exact syllable matches
time served as
abbot at
acid jazz
action man
results, decisions, and
action paths
action plan
action plans
Adam Schaff
Adams Cram
after cast
fact after fact
after fact
tax after tax
after tax
a desk job
before that and
can't get involved
It's gone
of Congress, and
smelly turd, and
they fall, and
to know God
after that
album track
album tracks
algal mat
algal mats
alpha brass
alpha max
has launched
have to launch
an attack
anchor man
of talk
and a badge
shot glass
and a cat
a song
and a dance
like ass
and a half
and a Half
of socks
and a hat
a dog
of arms
and a man
and alack
and alas
French struck back
and attacked
They snarl,
and come back
obey the law
and commands
are mocked
and cursed at
being the land
and finance
uh Vietnam, Taiwan,
and Japan
to live and-
and love, and
of God,
and of man
Hit far
and run fast
the Rods
and the Ax
the dog
and the cat
the cops
and the Flash
are also palmed
and unpalmed
And what's that
are but thoughts,
and, alas
Anders And
angle shaft
angle shafts
crushed, shins barked,
ankles hacked
Anson Chan
answer back
Does that
I can
I can't
answer that
answered back
answers back
OKAY, that
answers that
Apple Mac
Apple Macs
Apple tax
Arab strap
Arab straps
ditch of an
arid land
his ass
as a hat
as long
as tall
he was
leader and
player and
as a man
just acts
as a ramp
as a tack
not charged
as a tax
As der Asse
As from scratch
lands as far
as Japan
as much as
as one man
the bad
ass a man
assless chaps
astral lamp
astral lamps
at a glance
Imaginations are
at a stand
of man has
at command
at first glance
at one blast
crowd, as
at the and
father's job
I was
at the bank
dress ball
at the baths
a shot
at the champ
you motherfuckas
at the dance
and not
at the hands
ID badge
at the lab
first than
at the last
'em off
him off
I got
one off
at the pass
better job
at the plant
I'm mad
at us, man
axle stand
axle stands
ayam alas
back the cat
and slap
back the whack
were unfed and
backs unclad
very sad, sad
backward glance
backward pass
backward slash
her blog
Bad Girl Chats
times are
bad, but man
was all
bad, just bad
ballast tank
ballast tanks
bandel an
bandle an
banker lamp
banker lamps
banner ad
banner ads
barracks rat
barracks rats
barrel bag
barrel bags
basket clam
basket clams
Home runs, and
baskets, and
Battle axe
battle pass
black advance
bladder wrack
bladder wracks
bland annat
blanket bath
blanket baths
branden plat
cactus cat
cactus cats
camper van
camper vans
candle wax
canker rash
Carole Vance
carrot bag
carrot bags
cash advance
Take that
castle back
brother is at
other Ranger at
Castle Black
that thing that
castles have
castor sac
castor sacs
catch a crab
chana dal
chance of that
channa dal
channel bass
channel cat
channel cats
I call that
chapter, Jack
clacka bags
laughs and
claps her hands
of power and
class command
crack a fat
Rats on
crack attack
Cracker Jack
cracker jacks
Cranston, trans
Daniel Katz
danken ab
dankest ab
dans le sac
I want
Dapper Dan
Dapper Dans
Facts were facts
flapper valve
flapper valves
fraction slash
Frankfort black
Gadget Gal
ganga at
gangsta rap
gangsta raps
gangster rap
gangster raps
gas alam
I am
glad of that
I can
grab a cab
Grand Canal
grapple plant
grapple plants
Pun on
habit and
had a bath
must have
had a plan
a nap,
had a snack
agree on
half of that
hammer blast
hammer blasts
Hammer pants
and I can
And I can't
but I can
I can
if I can
out, I can
think I can
you guys can
handle that
hang a Ralph
hangar rash
Hannah Glasse
hanner cant
Hansom cab
Hansom cabs
It can
happen, Mack
happens, man
has a bath
Our car
has a flat
The Rock
hatchet man
hatten an
does not
have a bag
have a bath
locals and
have a chat
have a crack
hands and
have a dance
will not
have a draft
have a laugh
have a nap
We all
have a past
have a stab
died and
have come back
the attacks
have come hack
I not
should not
have done that
does not
have the facts
Jack Attack
Jack the lad
Janet Frank
Oh yes, it was
ladder back
ladder backs
in the Bank
ladder match
ladest ab
langen an
language lab
language labs
lassen ab
lassen an
Latin Mass
machen an
machen nass
mager ab
maggot bag
maggot bags
SEAL lineage as
Magnum, and
magret ab
No, I can
of reference can
manage that
manna ash
disagreeable, conceited and bad-
mannered man
ball harder than
Mantle can
mercies of that
master class
master gland
master glands
master plan
master plans
mastiff bats
mattress pad
mattress pads
nanna nap
nanna naps
Pallas cat
Pallas cats
pallet jack
pallet jacks
pampas cat
pampas cats
pampas grass
panda ant
panda ants
worried I was
Panda Man
panel van
panel vans
panther cap
panther caps
Paschal Lamb
Paschal Lambs
pass the hat
pass the trash
passen an
passes as
passes gas
passest an
patter flash
plasma lamp
plasma lamps
plaster cast
plaster casts
platinum black
platinum lamp
platinum lamps
feathery palms and
ragged Alps
ragged staff
ragged staffs
Randall grass
Rap Attack
ratchet jack
ratchet jacks
rather than
ration stamp
ration stamps
rattle trap
rattle traps
a fat
sack of crap
saddle bag
saddle bags
saddle pad
saddle pads
saddle tank
saddle tanks
saddle tramp
saddle tramps
sagen ab
sagen an
sample path
sample paths
sand canal
sand canals
Santa hat
Santa hats
Santa sack
Santa sacks
go sit on
Santa's lap
sattle ab
jack, ratchet jack,
scaffold jack
scatter band
scatter bands
it's a bad
Scrabble hand
scramble band
scramble bands
sham Abram
shammed Abram
shams Abram
Slacker Cats
want my damn
slammer back
there and
slap a Jap
smash the stack
spack attack
spack attacks
spasm band
spasm bands
spaz attack
spaz attacks
dropped it, and
staggered back
do not
stand a chance
I can't
stand the man
standard lamp
standard lamps
standen an
standest an
stands a chance
stand-up bass
tadka dal
talent stack
talent stacks
Man, was
that a drag
sit on
that girl's lap
he always had
you always had
that mustache
hotter than
that of France
guess how long
that'll last
a lumberjack,
better, and
brave, and
give that
hot, and
that's a fact
that's a laugh
That's her badge
A park,
that's just land
That's Nurse Ratched
that's the plan
That's the task
think that
that's the trap
That's what lasts
we lost
track of that
transfer tax
trapper hat
hats, straw hats,
trapper hats
travel bag
travel bags
waggle dance
wrapper class
Yeah, touch that
with 1 extra syllable
bandwagon fan
bandwagon fans
worry for your
comrades, perhaps
Johnny Cash and
Grandmaster Flash
on the Tony
Montana track
Pantanal cat
Pantanal cats
in and
ransack the flat