exact syllable matches

20 feet deep
researches of
Barre de St
allow you
death's sweet release
dentes de leite
Eddie Nealy
en principe
esprit de suite
the rest is
fairly easy
It's like,
Freddy creepy
HEH hee hee hee
let me see here
Let me see here
let's be real here
grateful, he
set Jeannie free
tell me he's here
earth by
their meaty feet
their sweet, sweet dreams
them keep me here
Then release me
very cheaply, ate
very cheaply
book, and lived
very cleanly
I care about
my pride -
our enforced separation
think about it
very deeply
difficult activities look
haunted is not
I use is
Lamborghini, this was
restoration will be
So decision-making becomes
such as this,
upload, it is
was very modest,
very easy
all works out
very neatly
Monday to
Wednesday each week
When cheek meets cheek
and sleep
when he's sleepy

with 1 extra syllable

in fact,
already be here
my soul
already deep, deep
Thornbury sweetly

with 2 extra syllables

only be a
temporary reprieve