exact syllable matches

17 March
Robot about
7 feet tall
give or take
70 blocks
Belgian Sheepdog
Belgian Sheepdogs
bella di notte
your ass
better be gone
Well, I
better be off
carefully, Frost
celery salt
celery salts
two-bagger off the left-
center-field wall
molds of nineteenth
century art
crime of the
century was
give it a
century, tops
think that's your
destiny, Clark
something goes horribly,
dreadfully wrong
emery cloth
emery cloths
end of each song
of who my
That is what
enemies are
All his
enemies wrong
to wherever the
were where the
enemy was
anything, except the
enemy's balls
What about the
enemy's God
It's an
energy bar
energy bars
heard of Neptune
Energy Bars
of good-paying clean
energy jobs
nature of this
energy loss
energy park
energy parks
energy shot
energy shots
vertexes was an
energy star
art movies or well-
engineered cars
equity bond
equity bonds
Ocean should
ever be solved
they can't
ever be taught
could that
hatred will
you can
ever be wrong
now then
ever he was
go where
ever we want
Become acquainted with
every art
first beat of
every bar
us pay for
every block
throne, and blackens
every blot
an answer to
every call
to wipe down
every car
But you hold
every card
every cloth
crowns and carries
every cross
remember you in
every dawn
coats that shed
I'm gonna need
every drop
2-3 days at
every halt
an avenue to
be written in
if unknown, in
someplace inside
the bottom of
every heart
around crying over
many people for
every job
to say, break
every law
capacity to fit
every lock
misfortune lurking behind
every log
synagogue and in
every mosque
be stricken in
ship, and measured
every part
a chicken in
every pot
an enemy behind
poisonous snakes under
every rock
the story of
every scar
down but misses
every shot
do it on
poem, every legend,
every song
hidden cameras in
every stall
GAR, every stripe,
every star
pull out
every stop
God hears your
it filled my
slicing through my
your son with
every thought
force who rights
every wrong
Now With
Extra Sea Salt
couldn't jump the
Genesee Falls
get a free car
get a real job
get what he wants
get what she wants
get what we want
gets a free car
gets what he wants
gets what she wants
Gregory Paul
Grenadier Guards
upheld by the
heavenly arms
Hell For a
heavenly cause
source of the
Heavenly God
hearts of the
heavenly gods
struck with the
heavenly rod
the man is
though small, was
heavily armed
help what we are
reasonable than
Herr Bernstein's call
should therefore be
jealously watched
Jeremy call
will be your
legacy, John
to as the
Lesser jihad
let us be all
Don't I,
Melody Pond
memory box
memory card
memory cards
rather gifted with
Memory Charms
You are the
memory, Fox
The disease goes
merrily on
mesh of steel bars
method he called
Charles could
never be brought
you will
never be flogged
and can
baby, we'll
heritage will
means we'll
virtuous mind
You can
never be lost
that can
never be topped
we should
never be wrong
know we would
never eavesdrop
world can
never reach God
became a dialectic,
never resolved
parakeet auk
parakeet auks
pedigree clause
a number of
pedigree cocks
penalty arc
penalty arcs
home in the
penalty box
penalty mark
penalty marks
penalty shot
penalty spot
penalty spots
peregrine hawk
peregrine hawks
pet a leashed dog
plenary talk
plenary talks
Compare reach, obsolete
preterite raught
the other
questions here are
have any
questions, please call
problems can be
readily solved
from what the
referee saw
Their drunken
revelry jars
set of real claws
was about
seven feet tall
Shetland sheepdog
Shetland sheepdogs
him how
special he was
her how
special she was
what you
spend money on
Instead, it
strengthened resolve
tell her she's wrong
- decision was
terribly hard
has gone terribly,
is gonna go
know something is
like something was
Lisa, there's something
No, you're wrong,
something is going
sudden, something goes
whose plan goes
wrong here, something
wrong, wrong, and
terribly wrong
treated those women
terribly, Clark
Right little
terror he was
testa di ponte
stratagems of
their bloody art
rest of
their bloody rot
while walking
their fluffy dogs
Chinese spending
they spend
their money on
coconuts to
their monkey gods
-- in
their mummy's arms
then one sees God
then, does he want
There's a brief pause
They're dirty cops
treasury stock
Venture greets Col
an ultimate
weapon, she thought
Welcome, sweetheart
of that,
yes sirree Bob

with 1 extra syllable

who was
11 feet tall
activists slammed
against police cars
ahead of me, Clark
amenity block
amenity blocks
apex of teen angst
Oh, wait,
apparently not
celestial teapot
celestial teapots
of who we
essentially are
own property, that's
essentially gone
Flowers are
essentially tarts
estrella de mar
exempt from these laws
bureau call an
extremity shot
fidelity bond
fidelity bonds
fidelity card
fidelity cards
identity card
identity cards
to what their
identity was
and were consequently
It is beating
loved her so
incredibly hard
incredibly hot
is, you know,
incredibly not
to make myself
incredibly small
incredibly smart
an egg so
but it is
incredibly strong
It was
infernally hot
Maremma sheepdog
steps must of
necessity fall
oneself, one sees God
secret agent you
ostensibly are
longer nourished his
peremptory heart
philosophy must be
primarily sought
old Mount
Prospect police car
we stand,
together we fall
Together we're strong
Even if it's
unbearably hard
mean it isn't
or it is
unbearably hot
and do
can do
or do
the freak
whatever he wants
Whatever he wants
Turk or
whatever he was
she deserved
whatever she got
can have
to say
your mother
whatever she wants
whatever we are
can be
can do
could do
engineer or
from eating
to build
whatever we want
and spit
can call
he wants
my car
Rick wants,
Tommy back
whenever he wants
the jitters
whenever he watched
a look
we want
whenever we want
Take it
wherever he wants
Wherever we are
hated people
whoever he was
his mother,
not her,
whoever she was
out with
whoever we want
can date
whomever she wants

with 2 extra syllables

guy had been
accidentally shot
he got an
appendectomy scar
throw in a
complimentary watch
of anecdotic or
documentary art
watched and a
documentary called
their axiom is
up, because he's
fundamentally flawed
fact she was
ideas, however, were
my convictions, be
something has gone
fundamentally wrong
bounds for trying
hypnotherapy on
independently cross
crisis, I was
momentarily lost
all predictions are
necessarily false
sedimentary rock
of layers of
sedimentary rocks
with her had
temporarily dropped
again vision is
temporarily lost
intimacy, I now
voluntarily sought

with 3 extra syllables

incorrectness of these laws
that has been
unnecessarily locked
Life is
unnecessarily long