exact syllable matches

A cherry pitter
a fresh Peking duck
for ourselves
These make
a Merry Christmas
a sense, we mirror
can develop
a steady spirit
a very big one
up only
a very little
a very sick girl
again she returns
Arrest these children
ascent vehicle
ascent vehicles
but barely missed her
They don't
come any bigger
come any nearer
when love
comes, everything comes
interest it had
directly injured
he actually
does very little
They'll be
done any minute
Especially Richter
Especially this one
could charm anybody,
have other people,
especially women
in the
first 20 minutes
Islamic terrorists
from Sheffield, England
from, well, being, uh
'em, they
fuck everything up
have wished
her anything worse
her head she lifted
to put
her well-being first
McQuary limit
take care
of any business
the lord
of anything, huh
the record
of dead religions
a type
of jellyfish From
the lives
of many millions
and dignity
united labour
of many women
not thinking
of marrying her
jump out
of their vehicle
of them each finger
are also
of varied thickness
one tells me this stuff
Bonaparte, I
suspect we differ
the Aries Villa
information, see
the entry linen
it up
the Gary Glitter
The healthy system
tributary of
the Kemi river
standing in
the lead vehicle
name meets
the Pelly River
critiques of
the said religions
the squelchy with her
must be
the very reverse
complex to
intricacy of
the very simple
touch anything, just
be about,
uh, 20 minutes
sex is an
unhealthy impulse
position, that's an
unhealthy symptom
much upon that
unsteady flicker
may kill
us any minute
It leaves
us very little
this generation
were very simple
what Larry Flynt does
entire grit-eating
world twenty minutes

with 1 extra syllable

Abernethy biscuit
Abernethy biscuits
unlike your other
adversaries, Mr
Appleberry is fun
because there
aren't any Christians
suddenly all
become very simple
accept any
borders, any limits
catenary bridges
about the pet
cemetery business
Wilson, especially
Ernest Henry Wilson
fathered any children
fuel cell vehicle
fuel cell vehicles
would've never
gotten anything done
greater prairie chicken
greater prairie chickens
hatred, let me bring love
to be an
incorrect prediction
Incorrect predictions
fact, there
isn't any river
After a
legendary trickster,
lesser prairie chicken
Wilde and other
literary figures
maidens when we kissle 'em
Gourmet chef,
mercenary killer
of the Reagan
military buildup
an unprecedented eight-year
military build-up
military prison
military prisons
organized and lacked
military spirit
further in borrowing
military symbols
of the complex
military system
Military System
modern commercial and
military systems
missionary bishop
missionary bishops
Christ is a
missionary spirit
mixes everything up
not from a
momentary impulse
often brings about
momentary results
currency-board type of
of that international
monetary system
monetary systems
kept this
nation fairly virile
necessary women
No thanks are
necessary, Switcher
not made through
ordinary incomes
a crowd of
ordinary pilgrims
it into an
ordinary villa
ordinary world as
ordinary women
wish each
other Merry Christmas
India at
over 20 million
We cleared
over twenty million
Ahead lies a
centre of our
hypothesis on the
planetary system
planetary systems
You think
Roosevelt beat Hitler
as a
rudder very little
piece of
sculpture, very simple
a source of
secondary income
well as the
secondary symptoms
is thus a
solitary figure
only one single,
solitary image
Someone helped me return
that I've
taken everything from
of ecstasy of
thaumaturgy, Mr
she'll be
treated gently enough
men or
women marry women
actress and
writer Carrie Fisher
and fellow
writer, Larry Dixon

with 2 extra syllables

accretionary prism
accretionary prisms
and, by extension,
contemporary Britain
wrought by the
contemporary spirit
is the whole
contemporary system
the single best
contemporary thinker
and the public's
discretionary income
discretionary incomes
one of
Hamilton's petri dishes
inhabitant of an
imaginary kingdom
who are only
imaginary sinners
Can you
imagine anything worse
the domination of
proprietary interests
relevant entry in the
It will
unriddle many riddles

with 3 extra syllables

increase its overall
evolutionary fitness
essence of the
evolutionary spirit
the elements of
evolutionary systems
a given moment,
it will yield
to suspect these
extraordinary results
extraordinary women
are, in
moderation, healthy symptoms
is a classical
revolutionary figure
Marxism has a
replaced by the
Temper the
them with a
revolutionary spirit
problem of the
revolutionary thinker

with 4 extra syllables

in your
irrepressible carefree spirit