exact syllable matches

around and talk
could go on
could piss on
Damon and Elena
from sucking cock
Haven't got
I don't got
I haven't got
most people are
Owen's water farm
power stays on
the ashes on
to suck on
We ain't got
We haven't got
would be gone
You're gone
all day
I have lost
all faith
That was
all faked
It was
all great
all hail
late, we are
all late
prima donnas are
all male
her face got
all pale
It is beyond
all place
thing ---- on
all planes
is elevated beyond
all praise
that we are
You are
all slaves
They are not
all straight
it was not
all waste
And our thoughts
are clay
and your hearts
are faint
You all,
are great
how baby cars
are made
long metal bars
are rails
apart after all,
heart, oh god
They never are,
are they
arms race
art game
art games
ball ache
ball aches
ball change
ball clay
ball clays
ball game
ball games
ball vein
ball veins
bar gay
Bloch space
Bloch wave
Bloch waves
block chain
block chains
block train
block trains
blond lace
Bob Kane
Bob Rae
bob skate
bob skates
Bob Thaves
bonne blague
BOP clade
box braids
box tail
box tails
bra chain
bra chains
broad gauge
Bronze Age
bronze race
call date
call dates
call names
call rate
call rates
Everything in Africa's
called AIDS
car chase
card game
card games
instance does not
cause AIDS
Charles Grey
Charles Sprague
Claude Rains
clock face
cock slave
COM clade
con game
con games
crawl space
cross brains
Cross Gates
crotch chain
crotch chains
dar fe
dar leis
Dark Age
dark space
dark wave
dawn raid
dawn raids
dog day
dog days
dogsled mail
dong quai
chewed on a polka-
dot whale
while his heart
doth ache
draw raise
draw rein
draw weight
draw weights
numberless voices of long-
drawn rains
drop cake
drop cakes
drop safe
drop safes
fall prey
false face
false rail
false rails
far fain
fault plane
fault planes
fault trace
font name
font names
fox grape
fox grapes
frost grape
frost grapes
frost nail
frost nails
frost quake
frost quakes
ga ade
Garn scale
god game
god games
gone snake
got laid
We've all
got names
grosse caisse
guard rail
guard rails
hard case
over this long,
hard day
is a hard,
hard game
hard space
Hart Crane
haul tail
haut fait
hawe tre
Heart break
heart rate
heart rates
hop freight
hot cake
hot date
hot dates
hot plate
hot plates
hot rail
hot rails
hot take
hot takes
hot wave
hot waves
ja mais
jaw plate
jaw plates
job aid
job aids
John Baine
John Braine
John Cage
John Cale
John Gay
John Gray
John Hay
John Jakes
John Jay
John Pate
John Rabe
John Ray
John Snaith
John Tate
John Wain
John Wayne
so the hard
knocks way
La Grange
La Haye
confused with haut
la main
La Salle
large scale
launch game
launch games
law day
law days
lock gate
lock gates
log slate
log slates
long case
been a long
long day
long face
long game
long games
long play
long scale
long tail
long tails
long wave
back a long,
stretched a long,
long way
lost face
March 8
March break
March breaks
Mark Ames
Mark Bray
Mark Haines
Mark Twain
Mark Waid
marsh hay
marsh hays
Marsh Lake
marsh snake
mom cave
mom caves
the joy on
Mom's face
non mais
non male
heroes often are
not brave
a day are
not days
NOT gate
NOT gates
these instruments are
not grave
Kraus, Einstein are
our scientists are
not great
when variations are
not placed
They are
You are
not safe
our philosophers got
off base
off break
off breaks
off day
in those far
off days
he was saying, was
on bail
when he got
on base
take this all
on faith
on main
on rails
something I've bought
They are all
This one was
on sale
minute we walked
stir-fries his guitar
take your applause
when I'm not
on stage
It's all
words were caught
on tape
onde che
part ways
parts ways
Paul Veyne
pawn chain
pawn chains
pawn race
pomme paille
pot ale
pot lace
quad play
quad plays
quad skate
quad skates
quark strange
Rob Payne
rock cake
rock cakes
rock face
rock snake
duper red hot
rod flames
Ross Gay
chains commonly called
salp chains
salt cake
salt clay
salt glaze
salt hay
salt hays
salt lake
salt lakes
salt spray
salt sprays
Scotch Game
Scotch tape
Shark Bait
Shark Tale
bird-bait, then I was
Shawn Lane
shock wave
shock waves
small ale
small ales
small change
small game
small plate
small plates
small scale
ordinary observations upon
small Waves
soft break
soft breaks
squat cage
star frame
It's an All-
job in the All-
to play an All-
Star game
star gauge
star trail
star trails
start rate
stock phrase
straw bail
straw nail
straw nails
swap space
tal vez
talk page
Tall Tale
tall tales
thought wave
thought waves
Tom Brake
Tom Graves
Tom Paine
Tom Waits
top age
top aged
top rake
top rakes
volte face
Vox Day
Wa State
wall game
wall plate
wall plates
walled plain
walled plains
They all
want cake
home, the lock
was changed
her her song
The cost
was great
when the remark
where the cloth
was made
wash sale
wash sales
wasp waist
wasp waists
watch chain
watch chains
wok day
wrong take
face, boy, on
that mustache off
ya face
How are
ya, Wade
yard ape
yard apes
yard sale
yard sales

with 1 extra syllable

Boltzmann brain
Boltzmann brains
bombard phrase
Choctaw Lake
girl, it's a
doggone shame
Fano plane
Fano planes
Laplace plane
Laplace planes
Lombard rate
Lombard rates
Mandab Strait
My name is
we already have
Oswald Danes
game published by
Rockstar Games
It's a
rockstar name
Try Lydia
salto BASE
softball game

with 2 extra syllables

espadon, spade

with 3 extra syllables

Ishihara plate
Ishihara plates