exact syllable matches
Russell -
Pond, Steve
a crush on me
a curse on me
elements of
a Galois field
And it's not
a jalopy
I have
a lunchbox here
a month, Arnie
room after
a prolonged prink
to go on
a safari
sent out
a search party
I am
a somebody
representative of
a third party
himself in an
adult body
to attend an
adults' party
normal in-school chitchat
among colleagues
a friendly get-together
amongst colleagues
Bharat Army
you so much,
Brother Doggie
have this little
brother, Charlie
back and my
brother's body
round of
burgers on me
the Bristol Channel at
circuit parties
circuit party
at last
which had
come upon me
See alien, and
confer aliene
tool of a
corrupt party
buried alive
covers all three
a decent
a hot
a sad
and a
buy a
cup after
for a
get a
grabs a
have a
inside a
just a
like a
make a
me a
need a
nice quiet
one damn
Torres a
up a
with a
you a
your first
yourself a
cup of coffee
cup of hot tea
suite for a
cuppa coffee
cups of coffee
current was deep
be a
curse upon me
cut the tall trees
Even God
doesn't want me
Now you can't
double-cross me
you're gonna
dump the body
me Agent
Dunham was here
Dutcher body
a blowjob
from a Nazi
been severed
from her body
dishonorably discharged
even protection
from the Army
some distance
from the Bodies
and separated
cut off
different colour
exists apart
head separated
is separated
steam rises
was separated
from the body
from the box seats
real world
from the copy
that jerk
from the lobby
back France
their land
from the Nazis
From what, Tommy
Because I
fuck somebody
fuck the prom queen
Fuck, come on, please
fucker shot me
the Russian and
German armies
strength of the
German army
honor of the
how about the
it into the
German Army
and the
girls were foxy
Hermann Bondi
me about a
hundred coffees
cost you one
hundred lari
hungs up on me
I might
some damage and
hurt somebody
to pass
judgement on me
to pass
judgment on me
the Law and
Justice party
of the People's
Justice Party
Khas Nepali
Kurt, come on, please
love hurts, Marty
that I can't
love somebody
you must
love the army
why I
love the Army
loved the Army
how my
mother taught me
Rajasthan and the
Muslim armies
did a
number on me
a picture
and sophistication
of a donkey
of a palm tree
a member
His idea
the representant
of a party
of a raw deal
A corruption
of aposteme
of the editor
of Avanti
of blood on me
checked out
is part
of her body
the sound
of her heartbeat
whole funness
of her party
the lethal nature
of karate
first experience
of love on-screen
of Malawi
the political downfall
of McCarthy
are members
of one body
self than
of one's body
from the influence
of salami
hundreds or thousands
of somebodies
a monkey out
a strip off
an example out
get the better
in the hands
the shit out
the socks off
of somebody
that kind
of stuff, sorry
a general
and power
get out
invalided out
Supreme Commander
swift deployment
of the army
any branch
core business
every level
four Generals
her out
of the Army
of the bar scene
a couple
the beautifier
of the bodies
a wound
aboral side
an illness
any part
given region
invested part
long line
lower parts
main trunk
nutritious part
other part
other parts
other side
particular area
physical duration
remaining organs
suffer because
thawing mass
the apertures
the demands
the departure
the destruction
the lusts
the middle
the movement
the parts
the religion
the side
the surface
various parts
voluntary tenant,
of the body
of the broad street
of the car, please
of the Far East
of the Lost Sea
the system
of the Mahdi
a collaborator
concentration camps
short-term ideas
of the Nazis
and file
becoming leader
interesting member
old principles
pro-Brexit section
the decisions
the demands
the destruction
the life
the light
the night
the ranks
of the party
all members
and conscience
excellent leaders
the dominion
the eyes
the world
of the Party
of the top teams
by one
of the zombies
commanding general
of Third Army
of us are here
of what was real
one does not mean
onion bhaji
onion Johnnies
onion Johnny
from that of
other armies
fatty acids, and
of strings and
the intervention of
the proximity of
the surface of
other bodies
implied, to some
reference to some
other body
to find some
other hobby
lock the
other part here
ruling party and
struggle with all
other parties
defeat of the
tew lick the
other party
dream,why laugh at
others' folly
kind of
person are we
not a nice
person, Johnny
hips on a
orifice of a
out of a
person's body
get drunk and
punch somebody
puppet armies
puppet army
rubber johnnies
rubber johnny
Russell body
in the
Russian Far East
Mexico as a
Russian proxy
in the sky
rustled softly
I cannot
serve a party
done in the
service, Archie
slumber parties
throwing us a
slumber party
commercially available
structures are reached
subtile bodies
subtile body
subtle bodies
subtle body
such a God be
such a hot deal
such a large beast
Only the
summer was sweet
sur le dos de
killer's on
the bloodshot streets
The buck stops here
the cut was clean
Who were
the fedayeen
one of
the first copies
operated by
the gun lobby
You've found
the Hun Army
the jump on me
It's about
the karate
the run, are we
the salami
command of
the Third Army
the world are free
the world called real
the world was weeds
in her mother
tongue Marathi
be much
tougher on me
in other languages
under body
I rounded
up a posse
to fuck
up the party
up the wrong tree
Upper Arley
the head and
to build the
upper body
look at
us, the army
versus zombie
were rubbed on me
blond guys
were the Nazis
What a hard knee
What just shocked me
Word Of God here
Work must not cease
Workers are need
ranks of the
workers party
National Socialist German
Workers Party
newly translated
works of Trotsky
rid the
world of zombies
years he hired
younger colleagues
with 1 extra syllable
It's gonna come
- sorry
itself has no
actual body
He dies shortly
afterwards, offscreen
Ahmed Chalabi
alza le mani
until the
ambulance got here
such as
among work colleagues
both human and
obliged to take
animal bodies
man has an
animal body
animals, sorry
artist listening to
another artiste
body talk to
infinite quantity of
just download into
moves on to
or domination of
They just found
we need is
will enter into
another body
We can't have
another Callie
another colleague
Is there
Smith had
another copy
but one wicked,
another godly
another heart beat
I got myself
another Holly
the damage of
another party
she'll be just
another zombie
from its
article on me
call for impromptu
vampires do for
Women invited to
bachelor parties
are at his
at his own
excited for my
is your big
time for the
was at a
bachelor party
You want to
bankrupt somebody
battles were fought here
the metaphysical
blanket of poppies
from a
bottle of Bolly
Case of the
Burgled Bugatti
they like their
Cabinet colleagues
Turn your
camera on me
- Alistair
Cameron Crombie
face on
Captain Kirk's body
communist parties
communist party
home in the
it as the
Communist party
, the
given to Chinese
member of the
of the American
of the Brazilian
Party and the
Secretary of the
the Bolshevik or
Communist Party
fun at the
conference mommies
man's otherwise neatly
constructed body
couple of card cheats
doesn't run on greed
doesn't work on me
Doesn't work on me
Donald Malarkey
like my
father forgot me
fire somebody
a coherent, intelligent,
live with a
functional zombie
giant crush on me
look unbelievably
glamorous on screen
gonna jump on me
something my
grandmother taught me
habit of body
Hudsucker Proxy
one switch,
hundreds of bodies
longer just colleagues
buy a whole
lotta pastrami
satisfaction of
lovers of coffee
Michael turned on me
meaning of ocean
This is ocean
mudra samadhi
one allowing for
multiple copies
steal something or
murder somebody
no security in
national armies
use of the
national army
Send the
National Guard, please
formation of a
of a single
national party
is why the
was not a
National Party
the varieties of
natural bodies
part of their
natural Body
in a
number of bodies,
more either,
Officer call me
Officer, call me
I am
Stan Laurel and
Oliver Hardy
other one was me
to cleans
our cursed bodies
our nerve, are we
is that
our son, Johnny
outcome of all these
planted one on me
invader with a
it into a
powerful army
To be
powerful, not weak
soul and
preserve the body
problem, just call me
for all
purposes are here
the former constellation
Quadrans Muralis
the group
structure upon me
surrogate proxies
surrogate proxy
Thomas Macaulay
Russians, published
thousands of copies
he was
tired of Archie
or other
travellers are thieves
under a palm tree
all cracked,
remains, or
under the body
the face
versus the body
Walter Kowalski
Named after
Walter Rogowski
wanna bust on me
that it
wasn't a body
if you
weren't a zombie
Those headaches
weren't from hockey
flags look
wonderful on me
It was a
wonderful party
with 2 extra syllables
later, this
ambassador called me
You've wrecked
another jalopy
another one cops three
through the
arrogance of Trotsky
to the
Attraction of Bodies
and reconstituting the
autonomous shot-scene
for a water-
bottleful of coffee
Written by
Christopher McQuarrie
you, the
citizens of Pawnee
to get
comfortable on me
was a very
comfortable party
Corruption of toffee
of thy
Countenance upon me
of the Mughal
emperor Jehangir
Feminine of avi
life into an
inanimate body
their spirits
inhabit one body
intervals of armed peace
by the advancing
Nationalist army
Nonbureaucratic, participative, solidarity-driven,
noncommercial, arty
is the
Papyrus of Ani
parasporal bodies
parasporal body
popular girls are mean
principles of all three
been established
principles of folly
prisoner does not speak
needs a
psychiatrist, not me
Reduction of zombie
Commanders are the
responsible parties
even worship the
responsible party
synthesis of all these
Nicaragua was
typical of Bobby
Ramayana in the
vernacular Awadhi
with 3 extra syllables
and extremely
benevolent third party
in the
development of parties
Caprica they
experimented on me
satisfaction of all needs