exact syllable matches

like, I
ain't got it
the highway
ain't got shit
knows and I
ain't talking
bail bondsmen
baseball mitt
baseball mitts
a little male-driven fact-
based logic
a discipline
books are
friendships are
scripture, or
that are
based on fear
movie, is
based on him
, and
alphabetized dictionary
animated series
history classes
must be
on products
the society
was loosely
based on it
surprise is
based on this
based on tick
Bates College
Muscles and
brain smartness
that the
brains are in
be big
brains on sticks
They have
brainwashed him
of the Federation
the Avon Lady
came calling
I just
came on in
on his
case all year
build a
case on it
staring at the
cave drawings
as it could make
with no
chain on it
dozen-member cast of quick-
change artists
power has
steam have
changed all this
hours a
day on it
enough for another
day's chalking
you 60
days on it
still early
days on this
photos of their flag-
draped coffins
declension of is,
ea, id
never have to
face charges
a brave
a prettier
a scary
face on it
faced bollix
thugs, low-lifes, opportunists and
Definitely your type,
Faye darling
of the
game are fixed
of the
stick another
game on it
game's calling
play X-Box
games on it
understand how good
Gerrard is
grade crossing
operations occurred at
grade crossings
of the
Grave fall in
used to call that
graveyard shift
graveyard shifts
one of our
people want, even
to perfection of
great artists
brought on the
great conflict
great octave
great octaves
birth of a
great offspring
tertiary portion of
Grey College
You know I
hate boxing
and I
hate Pakis
hate shopping
hate stalling
hates all this
Hey, watch this
James Aldrich
the new
James Bond film
of the
of those
James Bond films
of liberal figure
James Carville
listen to me,
James Hawkins
dentist's name is
James Spalding
a novel by
and place as
and Prejudice by
And so does
George Eliot or
like being like
novel Emma by
the genius of
title, written by
What Became of
Jane Austen
Jane Collins
Jack Rose, and
Jay Tarses
to know about
Kate Argent
report that
Kate doth limp
Lane walks in
two adults
lay on it
himself had
made long since
made off with
any demand
open attack
made on him
have you
made on it
mail bombing
part of the
main topic
than I'd
make all year
I will not
make garbage
make off with
frigatebird then
makes off with
and women like
male artists
as I
may call it
May goslings
tooth and
nail on it
gonna offer you
He wears
nail polish
but for his
nail varnish
lipstick, then the black
constant bickering and
start with the
stop with the
That is
name calling
greater victim of
name dropping
name Garnett
took my
name off it
a different
got one
got your
had Japan's
had my
has his
has MY
has your
have any
have my
makes a
Put my
put their
puts his
see my
slapped my
someone else's
the customer's
There's a
with his
with my
with your
without your
your initial
name on it
thought your
name was Bill
name was Jim
The car's
name was KITT
name was Phil
name was Smith
me your
name was Will
What's your
name, darling
a good
name, was it
demonised by your inappropriate
has been all about
have any tantrums, or
the teasing and the
of several naturalists
named Aldrich
of several naturalists
named Darling
names are pricked
of our
names on it
there's already
paint on it
payoff pitch
baby, it
pays off big
an adjacent
phrase are switched
of a
place was it
curse I
placed on it
plague crosses
plain sawing
I can
play cards with
he made me
play Chopsticks
and I
play hard, bitch
play hob with
playoff beard
playoff beards
race carded
race carding
race walking
hands show the
rain falling
really wasn't
rape, was it
ray marching
sun and its
rays Brahmins
video game created by
a lesson in
safe logic
and will carefully
safeguard it
boats that
sail on it
sea,And her
sails are filled
never heard of
Sake Bombing
sales profits
go to the
same college
trenches shared the
same conflict
are following the
same logic
not to
when I
say all this
say not MS
waters of the
Seine sparkling
You can
shake on it
shaped coffin
shaped coffins
3- The
shapes are trimmed
Humorous variation on
snake charming
common subjects of
snake charmings
space charges
space docking
space dockings
get any
stains on it
nothing is
staked on it
was graduating from
State College
alive, and to
stay polish
wearing a
steak on it
straight arming
soul with a
strange longing
do a
tail job in
tailed awlbill
tailed awlbills
tailed godwit
tailed godwits
bank will
take all this
like this
take charge thing
take hostage
own little
take on it
me your
take on this
is gonna
take on wings
take part with
be about my fairy-
tale drawings
happen if
they all did
one and
them and
they all stink
doesn't mean
they all will
to say
they are big
check whether
they are in
is that
they are kids
die when
fought till
they are killed
to which
they are linked
are convinced
they are rich
perhaps because
them when
they are sick
the military,
they are still
not antipodes,
they are twins
they are, Ms
know what
What did
they call him
Assimilative communalism,
Know what
pre-puberty, prepubescent,
South West,
that what
That's what
What did
What do
What would
they call it
guilt, which
they call sin
that's what
they called him
actually what
know what
they called it
here when
they caught him
she when
they caught it
And did
they charge him
What if
they conflict
they got him
How come
know how
they got in
education when
How come
make sure
matter how
name it
them as
they got it
mad when
they got killed
they lost it
them as
they saw fit
inconsistency as
they saw it
Why don't
they stop it
Why aren't
they stopping
the gun,
they toss it
they walk in
blocked toilet
they want cleared
They want drink
acknowledge that
handle it,
more desperately
people if
the way
too, if
want, when
they want it
all the sex
and do anything
and do whatever
And that's all
came to what
European Union that
Everyone got what
gave them what
got the results
killed, ate anything
knew exactly what
often do what
people got what
poets found what
present any opinion
sex, that's what
That's all
the ocean like
the people what
their customers what
they did whatever
they got what
thought about what
to build what
to get what
to know what
to take what
with Hitler if
you know what
they wanted
they was stilled
they've called it
They've got Finn
Baruch HaShem,
they've got it
have until
they've lost it
They've shot him
was no
trace on him
train crossing
train spotting
waist, not his
of death
wait on him
waves sparkling
every possible
way on this
your lover's
way, was it
whale watching

with 1 extra syllable

Airplanes got him
do you
always call it
And these can
always conflict
one should be
always drawing
but they
always drop him
set me longing,
always longing
the change is
always startling
because he was
is to be
always talking
a job I
a life I've
as she has
be what he
big sister you
closure that you've
father that she
getting what you
got what he
got what you
is everything I
is something I've
is what I've
Is what we
it's what I've
It's what they've
It's what you
Just like I
Just like I've
just like you
just what I
me everything I
never had and
never knew I
one thing I
one thing I've
pretty cheerleader you
that what you
the daughter I
the family he
the life we
the one I
the one you've
the son he
the war he
the way I've
this what you
this what you've
we said we
were everything I'd
What I've
you what you've
your old man
always wanted
A power
always wanting
He is
I am
Your angel is
always watching
Always watching
in advance to
arrange lodgings
possible to
attain all things
evening grinding
away on it
gave you that
birthday, darling
politically motivated
campaign on Ms
a Molotov
cocktail on him
Universe that
contains all things
good, because it
creates conflict
waxed and
detailed, got it
the formal
details are clear
control of their
DJ artists
domain logic
all nicely
engraved on it
escape artists
nothing but an
escaped convict
Escaped convict
than to
explain all things
hanging a
lampshade on it
Where are the
landscape artists
aids to his
landscape drawings
honor of carrying
McCain's coffin
a tomato,
okay, got it
Are you
okay, Sonic
okay, stop it
Okay, watch this
would I
remain all ears
we were the
Sunday artists
to make and
sustain profits
variety of accents with
for liberty in
today's comics
is based on
tristate logic

with 2 extra syllables

error even in
commonplace logic
have to
concentrate on it
Could have
DNA on it
jam your
fingernail on it
do to
instigate all this
is there,
meditate on it
I will
meditate on this
And how
surgeons to
operate on it
based in first-order
predicate logic
predicate logics
You smell like
yesterday's garbage

with 3 extra syllables

power to
appreciate all things
sufficiently to
appreciate all this
it generates and
negotiates conflict
ability to
regenerate lost limbs