exact syllable matches

sold all
10 of them
in the top
of more than
only polling at
10 percent
There are
12 of them
population was
12 per cent
Aaron Beck
air cadet
air cadets
air puff test
air puff tests
bear oneself
bear the bell
becket bend
becket bends
Belgian hare
Belgian hares
belle lurette
belted l
bender tent
bender tents
Ben's girlfriend
best of health
Hop on,
bestest friend
to other and
better ends
of bigger and
better men
It was
better there
were easier and
better, then
bless oneself
breakfast set
breakfast sets
I haven't had
we haven't had
breakfast yet
-- can't
breath the air
cent percent
center spread
center spreads
center square
center squares
central air
Central Khmer
centre spread
centre spreads
centre square
centre squares
Chef, from chef
credit spread
credit spreads
crescent fresh
dead against
dead ahead
play boyfriend and
dead girlfriend
death against
deckle edge
delta cell
delta cells
des Abends
das --
des, der, des
desert hare
desert hares
deviled egg
deviled eggs
Devon Rex
Edgar Guest
Edmund Hare
Edmund Phelps
Edward Jenks
Edward Said
en direct
or not, that
ended em
seems to have
ended well
, treading an
endless belt
One word, and
endless tears
let's consider that
engine dead
engine shed
engine sheds
later, my car's
engine went
le sang
et le temps
on an
etch a sketch
Etch A Sketch
It's almost like an
evel fare
that I had
ever dreamt
than you have
ever guessed
of earth has
ever held
anyone I had
being I have
conversationalists I have
criminal I have
dealer he has
men I have
neck I have
officer I have
people I have
people she had
person I have
that I have
ever met
else I have
ever read
human being has
thing I have
ever said
cheese I have
ever smelled
that it was
ever there
looking for that
extra edge
extra ends
He took that
extra step
faire cul sec
faire son temps
fairer sex
that you had
Farrah hair
feather bed
feather beds
feather edge
feather pen
feather pens
her throat and
The man
fell again
flare nut wrench
flare-nut wrench
Fred Astaire
We are
friends again
friends of friends
From em-,
from em-
gentle sex
gentler sex
get a pair
get ahead
get some air
psychiatrist and
get some help
hotel and
get some rest
we can
you can
get the rest
I cannot
will NOT
get up there
I can't
so he can
get upset
gets ahead
guerra freda
guess what else
head of hair
head, Butt-head
from Ohio and
headed west
heads of hair
that money was
heaven sent
held against
go through that
hell again
helmet shell
helmet shells
this cannot
help but lead
crippled and can't
She cannot
help herself
help oneself
But you can't
means you can
seems you can't
We can
help yourself
Karen Pence
Karen Press
kept ahead
it was
kept from them
kettle lead
lead somewhere
chef, can
lead us there
a false
lead, a red
broom handles and
leather belts
are bred and
led yourself
I have
what was
left of them
important thing was
left unsaid
Grape Kool-Aid and
Lemon Pledge
Lemon test
Lenten fare
lentil shell
lentil shells
Leonard Read
Leonard's ed
leopard men
Less, much less
I learned that
lesson well
And you can't
let yourself
level best
level bests
level set
level sets
quite at that
level yet
persevered and that
meant success
measure strength
This is not
melon head
melon heads
thing that
men us telle
we do not
mention them
you may not
merit death
method air
not present at
Nelson's death
I am
nested there
nether hair
nether hairs
Bandit insurgencies that
Your rule shall
never end
a war that
an invasion that
big party that
ever varies and
family because that
never ends
I am
It was
never fair
rolled in, and
should have
never left
by snow that
never melts
also I have
know and have
man I had
men he has
one he had
Otherwise we'd have
person she has
stars Ken had
never met
parents will have
never MET
Hindu nationalists has
never read
I can
your powers can
never rest
our Union shall
never set
experiences we have
know, I have
never shared
your hand, and
never swear
house, you can
I can
never tell
'cause he was
He was
leftovers, which are
the feelings are
never there
See ya
never, Ed
pair of specs
pair of stairs
pairs of specs
pairs of stairs
para red
para reds
pebble lens
pecker head
pecker heads
pedal squares
a diamond and
pencil lead
pencil test
pencil tests
like rare and
precious gems
last word was
present self
present tense
five elements are
hymning train was
present there
press ahead
press the flesh
I don't understand
pressure, Claire
question left
ask you that
question, eh
red blood cell
red blood cells
red cunt hair
red cunt hairs
rest of them
imagined might have
imagined, might have
rested there
restless legs
Sarah Jeong
I'm not
scared of death
I was
scared of them
schlecht und recht
thinking I was
second best
second death
second guess
second guessed
Martial Law Act,
Section 12
segment shell
segment shells
things most definitely are
become strong, beautiful, and
Selkirk Rex
sell oneself
sense of dread
a false
it all
sense of self
senseless tears
set a spell
chopper, and
the rooftop,
set the flare
settle bed
settle beds
in Shinar and
settled there
setup men
seven swell
see you at
seven then
opportunity to have
sex again
share a bed
they can
share the wealth
shed a tear
shelter belt
shelter belts
shelter deck
shelter decks
shelter tent
shelter tents
Sheryl Fenn
slender sedge
faster cars and
smellier air
Snellen test
Snellen tests
Do not
spare the men
you leave, and
spare yourself
special ed
people and
specks were specks
fallen body and
stares, upset
step ahead
sweater dress
sweater vest
sweater vests
and died and
swelled again
tell against
do--there are
ten of them
a hundred and
One hundred and
ten percent
in so long
tendance spend
tennis dress
tennis wear
tenor clef
tenor clefs
tensile strength
tensile strengths
tension there
tension wrench
terre rare
terror cell
terror cells
ever take that
test yourself
Earthling ancestors ran
right to resolve
their affairs
hard to stop
I never saw
Really rock
to ever call
you'll never have
them again
We call
them suspects
them, squash
them, crush them
then again
nipple and
then her left
then the next
And Esther was
be right back
never be back
there again
There were ten
on hand,
there's a death
There's a fence
There's just dead
there's none left
There's none left
There's one left
There's the bed
Oh, and
there's the bell
There's the bell
wings and
there's the head
they're just bells
They're just there
sights fixed, and
they're perfect
They're possessed
they're suspects
They're the best
They're up there
to face that
threat again
the predators that
threatened them
treasure chest
treasure chests
treasured friend
treble clef
treble clefs
trestle bed
trestle beds
are pentagons,
twelve of them
both of them are
weather deck
weather decks
weather helm
weather helms
web celeb
web celebs
Weber test
Welcome, friends
until you are
well again
I am
well aware
Well done, Trev
Well, fuck them
Well, one friend
wellness check
Wells once said
went against
went ahead
wet oneself
wet the bed
sit tight and
wet yourself
wets herself
wets oneself
Whence, compare
Where's the rest
said yes, and
Yes and
yes again
yes sir, Chef
act again and
at least not
state was wrong
torment again and
yet again
that is not
yet perfect

with 1 extra syllable

you to
accept, but yes
acceptance test
acceptance tests
Accessed from web
So, what's the
address again
it's about to
address percepts
my first solo
adventure there
amusingly of his
adventures there
mente, contaminated by
altera mente
one perfect
aspect of get
Caress of DEATH
celestial stem
collect oneself
word on a
complex subject
down or
compress the air
compression set
the very
concept of ends
the very
concept of self
is the
conquest of men
determining the
contents of kegs
convection cell
convection cells
directed edge
forget herself
forget oneself
forget yourself
in the
object of prayer
derived from
knowledge to
objects of sense
potential well
Professor Shedd
you make personal
progress yourself
all the
projects up there
propeller head
propeller heads
propellor head
Protect yourself
Rebecca West
Sahara Hare
suspender belt
concern to
transcend the self
unleavened bread
Walesa Lech