exact syllable matches

fill the
air with noise
Bevin Boy
Bevin Boys
oil, pure oil,
cleansing oil
stands on
end with joy
point and an
ending point
though they are
fencing foils
His records
mean, it will
get destroyed
just don't
get it, Roy
They're after my
head, Jim-boy
something to
help this goy
temple which he
helped destroy
that you
helped kill Boyd
Why are we
helping Doyle
point, metals their
pressures or different
melting points
petits pois
chance to
press this point
Schelling point
Schelling points
if that's a
space was a
selling point
of their major
selling points
the story we're
selling, boys
being undressed by
sexless boys
as we hear
squelching noise
real and natural
strength, destroyed
swelling soil
swelling soils
connecting the
tears with oil
to be a
telling point
want to see
them destroyed
and given essence--
then destroyed
delicate web,
there is joy
They know
well his voice
voice and
wept with joy
wreck this joint
England, are not
yet destroyed
lived simply,
yet with joy

with 1 extra syllable

Lone is an
aesthetic choice
but it was
infidels, it was
again destroyed
Compare twifoil
The whole
concept is void
well as politically
correct killjoys
have a very
depressing voice
smooth current of
domestic joy
heated by an
electric coil
eutectic point
eutectic points
his wealth, his
expensive toys
us and was
herself destroyed
mass destruction is
itself destroyed
series of pulsed electro-
magnetic coils
announcer with your
majestic voice
should not
protect this boy
longer make a
regressive choice
they must be
themselves destroyed
all over
themselves with joy

with 2 extra syllables

Hamsters and rangers
everywhere REJOICE
intellective void
with the more
interesting choice
Interesting choice
does raise an
it is an
interesting point
isosbestic point
isosbestic points
we currently find
ourselves deployed

with 3 extra syllables

isoelectric point
isoelectric points