exact syllable matches

In Raccoon Rocket,
10 lbs
hold more than
10 rounds
air bounce
air out
Air Scout
Air Scouts
aired out
airs out
bare noun
bare nouns
bear down
bear out
bears down
bears out
burn this bastard
bed down
bed out
beds down
beds out
bell cow
bell cows
bell out
belled out
bells out
belt out
belts out
bend down
take the cash
bet now
bet out
blare out
Crashed and
nation are all
bled out
brecht auf
brecht aus
cell count
cell counts
Thank God the
check bounced
something we've gotta
check out
of Crime has
should really have
checked out
checks out
chest down
crest cloud
crest clouds
Cult of the
Dead Cow
dead ground
'cause you're all
They're all
who participated are
dead now
death growl
death growls
death house
Vital, life and
death sound
start chopping that
debt down
deck out
decked out
fire on all
decks now
decks out
dehn aus
dehne aus
dress down
dress out
dressed down
dressed out
Ed Howe
edge out
I have an
egg now
ekes out
elf owl
elf owls
en tout
Alright you can
It cannot
this to an
end now
Well, that
ends now
tomorrow at the
fair grounds
fell down
her headboard all
Then the bottom
when the bottom
fell out
flare out
by me, and
fled out
flesh out
Just a
only got a
flesh wound
fleshed out
Sorry, old chap,
fresh out
you as a
friend now
and I are
and the Turks
is you have
friends now
I have
friends round
jump up, and
Like, God,
Town, you gotta
You gotta
get down
and he can't
and I can't
and they can't
and we can't
and we're gonna
And why not
as all
can't-- I can't
cash out and
corner you can't
Drink up and
fact squarely and
funny as all
Games you wanna
get in and
going to want
I can't
I gotta
I just gotta
I still can't
I wanna
in, get off,
It can't
jacket off and
know I gotta
my money and
Now I can't
Only you can
question answered, and
so nobody can
so we can
steep, he can't
stimulative as all
Stop it and
the diamond and
the head and
the place and
then everything can
then you can
These plans
Toshiko, I can't
trapped, They can't
way it can
we can ALL
where he can't
whole baby can
You can
you have done,
your axe and
your bags and
your desk and
your shit and
your stuff and
your stuff, and
your thing and
your things and
get out
Get Out
If you have,
pocket money, and
the jacket and
get round
as all
exalting it as all
gets down
gets out
leader has a
guest house
Peep dresses and
hair bows
he has long
hair now
as a March
hare now
head count
head counts
the elevator and
head down
head house
head louse
I've got the
head now
a baby and
head out
head south
time academia on
health grounds
held down
held out
Sheldon and the
hell hound
hell hounds
hell house
On the
hell mouth
Dude come on
with you and
help out
helped out
helps out
to guard the
wall of the
hen house
Kemp Town
kept house
lead out
lead outs
all I have
all I've got
course of action
dozen of us
left now
and practical was
following word was
picked on and
with his part
left out
and Jack
shit, and Jack
left town
leg auf
leg aus
lens louse
people, such as
Les Brown
felt angry and
let down
let out
lets down
lets out
we're all odd
men out
meth mouth
meth mouths
neck down
horizon, beyond the
it at the
next town
pare down
peck out
pecks out
peg down
peg house
peg out
pegged out
pegs out
pelt down
press out
pressed out
read count
read out
a reputation as
Red Cloud
Red Crown
red grouse
reg auf
rem out
rent out
You can
you can't
rest now
Rex Stout
up but the
's down
tonight, we was
scared out
scent hound
scent hounds
scent out
scents out
schenk aus
self bow
self bows
sell down
I did not
like we're gonna
sell out
Sell out
of U-turns, errors and
Sells out
send down
message does that
send out
send outs
sends down
sends out
sent down
sent out
be collated and
set down
entrails, do not
epoch to have
of Texas, and
set out
sets down
sets out
share house
share out
shed out
shelf cloud
shelf clouds
shell out
sketch out
smell out
spare aus
spell out
test was first
The word rat
you need that
spelled out
, often
spelt Mt
spread out
spreads out
stare down
stared down
stares down
stell auf
stell aus
stelle auf
stelle aus
step down
step out
first pirate that
the portals and
stepped out
steps out
streck aus
a lot of
strength now
stress out
and Dad are
and he's all
very angry and
stressed out
stretch out
stretched out
swear down
swear out
swears out
sweat out
tear down
tear out
no one can
tell how
a hundred and
does really add
five-foot-four, and a hundred-and-
him that hath
The camera adds
ten pounds
hold more than
ten rounds
these emotions have
their bounds
and was under
up dead on
their couch
had long lost
their down
defying them on
their ground
costs more than
their house
that would scald
the words of
tongues cut from
their mouths
perpetual harshness of
their sound
who is not
their spouse
entitled to have
theirs now
and one of
them cows
after I tracked
But you brought
enemy ever haul
financing and shut
it nearly brought
managed to track
must have cut
shrub, ruthlessly shot
So you calm
then they knock
up, and knocks
up, I knock
villages and burned
we have brought
we will knock
You don't knock
them down
Drowned God wants
them drowned
are all of
as hell has
because I have
give up on
I can of
I really understand
I want
our customers have
same suffering on
the heart of
to check on
Unless we stop
Well, I've got
would we call
you can ask
them now
ball that got
came to blast
could scarcely stammer
decided to stamp
ears and blocked
got to knock
He cast
movies, and acts
necessary to call
poet has scratched
resulting explosion knocks
That draws
them or cast
They've just brought
things and worked
until you brought
us in and
which just knocks
you would've brought
your children cast
them out
through all of
them, now
green, yellow-green, and
then brown
as there are
become his trademark
there now
six months and
they're out
more important than
thread count
thread counts
thresh out
tread out
trench mouth
veg out
wear down
wear out
wears out
That Mitchell and
Webb Sound
weck auf
well found
wend auf
wende auf
how it all
The sun
when his armada
went down
a box, and
burned low and
My monitor
went out
the first one
went south
West Town
X out
for solutions not
holy places not
I have not
last, were not
yet found

with 1 extra syllable

you top level
access now
Look, he's back
again now
battens down
the plan can
commence now
about making you
comment now
comment out
into a fucking
crackhead house
time after the
direct sound
have a
girlfriend now
home and shut
herself down
wrinkled but Fonda
herself now
kamen auf
kamen aus
malest aus
Lost Time by
Marcel Proust
for all that
neglect now
spaceship, gravity all
nonsense now
oneself out
not start that
slows my creative
process down
to shoot the
project down
select out
software house
sunset town
sunset towns
comes from an
unhealed wound
yourself down
comforted, you knock
Ha-ha, yeah, knock
leaving, so knock
Okay, smartypants, knock
so important knock
that case, knock
yourself out

with 2 extra syllables

a lack of
confidence now
criticism as the
Himmaleh Mounts
rally outside Victoria's
Parliament House
wanderest aus