothing but admire
of hatred against
of our comprehending
of things with
one another, recognize
practical jokes on
right angles to
their pricks at
themselves cling to
They don't trust
they talked to
time conversing with
to impose on
we shall recognize
we should help
we'd all love
were loyal to
without their injuring
one another
Music inside of
one, drunkenness
the adopting of
other cultures
Certainly all
other numbers
communicated to the
happen to the
pray, send some
other person
entertainment or any
other purpose
drugs or any
other substance
sin makes a
person humble
primarily constitutes and
preserves culture
opposite of
some other word
blue field, in
stubbled color
to have
such a brother
dependence on
such a substance
a bill for
such services
other tyranny we
suffer under
morning, I became a
Overnight I became a
been part of
the adjustment
away from him
the compulsion
confined to
miles above
the earth's surface
any department of
committees that run
happen all over
hide you From
is more than
legislative duty of
planning sectors of
They are
various doctors by
was indicted by
when it becomes
the government
been sold to
for energy by
not covered by
responsible officer of
the Government
be defended against
the people against
the governors
pity to encourage
the humblest
yourself nor flatter
the Justices
the love of none
Mother will hide
the murderer
They're not
you do, you
the murderers
is imposed by
Or are you
the observer
making history, and
the Observer
severely annoy
the other third
deed that
the person does
a trade as
the publican
any of
the Sun numbers
about Sisyphus in
industrialists and in
the underworld
rest of
the world suffers
our tortured and
uncertain world
he labors
under a curse
both, lie
under the curse
walk visible
under the Sun
a special and
urgent concern
thunders at
us earthen worms
were none the worse
what purpose, love
It's a
wonderful love
The most
wonderful stuff
Wonderful words
in the
words of others
words of the earth
world just one word
is not
worth the trouble
I was a
young journalist
sisters and two
younger brothers

with 1 extra syllable

is the
accident of birth
one crashing success
after another
both, one
after the other
few words
after the sermon
a people of
another color
anyone who veils
the anxiety of
the brother of
another Muslim
his ease while
another suffers
a secret is
another's servant
Author uncertain
banners of the Usk
barrel of a gun
battles of the earth
beaches of the earth
and insolent
beggars among monks
it make them
better customers
for the
bravest among us
brightness of the world
business of the world
centre of the world
of morality are
convertible terms
cover the muck up
cultural Jews or
cultural Muslims
he hears a
different drummer
woman, very
different from us
by a hundred
different muscles
a quite a
as a completely
different person
individuals is a
difficult hurdle
Time, as the
driver determines
and powerful
element of love
emblem of the sun
even very highly
eminent persons
encircles the world
Ernest Rutherford
preserved from
errors of judgment
women in the
Federal service
women, military and
federal workers
pointing the
finger of judgment
prince, potentate, or
foreign government
head of a
foreign Government
honour and
freedom of others
freedom, worship, love
function of the One
the seeds of
future corruption
more than a
general lover
gladness of the world
there are legitimate
government functions
end which the
government subserves
grasses of the earth
unpleasant personal
habits of others
history of the
hacker subculture
to the
interests of others
expressed in
judgements of justice
knowledge of the world
is bad,
language must suffer
language of the nerves
in the
losses of others
is not a
management function
politicians, not to
mention journalists
the inverse
method of Fluxions
sake of
millions of Russians
Mistress of the World
a strong
mixture of troubles
motion from the first
a new Chinese
the level of
national culture
see other
nations among us
nations of the Earth
nations of the world
my real
nature from others
never heard word one
His body was
never recovered
bought for its
nominal purpose
or the
number of couples
the world's first
omnibus service
in lead or
other substances
of place in
our government
being benefited by
our Services
way of life
over another
saying let's take
over government
Saint Mary
Over Minerva
he had
overcome the world
passes of the world
peoples of the world
commonly recognized in
enduring contribution to
face of American
popular culture
drawing the
portraits of others
power of such words
impair their
powers of judgment
Powers of the World
order to
preserve the other
on the
principle of love
have upon a
private murderer
problems of the world
promise of the sun
was used for
proper purposes
pagan Coleridge defeat
Protestant Wordsworth
of a respectable
Pullman conductor
races of the world
the mind's strictly
rational functions
speak a few
reasonable words
our trite and
reasonable world
results of the work
to unite parties
riven asunder
Pilate, the
Roman governor
ruins of the first
special affinity with
secular circles
in the
service of others
silence of the world
as it served
social purposes
spirit of the earth
of our
struggle summons us
caused and
suffered such trouble
surface of the earth
so increases the
temperature further
tens of
thousands of others
with his inescapable
ultimate concern
is doing it
under government
is applied for
useful purposes
for other such
useful services
uses of a cup
because of that
vicious assumption
vigour, none of us
one type of
vocal production
drop of
water a number
own inherent
weakness of purpose
capable of nuclear
weapons production
wisdom of the world

with 2 extra syllables

the opinions --
of others
man with visible
abdominal muscles
pure sciences into
actual production
arbiter of the world
areas of the world
a public
assemblage of persons
them on any
available surface
champion of the world
conventions of the world
babies but not
convicted murderers
minister to their
deceitful purposes
they are
different from others
in the
direction of justice
honest dissent with
disloyal subversion
disorder of the world
example of the world
for the
extension of justice
only made one
fallacious assumption
course, to the
department in our
districts, not the
the United States
federal government
debt to the
direction of, the
warfare on the
Federal government
abductions and no
forcible conversions
foundations of the earth
concerns of the
years by the
General Government
return the
heaviest of burdens
some principle of
impersonal justice
for solving an
impossible puzzle
a strong
impression of colour
alliance cannot stop
internal subversion
in me an
there lay an
invincible summer
iota of the world
is this a
logical assertion
But my
magnificent youngsters
management of the world
mainly through the
only by the
national government
must be the
only from the
performed by the
National Government
Oh, marvelous
omnipotence of love
translations from the
original German
biographies of a
particular person
formed for a
particular purpose
placed on
portrayal of others
exact enough for
practical purposes
time as
president of Russia
religions of the earth
religions of the world
extreme opposites
resembles the other
for the
selfishness of others
Has the
universe a purpose
warriors of the world

with 3 extra syllables

in that
accusation of others
the helm of
American government
to the
domination of others
domination of the world
poet than an
empirical observer
her mild and
equitable government
experience of the world
on the
Independence of Russia
reasoning, confirmed by
independent observers
is their own
individual comfort
and one single,
irrevocable purpose
isolated from the world
legislators of the world
preservation of the world
forward proposals for
propaganda purposes
of the French
provisional government
accountability, and
seriousness of purpose
us in our
unconquerable purpose
shepherd or an
unfathomable jumble
with its own
unpredictable purpose

with 4 extra syllables

organizations of the world
and normality of
philosophical adjustment
unification of the world