exact syllable matches

Auer rod
Auer rods
For days I
bounced along
be except the
other than the
boundless God
bless the
bow of God
meet you at
Council Hall
council pop
But the
Council was
dramatic changes the
council wrought
of a special
counsel, not
The special
counsel's job
and never
behind and
I'd never
count the cost
count upon
do their classical
counter parts
letter of
letters of
unimaginable light of
countless stars
in the
Cow Dung Toss
Because as a
coward, Vaughn
big fat
cows were gone
amid a
crowd of stars
dames across a
crowded bar
were taken
down a notch
to stuff
down her bra
down the clock
are just
auditions are
ones are
think that's
down the hall
repeat lock
down the park
then write
down the songs
down the trough
downward dog
downward dogs
our steeples,
drowned the cocks
flour moth
flour moths
me mulch her
flower box
flower car
flower cars
flower clock
flower clocks
girl from the
walk past a
flower shop
television today, the
Flower Shop
not dwarfed in a
have all the
flowers gone
found a cause
nothing was
found but dross
frown upon
informal and sometimes
locution is often
of thing was
frowned upon
frowns upon
Haus und Hof
than a half
hour tops
house of call
as a
It's a
like a
made a
to a
house of cards
This isn't
House of Cards
In the
of the
house of God
constructed the
on the
House of God
the Church,
HOUSE of God
House of Saud
the treasure
house of stars
It's a
house of straw
kids, a
house, a job
Town where golden
Houses are
And Lauren was
I, directed by
Howard Hawks
Howard Scott
That's what
Howard taught
Howell Cobb
Horeb the
mount of God
snow on the
this from a
Torah on a
mountain top
close to the
mountain tops
I lay upon the
path stretching to the
I climbed barren
plains, or climbing the
from the
mouth of art
of the
mouth of God
you are
now a part
My language,
now fuck off
can't help us
now, Bernard
We open up
our arms
and woof of
culture, but not
the direction of
the practice of
our art
They've got
our ball
love in all
our balls
little ways from
our bar
getting plowed on
our block
enough to sever
remind you of
our bond
and gradually unties
our bonds
see God as
our boss
Gable hasn't returned
they don't return
our calls
back seat of
lose our house,
the rear of
They totalled
This isn't
our car
gas to run
our cars
hurt us and
me to abandon
the merits of
to take up
our cause
the Justice of
our Cause
on any of
our charts
had comms like
Second, nobody has
our comms
Avenue, Grover was
We love
our dog
and it was
believe they are
circumstances are not
death, it's not
do but by
in is all
It's not
Maybe it wasn't
ship that wasn't
that is not
whole, it was
yours, it's not
our fault
able to judge
we all have
our faults
the fleece from
our flock
declare the wind
the name of
our god
a vessel from
only Voice of
resulting separation from
the Spirit of
the splendor of
our God
take some of
we demand of
our gods
hold ourselves upon
into letting down
it were, off
must be on
never let down
our guard
We hanged up
our harps
dirty stain on
it with all
Yankees have taken
our heart
a broadening of
and cheered all
and jealousy from
and really captured
bodies, but never
cheers and brightens
deepest reaches of
emptiness descends over
have deliciously shaken
Hayek to capture
institutions and from
it with all
leave, but not
minds and hurts
mutual relation of
rib cage guards
soul that neighbors
the bottom of
the depths of
the goodness of
the measure of
the mirror of
the secrets of
to whisper from
will vanish from
with all of
woman with all
You broke all
our hearts
us drop down
our jaw
corpses because that's
is kind of
once Bob invented
responsible way, that's
We've done
our job
and bring back
and Mexico has
lose us all
our companies and
We lost
will bring back
our jobs
be part of
on us as
our law
the objects of
our Law
found that on
fresh present on
our lawn
spitting all over
our lawns
chance to understand
Constitution and from
fullest extent of
Laughing at
Moses are NOT
much faster than
our laws
will be on
our lodge
falsely because of
our lot
city, we hasten
our march
makin fun of
our mom
it out of
our parks
any effort on
are speculation on
culpable omission on
little hubris on
Not on
of judgment on
serious restraint on
us is on
our part
the sum of
our parts
Then we got
our sharks
rent keeps open
our shops
That was
our song
cover one of
of one of
our songs
blazing interior of
we have lost
our star
he bought half
the price of
our stock
were excluded from
our talks
as quickly as
by thinking about
God's thoughts are
sometimes better than
us to organize
our thoughts
to put on
our wall
still flies above
our walls
the satisfaction of
things to satisfy
our wants
Europe, not on
it going under
knows something about
Not on
our watch
ours blancs
didn't run
out a ball
a bird
out a car
they cut
out her heart
a castle
make castles
out of blocks
the snot
out of cops
out of heart
fight right
out of Mom
out of stock
a cap
a man
an ass
every word
made one
out of ya
out the car
out the clock
and lifted
out the gauze
baby come
out the pot
hoofed her
out the shop
right back
out the top
them will come
out unharmed
out upon
I've figured
out what's wrong
outer arm
outer bar
and get tossed
outta bars
women were created
outta God
kick a lung
to CUT 'em
outta ya
power bar
power bars
the international political
power blocks
power box
power car
power cars
power cod
power law
power laws
about cutting people's
I turned the
to shut the
power off
power on
power pop
him with the
power saw
power saws
power spot
over all the
Power Stars
power top
power tops
power walk
power walked
power walks
power wall
power walls
the machine was
powered off
powered on
powers off
powers on
proud of ya
round the block
Round the block
round the clock
round upon
a pair of
rounded dots
rounded off
shout the odds
trip to the
shower blocks
sour sauce
And I'm
courageous and
stout of heart
to daunt the
stoutest heart
thou what loss
I have a
thousand flaws
globe in a
thousand shards
hundred and a
thousand songs
armies a hundred
less than a
over thirteen hundred
thousand strong
man from a
thousand yards
and a half
thousand zarps
tout le monde
towel off
tower block
tower blocks
take out the
tower guard
trouser cough
trouser coughs
Pond, put some
trousers on
s and
vowel loss
vowel mark
vowel marks
us figure out
what- Bob

with 1 extra syllable

was talking
about a bomb
a man
a song
about a dog
I care
about a lot
to cry
about a mosque
or wrap
about a shawl
This isn't
about a song
to think
about but God
remarkable thing
about her was
about Sperm-guard
about the art
Asian kids
knew nothing
about the arts
about The Blob
find out
here worried
about the bomb
to worry
about the bombs
said anything
about the car
told me
was talking
about the clock
Nobody's forgetting
not talking
talk only
about the cops
about the COPS
you bothered
about the cost
them know
about the dog
don't worry
about the dogs
including thinking
about the dot
You forgot
about the draw
we complain
about the Fall
he heard
about the fart
know much
they said
about the gods
you something
about the Gods
have cared
about the guard
all warm
the words
about the heart
and enthusiasm
even know
policy decisions
second thoughts
tell me
very positive
about the job
and talk
don't care
it's not
know anything
the most
to them
about the law
I know
about the mark
about the Mark
wanna talk
about the Marked
like anything
about the Rock
don't care
about the scars
you something
about the Scots
just something
understood this
about the song
me more
teach you
about the stars
it's all
about the want
Lovely thing
about the Watch
what I know
about wormholes
not the mayor's
accountant's dog
an infinite
amount of harm
Been moving
he goofs
he moved
they moved
we bounced
We jump
around a lot
barrels strewn
around a swamp
wants everyone
around her small
a line
a ride
have been
it's been
like you
lining up
around the block
been working
guarding him
is working
pretty much
she worked
the atrocities
the world
you write
around the clock
lie encamped
around the heart
a run
in and
my bike
around the park
business revolved
around the song
get mouldy
around the top
gun sneaking
around the yard
way to
astound the gods
against the
background of stars
Compound of og
part in the
Gunpowder Plot
hate that
surrounds us all