exact syllable matches

air in your lungs
if the
bear's been stolen
caused by the
bending moment
a row and
bending over
best thing for her
betear, or from
angioimmunoblastic T-
diffuse large B-
cell lymphoma
diffuse large B-
cell lymphomas
checking over
heightened, everything is life-and-
death important
Death is your drug
Crowned, or
decked, with laurel
Denis Norden
Written by
Derek Kolstad
and killed by
Derek Morgan
the baby with
devilish potions
supplies or
dressings or drugs
set everything
else in motion
Emmett Grogan
en imposer
from this total never-
ending boredom
cannot enter that never-
ending moment
moment, relentless, never
ending torture
was--Derek was
epic for her
middle, like an
epic poem
greatest of the
epic poets
in the next
On the next
episode of
Epping Forest
Eric Foner
Written by
Eric Forsberg
Eric Holder
Eric Toner
appear on any
Ethics Order
he loves
ethics so much
among poor and
ethnic voters
deep and personally
felt emotion
felt in your gut
to you a
festive foursome
Frederick Morgan
his lady
friend in Boca
She's best
friends with JONAS
stronger than
friendship or love
worth killing a
friendship over
Gareth Morgan
sensuous, at times
garish, portraits
society began to
get eroded
get in your bunk
get it for 'em
I can't
get it open
here and
I didn't
get it over
get this goin'
me to
get this warrant
I mean,
or busy
getting blown up
Now I'm
getting choked up
Good, we're
in, but I'm
means, like, she's
The monster is
getting closer
getting hold of
of that, I'm
getting morbid
- he was
but I keep
each other for
in centuries, I'm
it's because she's
meant I was
regular guy who's
that way keep
them, and she's
We were
you know, she's
getting older
getting open
getting well, and
getting over
The fuse is
getting shorter
getting slower
beach and
getting torn up
he's just
I'm just
getting warmed up
Am I
getting warmer
guessing Foreman
And his
hair is orange
hair restorer
shaking his
head in horror
heading for Earth
heading for what
Whites with mental
health disorders
I have
held in storage
What the
hell is quarrel
I can
help bring focus
help in your work
and so
helped him over
so much time
helping Logan
Who is
Jared Cohen
Jared Fogle
Jared Logan
a person named
Jared Owens
Jared Polis
Kenneth Noland
we could've
kept it goin'
kept its odor
Kevin Rowland
here--that you
left it open
left with no one
this system has
less exposure
are we any
less immoral
become less and
everything else seem
ill-distributed natural advantages
it is hardly
loss of it
she was any
strength, and no
the other is
less important
let it go, Mum
Let's deport her
meant it for us
melting moment
melting moments
men in motion
And her
neck is broken
from your
neck, it's over
in the
next wing over
formed a loathsome
In the
Refining the
There's a new
pecking order
pecking orders
give them that stab-me-with-your-
pelvic-bone hug
premier ordre
if you keep
pressing forward
Yes, you must
read Spinoza
how to
read this moment
red with your blood
heart and
rend it open
like he
said, It's over
Minnesota Fats
says it's over
scare him so much
You use
scented soap, huh
has become a religious
regard with enthusiasm or
That is
a dumb act of
full of a false
himself or his own
in their intellectuality and
life mere parochialism and
personage so destitute of
sort of sense of
nothing but a
selfish loner
bodies and
sent it forward
sent it over
that he
set before us
was to
set him forward
future I
have been
he has
images is
is itself
passions is
thus progressively
we will
were now
set in motion
It was a
sex explosion
Bradley had
sex with Norman
sex with your mum
officer to
share his quarters
live to
share this moment
cultural identity and
shared emotions
- the
transition, the
spell is broken
doing and
spending so much
What a
splendid moment
stepping motor
stepping motors
complex post-traumatic
Post traumatic
stress disorder
stretching courses
him and
tear him open
ten year old girl
walking around
ten years older
had appointed his
ten-year-old son
test is over
rob men of
their decorum
punish them for
their prowess and
their devotion
the gift of
Their devotion
which they paid
their devotions
any means at
many means at
the forces at
the means at
will be at
their disposal
emotion stronger than
their emotion
can't lose
citizens without involving
entire lives on
had to repress
People don't lose
that people express
their affections and
there, ruled by
which to place
with guys and
wrong, to engage
their emotions
them to improve
usually proportionate to
was to lessen
their importance
their lives for her
their lives for us
They had
their lives stolen
Its success was
other men and
yet and that's
their misfortune
Someone lend me
their recorder
want to see
them deported
and one of
them exploded
does not make
them immoral
them in cold blood
that set
them in motion
or put
them in open
Something in
them is broken
them is more fun
them it's over
both of
them with order
Then Dib showed up
more time,
rise and
years and
then it's over
it before
then, it's over
then, things blow up
patio right
there below us
There is no curse
There is no Earth
there is no love
There is no love
there is no one
there is no us
there is no world
there is no-one
No worries
there, it's over
their souls, but
they're immoral
all of them,
That means
they're important
they're still open
threshing roller
threshing rollers
twelve year old girl
a really cute
strong child, a
twelve-year-old girl
model for his
twelve-year-old son
wear with your bird
you are
wearing those gloves
web is broken
Well, it won't work
those who
went before us
went with your gut
when it blows up
when it grows up
more fun
when it's broken
always know
and coffee
be back
contact you
distraction, but
I say
see them
the tragedy
to fear
we know
when it's over
when it's your turn
where is Rover
stagnate in their
wretched corpses
the Germans were
yelling orders
I was
yelling so much
and untenable,
yet still noble

with 1 extra syllable

affair is over
set these
affects in motion
again in your terms
right's no guarantee
against misfortune
ascending colon
An almost
ascetic focus
Attested form ca
language and an
authentic poet
cassette recorder
home personal video
cassette recorders
just going around
collecting donuts
Perhaps a
collective form of
Compare importer
See intort, and
compare intortion
belly is
compressing your lungs
the general
concept is older
concepts in motion
fantasies, the whole
demented torture
descending colon
keeps going in
descending order
keen, especially in
detecting motion
Detective Conan
as the younger
Detective Gordon
better than you,
Detective Logan
revealing itself-open, subtle,
direct, distorted
dissenting, 4 Burr
powered hero of
domestic order
manage private and
domestic quarrel
a poor and
eccentric mortal
that in
effect is over
effective doses
Electric Horseman
Looking for that
electric moment
box on an
engine with an
electric motor
operate in today's
electric motors
electric organ
electric organs
where we applied
electric torture
except in short bursts
most exotic and
expensive courses
dark and extremely
expensive forest
it's really
expensive, Norman
a statement or
express emotion
family measures of
Expressed Emotion
highly dynamic, rapidly
extending, order
not to do
extensive warm-ups
some tepid, off-brand,
generic cola
create the perfect
genetic soldier
one of my
genetic sources
tune with my
girlfriend's emotions
himself killed for us
and occupy
should occupy
himself with Torah
tradition than the
Homeric poems
civilization is of
immense importance
fire between an
infected soldier
will swim in eel-
infested oceans
Inspect him for what
crucifixions or impalements,
inventive tortures
has not
itself been chosen
have non-zero color
it has a
moment as in
magnetic moment
other currents and
magnetic moments
and this
long national
nightmare is over
all this
nonsense is over
time an
object is noted
one does, the
offensive corpses
is to know
oneself immortal
fighter over the
oppressing soldier
anything for my
pathetic quotient
Is that
pathetic, or what
perfective form of
Perfective form of
From the
perfective forms of
won and
possessed before us
find your own
pretend emotion
set the
process in motion
adolescent growth
process is over
has a rapid
progressive motion
when we are
projecting forward
to millions of
prospective voters
some of the
prospective wardens
country to
protect its borders
a final moisturizing
protective lotion
last calm and
reflective moment
Reflexive form of
travel in their
respective orbits
place between their
respective owners
somewhere in your skull
way to
success will open
of symbol to
suggest emotion
must abase
yourself before her

with 2 extra syllables

to hit you
anywhere important
and out of
go into a
diabetic coma
one with a
diabetic smoker
the ejection of
energetic bozons
geometric tortoise
interest in four months
interest in your work
was very
overwhelming for her
obedient, disciplined and
regimented soldier
have characters that
represent emotions
Bundy Publications
represent exposure
planet, alone,
undefended for months
Unexpected bonus
Unexpected form, from
from the most
unexpected quarter
quality in most
unexpected quarters
from the most
unexpected sources
traced to these
unsuspected sources

with 3 extra syllables

mask, it's a
disorienting moment
is an incredible,
unprecedented moment

with 4 extra syllables

videocassette recorder
videocassette recorders